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    platy reacted to Delkmiroph in random thoughts thread   
    New metal-kei band has formed lol
    The release cover art

    What do u think @Jigsaw9?
  2. Like
    platy got a reaction from emmny in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    This is more in regards to the fandom >
    Fans that spam 'AAAHH' 'I'm having a fit, I'm dying' 'X is so cuteomfgxD' etc. when a new teaser for a band comes out drive me crazy, specially those that 'ship' band members.
    e.g people who ship DDRM's Takashi and Tomo, I know they cater to people who do that a LOT but I still think it's irritating/unnecessary. These people are the same ones who usually will just say they're in love with every release from a group, they can do no wrong and every song is 'the best fucking one'. 
    I know music isn't supposed to be criticised every time of the day, but I think it's good to be able to realise that artists will produce weak music and to be critical about it instead of just kissing their ass for everything they do. It just feels like I can't approach any fan of VK (outside of MH) with a negative comment about X band because all they can do is repeat the same mindless shit in Caps Lock, that or I get kicked out of groups.
  3. Like
    platy got a reaction from Komorebi in LACK-CO. ラッコ (WHY?)   
    His voice is nothing out of the ordinary for me and the music is too varied. They could make three to four different pieces of music with the variation from one song, plus their look is awful, in their 1st PV and the way they acted/looked reminded me too much of Black Veil Brides for some reason, so that really put me off.
    Then their 2nd look happened and it's THE worst vk look I have ever seen in all my years of vk, it really is awful and off-putting. Now if the music that came with it was good then whatever, but it's just lame and unpleasant to the ears. Not gonna force myself to like something that makes me uncomfortable.
  4. Like
    platy reacted to patientZERO in Post your "UNPOPULAR" music opinions!   
    I agree. That dude cannot sing. 
  5. Like
    platy got a reaction from Euronymous in LACK-CO. ラッコ (WHY?)   
    His voice is nothing out of the ordinary for me and the music is too varied. They could make three to four different pieces of music with the variation from one song, plus their look is awful, in their 1st PV and the way they acted/looked reminded me too much of Black Veil Brides for some reason, so that really put me off.
    Then their 2nd look happened and it's THE worst vk look I have ever seen in all my years of vk, it really is awful and off-putting. Now if the music that came with it was good then whatever, but it's just lame and unpleasant to the ears. Not gonna force myself to like something that makes me uncomfortable.
  6. Like
    platy reacted to helcchi in The Biggest WTF moments In Jrock   
    I'm struggling to grasp how is this face 65 years old

    And why he hadn't started band activities until he was 40
    Another wtf moment was this questionable photo of Tomoki which was circulating around ameba in 2010…
    But the most wtf for me has to be Ken's transformation:
  7. Like
    platy reacted to Pretsy in The Biggest WTF moments In Jrock   
    @cvlticNow you made me curious - so when exactly did this episode happen to Sugizo - I do acknowledge that his off-stage personality might disappoint those assuming he would be some sort of rockstart badass in person as well but this...?
    Oh, also:
    This may have been mentioned and cited to the point of exhaustion but Aoi from the GazettE has surely garnered a vast bunch of dedicated haters from otaku/vocaloid fanbase thanks to his otherwise ridiculous vocaloid jeering on Twitter back in 2011 or 2012-ish - maybe later (Tomomi cut him at the roots and halted his Twitter activities immediately after such uproar). Just when exactly did he have the platform to say such things when his band's music around the same time sounded more artificial than professional Miku tunes?
  8. Like
    platy reacted to Lereku in The Biggest WTF moments In Jrock   
    The fiasco of Vivid was due to PSC, they went to fast with them (going major too much quickly, their concert in Budokan) and also the drama who happened when they did a party for the birthday of ko-ki they all got drunk and got crazy, they weren't nice with the fans and just wanted to flirt with their girls in front of the fans.
    Another wtf story :
    - after the disband of Siam Shade the vocalist Hideki formed a new band Acid but some  fanatics fans of Siam Shade don't accept that so they beaten up Acid member
    - Due to Kei  (guitarist of Kannivalism and Baroque) lack of participation in promotion events  due to sleeping in too late he was punished by their label, Avex forced him to reside in the headquarters building , he was located in the 3rd basement floor of the Avex building and he slept  in a cupboard lined with cardboard.
    - when Dai the ex drummer of Himitsu Kessha Codomo A was kicked out of the group due to allegedly leaking personal information of Codomo A and others UNDERCODE  bands to the public,  taking the band's money and theft of equipment at UNDERCODE
  9. Like
    platy got a reaction from Envelion in Mamo from R-shitei being homophobic   
    people need to accept that just like you have the right to voice your opinion of dislike towards LGBT (I do believe it's your right to disagree with lgbt lifestyle or whatever you call it, as long as you don't act against lgbt) people have the right to voice their dislike towards your beliefs.
    We're in a climate where any kind of opinion against a group of people will get you lynched digitally. Specially LGBT, who've had enough of being quiet about the attacks they suffer.
    TL;DR talk shit, get hit. 
    on the other hand I get that some lgbt folks just wanna live their life without getting involved in political/issues/ drama and I respect that.
  10. Like
    platy got a reaction from BrenGun in MEJIBRAY new live DVD and 2nd Single Collection release   
    He has done it in PVs or he will be pushed into a gig in a wheelchair or at the end of the show someone will come and pick him up in the chair. I think it's just part of his 'doll' character, like he deactivates after the gig or something.
  11. Like
    platy reacted to filth_y in 0.1gの誤算 (0.1g no Gosan) new single "メガ誤算 (Mega Gosan)" release   
    This band..
    Judging from their look and logo i thought they would be totally different than they turned out. Saw them at a MEABEL event this year.
    What seemed to me as a wanna be cool, heavy yakuza slang talking, seemingly aggressive, 140 cm small, bad-singer vocalist "attacked" one girl in the crowd after screaming at her from the stage because she wasnt headbanging or for what reason whatsoever (was her position center or how its called, 2nd or 3rd row from the front and in the middle), kicked her bag and heavily pushed/threw her backwards. While everyone clearly saw that, not one person there did anything, not even her shocked friend standing next to her. She left, came back to grab her bag and showed middle finger to them (and fully left?). Singer clearly seemed to enjoy that.  
    A lot of band guys jump in the crowd at the gig, but only in "a positive way" such as Dispinas vocalist happily dancing with the fans.
    First and only time i've ever saw such thing at an vk live (hitting amongst fans might be more common i heard).
    Standing last row on the side as always (being 1 head taller than everyone), i had no idea what to do/ how to react. To stand up for her i didnt know the background story enough, dont want to cause trouble as foreigner, etc.
    (Didnt know if this is the right place to post this).
  12. Like
    platy reacted to Pretsy in random thoughts thread   
    Maybe you should not let your discoveries escalate to the point of typical "All [any ethnicity here] are racists" though? Her perceptions are her own issue, but when it comes to you, such obstacle - or challenge, if you will - provides more opportunities  in regards to how you prove your skills' worth (and your worth if we stretch it a lil bit). Don't let yourself down because of this: chin up, you will definitely graduate. Just acknowledge that if you keep your cool and do your thing with some devotion, you will be always smarter than her in that sense.
    Most people that face racism should acknowledge that "handle" somewhere around them exists - something they can grasp onto to reach up and further from the cesspool of hate that victims of perceived racism usually resort to as the means of self-defense.  Don't be like them (there are some in MH unfortunately)
  13. Like
    platy reacted to Takadanobabaalien in ~2017 predictions~   
    new chips flavor by yoshiki
  14. Like
    platy reacted to plastic_rainbow in グリモア(GRIMOIRE) new maxi single "フラブジャスナハト(frabjous nacht)" release   
    sounds really good compared to their previous release
  15. Like
    platy got a reaction from Mamo in XAA-XAA (ザアザア)   
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    platy reacted to gekiai in DADAROMA New Mini-Album Release & Tour 'MASTURBATION.'   
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one thinking exactly this. MEJIBRAY and Pentagon seem to be riding on this trend too and it's pretty boring and generic to me. I really miss tracks like their earlier ones (Oboreru, Ame no Waltz, etc.)
  17. Like
    platy reacted to Euronymous in DADAROMA New Mini-Album Release & Tour 'MASTURBATION.'   
    seems them used oboreru sakana to attract fans of deathcore,and look at what them've become
    i'm still waiting for the deathcore to come back bcuz yoshiatsu screams are on point
  18. Like
    platy reacted to Ro plz in DADAROMA New Mini-Album Release & Tour 'MASTURBATION.'   
    Ima be that asshole.
    This song is straight garbage.
    They seem to be stuck in the same rut Mejibray is in which is that they cant stay consistent. One minute they drop a stellar metal track (they are SO good at this. EXPAND ON THAT MY NIGGAS....EXPAND!!!!!!!!!) Then the next is just some average VK-Pop rock. But hey they look good doing it, which is all that matters right? 
  19. Like
    platy reacted to Wakarimashita in DADAROMA New Mini-Album Release & Tour 'MASTURBATION.'   
    I'll be honest: I don't like this.
    I mean, the song is catchy and eveything, I kinda enjoyed the preview and I might end up liking the whole track but it's not what I want from DADAROMA. This feels like a generic dance B-side track you could get from any other pop-rock VK band out there. I started listening to the band (and falling in love with it) with tracks like Oboreru Sakana and Ame no Waltz, I absolutely LOVE their super heavy side and I feel like they kinda gave it up as the time passed by. Yes, I know that they usually put heavier side tracks in their singles, especially if the main track is something 'lighter', but... I just feel like it's not the same thing. Just my opinion tho.
    PS are we getting another tits & youtube ban video?
    PPS Pinhead Tomo XDD
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  21. Like
    platy reacted to Tokage in The Biggest WTF moments In Jrock   
    Can I just pre-emptively add Baboo's image to this thread before they disband in like a year?
  22. Like
    platy reacted to Tanishi in What are your top 10 current visual kei bands?   
    I was thinking about this topic today while listening to The Gallo. Most of these have been mentioned already but:
    - The Gallo: definitely one of the best bands in the scene right now. They released 2 full length albums in 2016, Diavolo which is an amazing album and Lucifero which is really good too. They are a lot better than what they used to be, I remember checking them out in 2014 and not really liking them. But the whole band has improved heaps, especially Jojo's beautiful eccentric vocals. Really unique band with a dark (but not too heavy) catchy sound.
    - Develop One's Faculties: Reincarnation was my favorite VK album of 2015 and what hooked me was their catchy choruses and frantic mathy styled riffs. The two singles they released after were a little disappointing but their newest mini, I WANT MY FREEDOM, while not as good as Reincarnation is a really strong release. They take a light, indie inspired but sort of generic vk sound and mix it with crazy unique compositions.
    - The GazettE: Everyone knows this band and while it still had a lot of filler, Dogma was their best release since DIM imo. If it had been a mini it could have been really great but I guess The GazettE are too big for minis now. And The Undying was the best track they have made in a long time too even though it was pseudo-progressive structural mess. But it felt inspired so that's why have some hope for this washed up band (I'm gonna be disappointed, I know).
    - Grieva: Early Dir en grey rip off band with some modern influences. They are really good at what they do even though their 2016 was pretty mediocre. Still following these guys though.
    - Dezert: Most of the stuff they have released has been good. They've become pretty big now and as many people on this forum has said they will probably get worse. Their sound is quirky nostalgia fulled alternative metal in a modern style. 
    - Kuroyuri to Kage: One of the darkest bands on the scene atm, their 2016 mini was probably the most catchy release of the year with every song having me tapping my foot to the crazy vocals and hypnotic compositions. It's refreshing to see a band that is both really catchy and dark at the same time. They're a blast to follow as well, always doing promotional shots in strange places toilet cubicles and restaurant kitchens. Great band and their newest single was good too.
    - Dir en grey: While not vk, they are still undeniably a part of the scene and Utafumi showed they are still at the top of their game. The song is a progressive mess similar to The Gazette's Undying, but instead of trying to be epic and 'deep' like they have in the past (and what the Gazette have been doing), they combine a bunch of crazy brutal verses and catchy choruses together that shouldn't work at all, but they make it work. Apart from Buck-Tick, they are pretty much the only long term band currently releasing top class material.
    - gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy: Nagoya kei supergroup filled with old people who makes long jazz inspired crazy shit. The band used their experience to bring a really polished, somewhat experimental album in 2016 and you can tell the band put every ounce of talent they have into this album. There is no doubt these guys have a bright future (if they don't disband).
    - Kiryu: This band mixes traditional Japanese music with visual kei similar to Kagrra, but they are much darker and heavier. Hyakki Yakou blew me away from the very first track, 日出ズル國 (Hiizurukuni) which was the most intense frantic song of 2016 for me. But the whole album is great and I really love the SPEED and INTENSITY which the band has turned up to 110. The best yet IMO and even though their most recent single was disappointing, I'm still looking forward to what they bring out.
    - The Black Swan: Ex-Nega vocalist Jin's new band. Jin has improved a lot as a vocalist and this band are basically a more polished version of Nega + Dum Spiro Spero. Ousia took me a while to get into as all the songs sound really similar the first few listens, but after a few listens I think this is best Dum Spiro Spero rip off album to ever grace the scene. The title track is excellent though, up their with Vinushka and Macabre as one of the best +10 minute vk songs of all time. For some reason I think these guys can do better (probably going to be disappointed though - something I'm sure every vk fan is used to).
    - Royz: A giant blend of modern VK trends such as electronic sounds, generic metalcore riffs and J-pop choruses. I haven't really liked much of their stuff but S.I.V.A is a good varied release, even though there is no illusion that you're listening to music aimed at Japanese teenage girls (at least with bands like gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy I can pretend to be mature). You can tell The B.P. Records ghost writer was on good drugs last year with this, Kiryuu and some cool Codomo Dragon songs. Hopefully his dealer doesn't get caught.
    - Emmuree: modern Nagoya kei band who aren't from Nagoya. Not much to say except that they are really consistent and make good music. Pretty slow with releases which I guess is how they keep their high quality.
    I have listened to a lot of other recent bands but I can't really get into them. Bands like Chanty, Keel, Lynch, Diaura, Anfiel, Unite, Liphlich, The God and Death Stars, xaa xaa, Kameleo, Matenrou Opera (like their old stuff though), Versailles (old stuff and Greatest Hits I like), Nue, Dadaroma, Dog in the PWO, Merry and Mejibray are some that a lot of people really like but not for me.
    I cannot understand people who say vk is bad nowadays. There's still good stuff coming out every year if you look hard enough.  But I'm still felling pretty negative about it's long term future.
  23. Like
    platy got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Ainda existe uma pequena comunidade de emos revoltados que não se converteram a religião de coreanos que parecem bonecas,  bem vindo ao monochrome heaven~
  24. Like
    platy reacted to For my dears in umm, hi   
    so, I really hate introductions but oh well here we go...

    I've been into vk/ japanese rock for like 11 years now and thanks to that I've been able to meet some very nice people! I couldn't list my favorite bands or anything because there's so much stuff I love it but some very special bands for me are deadman, Vasalla, S, Malice Mizer and Madeth gray'll. But I listen to all kinds of music really, apart from the japanese stuff I like metal, some ambient music, lots of soundtracks from movies and games like Silent Hill, and I also love romantic classical music, you know, guys like Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Paganini, Chopin and the list goes on... I also like jazz/fusion and guitar-oriented instrumental music a lot but I guess this isn't really the place to talk about that. lol Anyway, nice to meet you all.
  25. Like
    platy got a reaction from Yukimoto in ダウト (D=OUT) new single "バクチ / 魁swallowtail (Bakuchi / Sakigake swallowtail)" release   
    Can't wait, I saw they had a new look but I'm not sure if it's related to this.

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