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itsukoii last won the day on October 16 2016

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About itsukoii

  • Rank
    certified dark age slut
  • Birthday 10/17/2001

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    WTF You worthless chicken shit of goddamn fucking shit. Your mother is a prostitute. you son of a nuts in the guts fuckfest.
  • Interests
    brootal + heavy = 👌

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  1. the beginning of Psychedelic Jelly by Lycaon sounds like some popular western song, and i NEED TO KNOW WHAT IT IS this is bothering me to no end. i wanna say it's a song associated with wrestling but i really don't know. help plz

    1. Zeus


      if you find out let me know

    2. inartistic


      Probably isn't what you're talking about, but it always reminds me of this old song lol:


    3. itsukoii


      @Zeusooo i got it i was actually thinking of the mortal kombat theme

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