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    itsukoii reacted to Tokage in random thoughts thread   
    thats what you're legally obliged yell straight into your newborn child's face as it pops out of its mother's vag,  otherwise the doctors instantly put it up for adoption
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    itsukoii reacted to suji in random thoughts thread   
    hoooooooooooo lawd...
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    itsukoii reacted to mikarudio in new band MEIDARA   
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    itsukoii got a reaction from ぺるしゃ猫 in Anyone else getting over VK recently?   
    hmm... nope
  5. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Tokage in The Biggest WTF moments In Jrock   
    imagine your fav covered in natto and crying while his mom is chasing you & trying to hit u with a paper fan
  6. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Komorebi in Elysion new album release !   
    I actually love this look, it's so different from what other VK bands are doing.
    Their mini album sucked hard, so this better be as good as their first single, or I'm giving up on them.
  7. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Hakari in DADAROMA New Mini-Album Release & Tour 'MASTURBATION.'   
    no, i swear i listened to the whole thing..... where is everyone getting the idea that i'd really like it???
    i feel like i'm missing something here. i might as well give it another listen, just in case?
  8. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Hakari in DADAROMA New Mini-Album Release & Tour 'MASTURBATION.'   
    Did you listen to the full single and  just not the pv edit that basically takes out all the cool parts? I just feel like their last single was right up your alley
  9. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Hakari in DADAROMA New Mini-Album Release & Tour 'MASTURBATION.'   
    the look is dope. song? not so much, but i'll forgive them. it's better than their last single lol
  10. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Suuu in new band "BLAZE" has formed   
    Ex. BLAZE guitarist Mew has changed his name to John and has become a member of the V STAR PROMOTION staff.

    He will be helping and doing various different projects as part of V STAR PROMOTION!
    Also please be sure to follow John's new twitter @jo_hn95 to keep up to date with his work and projects!
  11. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Suuu in V STAR PROMOTION   
    V STAR PROMOTION is happy to welcome ex. BLAZE guitarist Mew, now known as John to the family.
    Everybody please warmly welcome John!
    He will be helping and doing various different projects as part of V STAR PROMOTION!
    Also please be sure to follow John's twitter @jo_hn95 to keep up to date with his work and projects!
  12. Like
    itsukoii reacted to suji in What did you dream about last night?   
    I actually dreamed about Rei (Marco) last night...
    I went to this club or something, but then I saw him and I was about to freak out. However he was quickly taken away by authorities before I could actually meet him...
    It was too good to be true.
    I woke up the next morning and I saw his latest selfie and I almost got really sad ;w;
    I need to stop drinking for a while...
  13. LOLOL
    itsukoii got a reaction from porawantstodie in What did you dream about last night?   
    the other night i had a dream where i was at this cute guy's house and we were hitting it off and i think we had a thing going on
    but then. i projectile vomited all over his dog, his floor, and myself ://
    he cleaned me up and didn't seem to think twice about it tho........ so maybe it was true love........
    (but god, the weirdest thing is that the guy i dreamed about is actually REAL so now whenever i see him i get uncomfortable)
  14. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Aferni in random thoughts thread   
    suddenly i love country
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    itsukoii got a reaction from suji in random thoughts thread   
    suddenly i love country
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    itsukoii got a reaction from CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    gonna rent myself a bass guitar hopefully next week HOLLA
  17. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from nick in random thoughts thread   
    gonna rent myself a bass guitar hopefully next week HOLLA
  18. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Euronymous in Your First Favorite VK Band   
    the first visual kei band i got into was Mejibray, when i found their MESSIAH.bat mini album on youtube lolol
    shows how much of a fetus i am
  19. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from suji in Your First Favorite VK Band   
    the first visual kei band i got into was Mejibray, when i found their MESSIAH.bat mini album on youtube lolol
    shows how much of a fetus i am
  20. Like
    itsukoii reacted to Euronymous in Your First Favorite VK Band   
    Let's share our first favorite vk band,your favorite look or the best songs from them,those ones which brings you many memories
    mine is the old Aline Nine,when i got into them in 2010. Songs like yuri wa aoku saite,gekkou yoku,velvet,the album Alpha...simply amazing band.
    stopped following them after the single Heart of Gold.Now them are just meh to me,unfortunately

  21. Like
    itsukoii reacted to platy in random thoughts thread   
    I was making some sweets,  which I've made for a few years now and never got the recipe or technique wrong. But tonight it all went to shit. Only one side of the pan was burning, the ingredients wouldnt mix properly and I couldn't roll the mix because they were too gooey and wouldn't set. 
    I'm using the same ingredients as always, same temperature... The only thing that changed? I was listening to the Raid.  while I cooked. 
    And so my hatred for that band continues to grow. 
    Deleted and cleansed off my mp3/computer 
  22. Like
    itsukoii got a reaction from Himeaimichu in ゴシップ(Gossip) new mini album "百舌(mozu)" release   
    y'all know i'm not a fan of ballads but this song isn't bad (but then again gossip have never really disappointed me)
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    itsukoii reacted to Elazmus in ゴシップ(Gossip) new mini album "百舌(mozu)" release   
    Guys pls the song is good i dun wanna cringe here...
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    itsukoii reacted to mahoujin in Gofundme for Visual bands?!   
    I don't think there's anything wrong with the concept of crowdfunding for a visual kei band. At best, and in a more official way, it could actually be a pretty good idea. I'd be down to throw in money for something more specific and official, especially for a band who I want to support but already bought all of their available merch. I've donated money towards one of those giant ass flower arrangements for a band before. It might seem wasteful, but I already had all their merch and it was a nice thing to do, so I did it.  
    If crowd mitsu is the worst case scenario here, it's not like that would really be a "new low" for visual kei anyway. 
    Now in the case of Doguramagura, the problem is that the money was probably gonna be given directly to Alto on good faith that he'd do something good for the band or at least good for himself. However, he's self destructive as fuck. I get that their fans want them to do well, but that boy needs some serious personal help before there's any hope for his band. 
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