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    platy reacted to ArtFart in random thoughts thread   
    Do you ever just wanna punch someone in the face for chewing gum next to you?
  2. Like
    platy reacted to desparejo86 in Google trends showing the decline of visual kei   
    What was once cool and new is destined to become uncool and old.
    ANY movement is going to peak and then decline at some point.
    It went from a huge movement/style down to a small niche thing in Japan. And like how there are still sleaze and hairmetal bands forming in Hollywood and playing the Whisky on Tuesday nights, just because there are new bands and an audience for it to a degree doesn't mean it isn't a dead genre. It said what it had to say.
    Fans in the west were 5-10 years behind the times. We discovered Visual at the turn on the century, and spent the decade not only getting into the bands that were around, but all the cool VK bands from the previous two decades. Needless to say, there was a TON of great shit to discover.
    But, eventually, the well ran dry. 
    For most people I've met that were into the genre, VK was like Kiss: a gateway drug into music in general but for weaboo/nerdy kids. Some people got into goth stuff (guilty!), some got into screamo and numetal, some got into prog rock, whatever. But the common thread is that 99% of them left that shit (visual kei/kiss) behind once they discovered more music and refind their tastes.
    What's left is us: the creepy Kiss fans still painting our faces and shit to come out and see Gene Simmon and Paul Stanley phone it in for the millionth time at our local casinos. Arguing about weather Kiss would have been better off to keep Ace around, speculating as to the whereabouts of Vinny Vincent, and debating what is truly the worst track on 'Hot in the Shade.' It's  the way things go. If you don't believe me, pop on over to the MetalSludge.TV message board and see old 80s rocker guys, now in their 50s, doing the same thing we're doing here.
    I'm here because Visual Kei changed my fucking life, man. Defined who I was, what music I listen to (I own David Sylvian's Weatherbox FFS), how I dressed and wore my hair. Every smoking hot girlfriend, every cross country tour, damn near every good thing that happened to me can more or less be traced back to getting some shitty .asf and .rm files of Luna Sea, L'arc, and Malice Mizer music videos  back in 99 or 00. 
    Look, we were there for it. Love it, accept it, talk about it, listen to the old albums that meant so much to you, maybe even find a cool new band or two (I like Xaa-Xaa), etc. but there is nothing sad about that graph. This thing, it was our thing. 
    And that's all I have to say. Gotta get back to making fun of Yoshiki.
  3. Like
    platy reacted to BrenGun in new band "ナイトメアシンドローム(nightmare syndrome)" has formed   
    It's hard to keep you mouth shut. But finally it's 2/10 in Japan. 
    It's highly that  band name will change into  ††† and their first(?) gig will be at 4/25.
    There is not a band photo... so yeah... what the hell are they planning?
    and it's 100% this band.
    4月25日(火) 巣鴨獅子王
    ユメクイカンパニー Presents
    CAST: ††† / トキノキト / メリーバッドエンド

  4. Like
    platy reacted to Pretsy in What do (or did) your parents listen to?   
    Literal necro time:
    I and my dad (who, well, passed away years ago) used to share same affinity for anything "U2-lite" (well, in my case it's Laruku haha), Steely Dan (which became more prominent in my taste after rediscovering them along with this whole city pop thing) and CSN (I still feel ashamed to admit this).
    My mom on the other hand is more or less about "overemotional vocal antics" and she always approved my liking for folks akin to Hyde (oops) or so on. But in all seriousness, our tastes sorta collided in enjoying "ethereal" acts : in her case it would be Enya and Enigma, while in my case it would be Kate Bush and Cocteau Twins...if that even makes any sense at all.
    Both of them were stricly against this whole """""degenerate rock""""" culture (see: what me and our overall community enjoys, methinks?) and it took a while for them to digest my affinity for "pretty much anything as long as it doesn't end sounding too pedestrian".
    So, no matter how "embarrassing" this may sound:my ties with my parents kinda led me to this "closed loop" of enjoying things they used to jam to as well around the same age.
  5. Like
    platy reacted to Biopanda in Google trends showing the decline of visual kei   
    Time to pack it up and leave MH. Reddit is the future, I guess.
  6. Like
    platy reacted to suji in ゴールデンボンバー(Golden Bomber) Gu.喜矢武 豊 (Yutaka Kyan) will perform as Inuyasha!   
    ゴールデンボンバー(Golden Bomber) Gu.喜矢武 豊 (Yutaka Kyan) will perform as Inuyasha in the stage play of the same name, based on the hit anime series! The play will premiere on April 6, and will run up until April 15.
  7. Like
    platy reacted to BrenGun in amazarashi - “Deserving of Life” featuring NieR: Automata   
    A story of the distant future born from an encounter between NieR series game director Taro Yoko and Hiromu Akita of amazarashi.

    amazarashi New Single「命にふさわしい」
    2017. 02. 22 Release

    ¥1,200(tax out)
    1. 命にふさわしい
    2. 幽霊
    3. 数え歌
    4. 命にふさわしい acoustic version

    CD+DVD+DLAICL-3275-3278 ¥1,800 (tax out)
    (作:ヨコオタロウ / 絵:幸田和磨)同梱
    「ポッドモデル:amazarashiヘッド」 封入
    1. 命にふさわしい
    2. 幽霊
    3. 数え歌
    4. 命にふさわしい acoustic version
    「NieR:Automata Movie 119450310」
  8. Like
    platy reacted to leighla in new band "ナイトメアシンドローム(nightmare syndrome)" has formed   
    I haven't followed them close enough to know. Mirumo keeps deleting his tweets, so if he has, he's erasing evidence. But I'm staring at the haircut.... and lips. And maybe it's just me. but they're looking the same.
  9. Like
    platy reacted to vanivani in new band "ナイトメアシンドローム(nightmare syndrome)" has formed   
    The font is EXACTLY the one used by Grimoire in their lyrics and on their website (I haven't seen another band use it)
    and written in hiragana like they do it; and the music sounds like Grimoire previews when they first started out.
    Too many coincidences... I think it's either a Grimoire side project or some band copying them.
  10. Like
    platy reacted to returnal in new band "ナイトメアシンドローム(nightmare syndrome)" has formed   
    band name seems to actually be ナイトメアシンドローム (nightmare syndrome).
    nothing concrete out on them obvs but i'm not particularly getting my hopes up; spooky cute is a pretty crowded field at the moment, and that name is... so unoriginal! visual kei really loves the words nightmare and syndrome... first song will be probably be called EGOTIST or something
  11. Like
    platy got a reaction from Yuki-nii in Killing Stalking   
    After seeing this thread I looked up Killing Stalking. I'm caught up, what can I say? I hate gore and I despise yaoi for the exact reason that most girls go crazy over it, gay relationships + abuse = THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH hnghhr  I had one look at a few fan pages and backed away in disgust. 
    But, apart from that I'm waiting for more. I haven't read something that made me feel this anxious and scared in a long time. The art is cool and characters keep surprising me. I'm just on edge all the time. Can Sangwoo just die ,please? 
  12. Like
    platy got a reaction from Komorebi in Maria Cross's gay porn video   
    Where on Earth do you guys find these videos? Does tenten have that red moustache in the video? Now that's something i'd pay to see.
  13. Like
    platy reacted to tokyorockstar in Purple Stone   
    i adore Purple Stone, i actually discovered them when i went to a random visual kei show in tokyo last summer (super visual night in shibuya rex), and it was such a treat because they performed in their own shifuku (private clothes) ie not costumes *o* but they still had eye makeup and amazing hair and they were hotttttt.
    ahem, that aside, watching keiya do the panic panic dance just turned me into a puddle of happiness XD i just have to say, keiya sounds AMAZING live,  he really does. 
    poison chocolate hasn't grown on me yet, got to give it another chance. 
  14. Like
    platy reacted to hiroki in Purple Stone   
    i'll only get my cds tmr so i haven't heard their new single... I CANNOT WAIT. and 素晴らしきこの世界へ is apparently fuma's favorite song off this single so i'm especially excited to hear that one
    i can totally understand why the change in their music direction (if you could call it that) wouldn't be palatable to some fans. to be fair that was a huge concern the band had as well. i remember keiya saying how torn he was when they decided to try something knew cos he wasn't sure if the fans can accept it. ultimately i think the main 'payoff' for their new sound comes through most clearly at lives, and it's difficult to judge songs like panic panic and poison chocolate without having seen them live, esp. with all the audience participation elements. i mean, even before panic panic, listening to Paradise Dance on record was NOTHING like experiencing it live. the energy of the entire livehouse moving in sync + how good keiya is at hyping the crowd up is quite mind blowing. the recent music only lifts that to a higher level.
    i'm not sure what i feel about the 2 recent PVs still, since ordinarily they would def be too cheesy for me (and like, the reason i actually love them is because of my ridiculously intense bias for the band LOL). but i found that if i listen without watching the pv, the sound actually doesn't deviate too much from some of the stuff they had before? it's still the same sound effects, the same catchy choruses, the same signature purple stone hooks etc. and then there's also the lyrics aspect. it's understandable that their recent output is easy to dismiss as 'non-serious' and 'playful' music but actually fuma kinda detests 'paripi' music (basically superficial, thoughtless party/clubbing music) lol. he's said time and again in interviews and talkshows that his job is to try and neutralize the capriciousness of their sound by writing lyrics that gives substantial depth to the songs. that doesn't mean that his lyrics are preachy or inscrutable - it just means there's more to their music than meets the eye so like, there's something for everyone, assuming you can access everything: recorded music, live experience, lyrics, interviews/blogs/tweets, and so on. anyway fuma just seems to be a super intelligent person from the stuff he writes/says haha. he twitcasts A LOT (almost every night) so pls just drop by and say hi even if you dunno what he's saying
    oh and a slight digression: their new single seems to be selling quite well! i ordered from 3 different shops for fun this time and both like an edison and jishuban have sold out their first press (so they're waiting on stock). i checked cdjapan and it seems to be the same there. little hearts and zeal link have limited stock left.
  15. Like
    platy reacted to Zeus in Opinions on YOHIO's Together We Stand Alone album?   
    If there's no thread here, that implies no one cared enough to listen to it. I don't want to speak for everyone on this forum, but YOHIO isn't popular here for many reasons and opening discussion won't make him more popular. Some just hate because he's living the dream. Others hate because he sounds like a transplant of poorly-done visual kei (note NOT a poorly-done visual kei transplant; if he actually sounded decent he might have fans). For me, it always seemed as if YOHIO wasn't popular more so because he took the rose-tinted glasses off the scene so we can see what caked-on foundation and desperation looks like and less because he sucks musically. The man can shred a guitar, select western audiences are becoming slightly more receptive to less traditional metal aesthetics, and I've heard worse visual kei bands stanned for less. Seremedy was hot garbage and I'm glad that's gone, and whatever side project that spawned off of the four leftover members is equally as irrelevant, but DISREIGN is proof of western scenes willing to accept visual kei for me; it's a budget The GazettE clone but no one minds because they're palatable enough to get by.

    consider this my mini review of his entire career.
  16. Like
    platy reacted to Lestat in Any asexuals around here?   
    I highly believe I am asexual, but I would rather not label myself as anything other than myself — seeing as I bear no interest in sexual activity, I feel it's unneccesary to call myself anything –sexual at all or leap into any social construct regarding the matter. I am not sexually attracted to people, but more or less aesthethically. Surely, there are people I find immensely beautiful and alluring to look at, but I could never imagine myself sharing a bed with them for any other reason than actual sleeping. I grow uncomfortable when people touch me for extensive periods of time, and I had rather not even shake hands with people whom I have not known for at least a month or two. I do not know if these experiences are an extension of Asperger syndrome —they very well could be— as there are plenty of people on the autistic spectrum who have no problems with sexual activity and attraction whatsoever, or if they are two separate things altogether. I have had some boyfriends in the past, but I would always grow anxious the moment anything started to happen beyond kissing. Not wanting to have sex with these boys always lead to me being cheated on as I could not and did not want to please their physical needs. This has also lead me to not desire a relationship for myself, either. I do not know if I can ever see myself in a relationship. If I were to have sex at all in this life, I wouldn't have it before marriage. I need to be certain of the person, however it's always unclear whether you will be spending the rest of your life in the same relationship. This is conflicting and currently I am leaning toward not ever having sex at all, even in a potential marriage. Unfortunately it's difficult soloing life, especially with how darned expensive everything is nowadays. You can barely keep up a regular household with two individuals, let alone one.
    I find anything pornographic extremely distasteful and I bear quite the aversion against the openness of the matter of sex in this age. It is everywhere, and it makes me very uncomfortable and dirty. I find the human anatomy very aesthetic and interesting, and to see it being tarnished by sex is —in my eyes— very sad and abasing. Perhaps this is ironic in that case, but I could never see a penis as anything more than an organ meant for urinating, for instance, yet I find it a very beautiful organ.
    As for the view on Visual kei artists; as I said above, my attraction to some of them is purely based on aesthetic pleasure. Perhaps it is also why I am more or less attracted to so-called femine-looking men, with softer shapes and tones, that Visual kei is an attractive medium. I like pallidness, long limbs and extremities, and ethereal-looking creatures, I would say even androgynous. Anything that would seem to exceed humanity. 
  17. Like
    platy reacted to kurenai_ in Hello and thanks for existing   
    Hi everyone. I say "thanks for existing" because it's really neat for me to see so many people together who share my interests. It's totally out of my comfort zone to go about and do this as I am a "suffer in silence" type, but I thought it was about time I try to reach out and get more involved in this music scene, maybe make a friend or two with similar interests. But if not it's okay, I just like reading what you all have to say anyway. I am from a tiny town in the South of the US, so I haven't gotten the chance to see  many bands live or meet people who even like this kind of music. I've been listening for about 10 years, though I stopped a few years ago after Vidoll disbanded (my favorite band back in 2011, though now I see it was just because my teen self was infatuated with Jui, lol.  still am tho)  and I have been listening again since last April when I saw The GazettE live. I've never tried to socialize online with other VK fans until now, I don't really know why. But here I am! I like everything from oldies like Luna Sea, Buck-Tick, Malice Mizer, Aliene Ma'riage, Baiser, to bands like DaizyStripper, Matnerou Opera, etc!  ! Ive recently gotten back into the scene and I'm discovering the potential of newer bands like Arlequin, xaa-xaa, Jiluka, HOLLOWGRAM, and beyond. If you have any recommendations I'd love them as well. Well thanks for reading and I'll try to make my voice heard here! Nice to meet you all. 
  18. Like
    platy reacted to Shmilly in DADAROMA New Mini-Album Release & Tour 'MASTURBATION.'   
    Just thought I'd mention while I remember, Yoshiatsu said at their 2man final with Grieva last week that they haven't decided on the tracklist for the new mini yet because there's a lot of songs they want to record. Something along the lines of 'we need to include this song... but what about this one...' (KIDS WAR? Please?)
    Also, they're shooting a new PV this week.
  19. Like
    platy got a reaction from nekkichi in new band "ヒャクモノガタリ (100 Story)" has formed   
    Cool look so don't let us down on the sound front.
  20. Like
    platy got a reaction from -NOVA- in Avanchick will disband   
    ''make all of our next gigs sell out and we won't disband''
  21. Like
    platy got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in Synk;yet Gt.俐乃-rino- has been fired   
  22. Like
    platy reacted to ArtFart in ArtFart doodles   
    Drew an artist I like. (DoubleMaximus or MarshmallowMaximus)

    Drew one of my artist friends. (DoopieDoOver)

    And scribbled a prince~
  23. Like
    platy reacted to ArtFart in ArtFart doodles   
    I doodled myself with my new art tablet... I needed a new profile picture of all of my art based social media. I think it came out pretty cute. Very much like an old style I used to do, but with new elements thrown in the mix.
  24. Like
    platy reacted to ArtFart in ArtFart doodles   
    I was in a Pokemon kick last night.
  25. Like
    platy reacted to ArtFart in ArtFart doodles   
    I felt like like messing with styles a bit.... I'd like to use this style more, but I'd like to draw a full body. I used to draw the entire person, but I've just been doing torso up drawings lately.
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