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itsukoii last won the day on October 16 2016

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About itsukoii

  • Rank
    certified dark age slut
  • Birthday 10/17/2001

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    WTF You worthless chicken shit of goddamn fucking shit. Your mother is a prostitute. you son of a nuts in the guts fuckfest.
  • Interests
    brootal + heavy = 👌

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  1. seeing the talk of Nocturnal Bloodlust's Europe tours have gotten me so jealous. can one of y'all pick me up in Canada and bring me

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Take me there too

    2. orange~


      Come join our nokubura MH meet in Finland. ^^

      The plane tickets aren't that expensive.

    3. itsukoii


      @orange~omg you've got me so envious rn. really really wish i could D:

      hope there'll be another meet that i can go to someday!!

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