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    platy reacted to Lostlala in NEVERLAND new album "EMOTION'S" release   
    Unfortunately, Shinpei hasn’t officially joined the boys. But he did say that he genuinely loves the band and that he does think of himself as a member. I know that NEVERLAND feel the same way. That’s why they have started coordinating outfits and including him in promo. He will continue to support them for the foreseeable future. 
  2. Like
    platy reacted to johnesh in NEVERLAND new album "EMOTION'S" release   
    Amazing! Shinpei is the shit, even though loads of people seem to hate on him for some reason. His drum performance on SuG's "dot.0" is one of the best I've ever heard in any visual kei song.
  3. I feel ya..
    platy reacted to Tokage in random thoughts thread   
    god im so glad politicsposting got banned on here because i'm already fucking tired of seeing every other music community i'm in slowly getting overtaken by american election bullshit 
  4. 悲しい
    platy reacted to Aferni in random thoughts thread   
    My anxiety and depression are burning me from the inside out. My Laptop and Ps4 have been stolen, my cell phone is broken and my insurance rates are going up on my car. I tried to smoke but it just makes it worse, my heart feels strange and I feel as though im in a constant state of panic. My wallet and my ssn card are also gone, I'm trying to keep my spirits up but now it's my birthday and my console, pc, wallet, flashdrives are gone and my S10 is broken(It costs $240.00 Dollars to fix and ya boi is unemployed). I honestly want to cuddle with someone and fall asleep on their lap or something, I feel sick.
  5. Yikes
    platy got a reaction from YuyoDrift in Currently Airing & Watching Anime Discussion Topic   
    Yes. I managed to watch it 'till the end. Cool premise, amazing background/environment art but it's turns into a trainwreck fast.  I think I ended up rating it as a 3 or 4 outta 10.
  6. Like
    platy reacted to BrenGun in An exclusive interview with Luvielle   
    luvielle (ルヴィーユ) is a very new band, who at the time of this interview had held very few lives. Their style evokes a feeling of “the good old days of VK,” and for that they've gained some attention. They were gracious enough to speak with us about their concept and their plans.
  7. 悲しい
    platy reacted to Demivee in My first Japan-trip - A report of the concerts I attended   
    February 27, 2020 - Luna Sea - Utsunomiyashibunkakaikan dai hōru
    The final post of my concert cycle actually should have been a pure fanboy report as Thursday was the big grand finale with the Luna Sea concert. Yeah should...
    One day before the concert  it was announced that the concert will be rescheduled because of the fucking Corona virus.
    You can‘t image how shattered I was after reading the news. For so many years I was dreaming of seeing them live on day and the concert should have been the pinnacle of this trip.
    But yeah it is like it is. Fortunately I was able to get a quick refund for the tickets.
    What saved my day was that the acquaintance who bought the tickets for me gifted me a tour pamphlet from the last date of the tour she visited as a little encouragement. So cute! 😭
    She also sent SUGIZO a personal tweet telling him my story for traveling that far etc. and told him that Luna Sea has to come to Germany as a compensation. Let’s see if he will reply lol.
    Sorry that I can‘t give you a lively live report.
    I hope that the Corona madness will end soon.
    So tomorrow will be my flight back home. The two weeks were awesome and full of new experience. Thank you for reading!
  8. Like
    platy reacted to Demivee in My first Japan-trip - A report of the concerts I attended   
    Hey it‘s me again!
    So after a few amazing and exhausting days in Tokyo the next scheduled concert was approaching:
    February 18,2020 - MEME (oneman) - Tokyo Higashikōenji ni man den'atsu

    What started as a joke a year ago I never ever would have imagined that I would see this „band“ live in my life. We only started listening to them because of that ridiculous name but L‘s new project really convinced me with some amazing songs. So it was a now brainer that we wanted to take the chance to see him live. 
    Long story short we missed the most part of the concert because of getting stucked in Tokyo... (maybe it wasn‘t a good idea to try to get a seat in the Kirby Café on the same day as the concert lol)
    I was so angry at those big metro stations with those ridiculous never ending line change hallways but we couldn‘t do something about it.
    So we arrived half an hour after the start at the venue and earned those (well deserved) stupid Gaijin looks. But they let us in and we entered a not so full but hot room. We saw like 4 songs and it was good! L seriously knows hot to entertain and those Bangyas worshiped him with wild Furis and screams. 
    He had a great look with some extended hair and a white dress. 
    His backing band was also on fire.
    So we did the best to enjoy the short rest of the concert. 
    Next time I will definitely watch my time better..
    So Monday I will go to the much anticipated little hearts Taiban with gulu gulu, Mother, Scapegoat etc.!
  9. Like
    platy reacted to Demivee in My first Japan-trip - A report of the concerts I attended   
    For the next 2 weeks I will enjoy my very first Japan-trip. As I will visit 4 concerts in this period I thought you may be interested in a report of the shows.
    February 15, 2020 - Buglug, Arlequin, Kizu (Man only) - Meguro Rokumeikan

    So this will be it: My first concert on Japanese ground! I was beyond excited. The concert was scheduled for 5:30. We went there early to avoid any troubles. In front of the venue a nice guy from Israel spotted us and gave us some useful tips for attending a concert in Japan (the entrance system, behaving etc.) Thanks for that man! He also told us that this venue is legendary one. Especially known for X Japan shows in their indies. 
    We entered the venue after climbing some stairs down. It was much smaller then I expected. I would say it has a capacity of 150~200. There were no boundaries in front of the stage so the atmosphere is really  intimate. 
    Arlequin (アルルカン) started the evening. Of course I am familiar with the name of the band but never dared to listen to them. But wow - they were great! They really really had fun with the man only gig. Aki pumped us with shouting Otoko!! several times. He even grabbed his guts lol. He did some stage diving between one song. I really liked his stage performance and the rest of the band was great too! I will definitely get into their discography. They played around 45 minutes. I can‘t report a setlist, sorry. 
    Second band was (finally) Kizu (キズ). They were the main reason for choosing this concert as I really ship them! So this report will be very long. 😁
    As not being the headliner you could see that most of the fans came for Kizu. So as their intro started the venue was pumped!
    Lime‘s outfit was a mix between a vampire and the Joker. He had a long black cape, joker makeup (the Heath Ledger one) and hair extension. 
    Reiki looked as usual with his short trousers. But his hair is grown much longer. 
    Yue had a very dandy look with his hair combed back. He wore a black suit which was open so you could see his upper body. 
    Kyonosuke had an interesting look with combed back hair too and a black ruffled indefinable top.
    They started with Heisei which is so much better live! Lime played a second guitar. 
    Next song was Buta also a very nice live experience. 
    Then Jugo - and omg what a madness. So much headbanging and Furi. Same with the following Elise.
    I‘m not a big fan auf Kuro ame but I have to admit the song is beautiful live. Lime sang the first verse without microphone and that gave me shivers. You could also see that the song is very emotional for the whole band.
    The silence after Kuro ame was short as they played Oshimai - fuck yes! It was wild. Reiki did his guitar flip and the crowd was insane. 
    Last song was Kizuato - forget what I was saying about Oshimai... this song was insane! That breakdown in the end. 😱 I hoped that they play it and I was so happy. 
    And this was it. A 45 minute concert which felt like 10 minutes... If you have any chance to watch them, do it!
    Setlist キズ:

    And last but not least BugLug entered the stage. They were the headliner for the show. I‘ve never heard one song of them so I was excited to see what they may deliver. Light went out and a SE started to play as someone tiped my shoulder. It was the lead singer lol. They surprised us and came from the entrance straight through the audience to the stage. They shouted something with a megaphone. That was really cool. Next surprise: Before they started to iniateted a wall of death. Neat!
    They did a really good and entertaining show with stage diving, moshing, fan service etc. While the last song the singer came right into the audience and sang the whole song there and even started to mosh. 
    Great band but their music is not my cup of tea. (Please don‘t kill me dear BugLug fans!)
    They also played 45 minutes. I don‘t know their songs but I took a picture of their setlist if someone is interested.
    So this was it! A great concert with left us all with smiling faces. next one is the Meme Oneman on February 18.
    I hope you liked this review and didn‘t fall asleep while reading. I will soon write again after the next concert.
  10. Like
    platy reacted to karai · ebi in random thoughts thread   
    shut up about corona virus.
    walk outside "did you know"
    walk into another room "hey c-"
    enter building "HEAR ABOU-"
    bring up completely unrelated topic "lately I sa-"
    shut up 🤸‍♂️
  11. Interesting
    platy reacted to Romlaw in the GazettE 2 new live DVD/Blu-Ray release and 18th anniversary oneman live   
    WTF I thought everyone already had a hazmat suit customized for VK concerts in japan?!
    The main question is how would Reita apply the nose bandage in a hazmat suit? Would Uruha be able to get a lewd thigh show one as well?
    We are losing a golden opportunity to explore never before seem looks here not only by the band but by the crowd too, can you guys imagine what kind of goods would come out of this?
  12. Like
    platy reacted to seys in DIMLIM   
    someone posted a "translation" in the comments
    Q1. Please introduce yourself.
    A: My name is Retsu, I play the guitar on DIMLIM
    Q2. What is the nature of your human being?
    A: It’s a weakness
    Q3. Why do you think so?
    A: I’m really weak but they are not always weak. Weakness is also strength. I face that weakness every day.
    Q4. What do you have in mind when you compose music?
    A: I don’t know anything about music theory, so, I enjoy the chemical reaction of phrases while writing songs. I also have in mind to space things out, if you listen to it you will be able to see the scene clearly. (Note: Retsu means phrase in the sense of a phrase in music theory; lazy copy paste here: “In music and music theory, phrase and phrasing are concepts and practices related to grouping consecutive melodic notes, both in their composition and performance. A musical work is typically made up of a melody that consists of numerous consecutive phrases.” I also want to note I’m not sure about that “have in mind to space things out”; what the Japanese subtitles say tho is that “also it’s to emit sounds that don’t exist in this world”. Anyway, I think he means experimenting and adding sounds together to create a scene.)
    Q5. Why did you decide to release MISC. now?
    A: It goes around the same place and has seem like(?) content. Nothing interesting. So we released the exact opposite. (Note: sorry the first line is really hard for me to understand; but the Japanese subs say that in this world there’s only content that spins around in the same spot)
    Q6. What do you mean by going around the same place?
    A: Everybody gets along in a small world. I don’t think that’s necessary. There is rarely no need to get along.
    Q7. Don't be influenced by others. Be yourself. "What is your real intention?
    A: As you said, there are few people who are themselves. I think so no matter what you look at. I leave it up to others to dress up, listen to the faces of people I can’t see. I wave a flag of the opposite colour, if you have something to say why don’t you do it? I think so
    Q8. Compared to the previous album "MISC.", I feel that there are less exposed haites in the songs and lyrics. Why?
    A: I don’t think so at all, I’d rather throw it straight in the middle
    Q9. Who would you like to listen to?
    A: I want people all over the world to listen. If love is the only thing in the relationship to death? It’s time to take off your glasses and look for the real
    Q10. What was the most difficult song to record this time?
    A: All the songs
    Q11. Why is that?
    A: (?) don’t dress a song (Note: Retsu is saying it’s because he doesn’t flare the musical composition with unnecessary shit, so it’s not overworked I assume)
    Q12. May 9 is the first performance of this year in Japan, but why is it performed more than 3 months after the release of "MISC."?
    A: I want you to come after you know it well. We are ready to accept your thoughts. So bring your ugly (?) and or your suspicions (Note: we want you to come after you’ve gotten familiar with it, we’re ready to receive what you think of it, so bring your ugly thoughts/views/opinions and suspicions you have of the album with you to the venue)
    Q13. Why is the performance at Shibuya WOMB?
    A: When I first saw it I thought it was the only place. See you at the show
  13. LOLOL
    platy reacted to seys in DIMLIM   
    lets from damlam is my favorite musician
  14. Like
    platy reacted to Alkaloid in RAKUGAKI new look   
  15. Like
    platy reacted to Insomniac Dozer in sukekiyo   
    Man so like a month or two ago, a few copies of DEG's World of Mercy LP showed up on NeoTokyo, and they sold out while I was trying to get their credit card service to load. I've been collecting records for a few years and DEG records are sparse, so I was kind of severely depressed for a few hours, days, whatever.
    Anyhow, I saw Liquefacio pop up on there a few days ago and really warred with myself about dropping $100+ dollars on a concert blu-ray, but I just did and it looks like I got the last copy in their stock. This was probably an awful decision, but I've loved their previous DVDs so I'm really stoked to get it! (Also the money was worth it alone to vindicate my aforementioned NeoTokyo heartbreak) Did anyone else order it? What little I'm able to find on Japanese social media makes it sound very AESTHETIC.
    It'll probably pop up on VK before I even get it but w/e
  16. 悲しい
    platy reacted to Jun_ in random thoughts thread   
    Shit. I just wanna find some pleasure on living again.
    My dad just had his engagement party. He lives the house next to me. He didn't invite me.
    He was out of my life for 26 years. Since I moved next to him (what mother and me didn't know about), I thought he'd be closer. Which he did.
    But in the beginning of the year, he decided to engage his girlfriend and since then, seems like I'm not even his son anymore.
    He's always telling about how good his fiancee's daughter is awesome and how she can do great things like speak english at early age and how smart she is...
    Damn. I just feel really bad about being hopeful that he would change. He probably won't even miss me if I die.
  17. Like
    platy got a reaction from Xerath in アルルカン (Arlequin) new single "怒り (Ikari)" release   
    The B sides are great 
  18. Interesting
    platy reacted to patientZERO in What Manga are you reading?   
    So I'm jumping into this topic late, but I've been reading a ton of manga lately and need to recommend Jagaaaaaan (yes, that's really the title) to any and everyone who likes seinen action/horror. The art is super unique and while the story starts off kind of generic has really taken a path of its own lately. Seriously, check it out.
    platy got a reaction from Tefutefu in Hi there !   
    Sukekiyo fans, unite!
  20. Like
    platy reacted to Tefutefu in Hi there !   
    ( It's my first time on a forum, please don't judge my skill ;-; )
    Hiii there ! 
    I will try to introduce myself..
    You can call me Tefutefu ! (Just because of this name you know which band I like hehe..)
    I am a HUGE fan of DIR EN GREY and Sukekiyo ! (I am specially a Kyo toriko) 
    I don't listen a lot of other band, listened to X Japan and Buck Tick in the past, but not so much actually..
    I love to collect all items about my favorite band and go to a lot of concert of them..
    I don't know what else to say except that I am little kind swamp demon 😶 Nice to meet you!
  21. Like
    platy reacted to uirosos in howdy   
    Hi! My name is Zena. I've been a vk fan since 2011 and I've known of this site basically since then but I haven't joined until now. My favourite bands are the GazettE, Dir en grey, vellaDonna, Devil Kitty and Tomodachi. Other possibly less interesting things about me are that I like to crochet and my favourite video games are Pokemon and Animal Crossing. 
  22. 悲しい
    platy reacted to Jun_ in random thoughts thread   
    Feb 26th was my birthday and I just couldn't be happy about it. It's really bad when you get older and literally have nothing because you can't find a job and things starts to get difficulty at home...
    platy reacted to Kiryu999 in the GazettE 2 new live DVD/Blu-Ray release and 18th anniversary oneman live   
    Their 18th anniversary performance is canceled.
  24. I feel ya..
    platy got a reaction from plastic_rainbow in random thoughts thread   
    The more "adult" my life becomes the more I resort to escapism. 🐸
  25. Like
    platy reacted to violetchain in random thoughts thread   
    Lol, somehow I never realized that Avu sang those high-pitched "Yah-ah-ah" parts during the chorus as well until I saw this.
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