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  1. Like
    platy reacted to Ro plz in Blacklist YOHIO and/or Western VK   
    Thing is that I was half asleep when he posted this smh :<
  2. Like
    platy reacted to Biopanda in Blacklist YOHIO and/or Western VK   
    Ban discussion of all artists other than Maria Cross. That is all we deserve.
  3. Like
    platy reacted to Euthanasia in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    "I am a huge fan of that bandman...been for years  *post a picture of a cosplayer and says it's him*" 
    "Kai have changed a lot during the years hasen't he?! *post a picture of Gazette when yune was their drummer*" 
    I also remember that time when Miyavi got married and people were sending nasty messages to him because he was not "theirs" anymore but that's maybe a different story. 
  4. Like
    platy reacted to suji in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    "he's not a girl but he's prettier than me in makeup"
    "i failed as a girl. i failed my vagina"
    also i may or may not have legally changed my last name to Gara's real surname <333
  5. Like
    platy got a reaction from Seimeisen in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    but i HAVE been listening to vk for ten years and my favorite bands ARE MALISEND, xaax, BFN and gazette and SID and A9 and Royz 
  6. Like
    platy reacted to Zeus in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    My name is Daisuke Naoto Takarai Takayuki.
    EDIT: Also "I've been listening to visual kei for over 10 years. My favorite bands are MALISEND, XAA XAA, BFN, the GazettE, SID, A9, and Royz! ^.^ yoroshiku onegaishimasu~
  7. Like
    platy reacted to Himeaimichu in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    "Dogma is such a heavy album!!"
    Sorry, I had to xD. I just absolutely had to. 
    "I love 90's vkei! I can name all the bands! X, Luna Sea, Dir En Grey, Luna Sea, X, The GazettE!"
    "Wait, what do you mean The GazettE wasn't a 90's band? They wore black lipstick though!"
    (I know this one isn't specifically Vkei, but the band in question has been lumped into Vkei so much.) "Wagakki band is the only true Japanese folk metal band and these vocal-sh*toids are copying Yuko's amazing work! In my bed, Yuko!"
    (In the comments of a Kuroyume video) "Omg, these guys are totally copying Dir En Grey"
    "Ah... that chick is so hot. I want her to- wait, its a guy?"
    (This may not be exactly n00b Vkei fan, but it definitely is n00b Diru fan since Diru has this new American metalhead fanbase) "Wait, this can't be Dir En Grey! They look like f*gs and are playing pseudo-Metal!"
    Ironically though, I've seen a lot of experienced fans say these. Welp, that's enough triggering the community for today
  8. Like
    platy reacted to herpes in Blacklist YOHIO and/or Western VK   
  9. Like
    platy reacted to madygrain in Blacklist YOHIO and/or Western VK   
  10. Like
    platy got a reaction from nullmoon in The Virginity Topic   
    I lost mine when I was super young (16), I did out of my own curiosity,  without any peer pressure, etc. and the only reason I regret it is because my partner was older and in a different mindset than me. The sex was good but after a while i felt weird because it was the only thing that happened in the relationship, while going through other things in my life and having to deal with that I feel like it really impacted me in a bad way. It was a three year relationship but I still don't feel like there was a lot of trust and openness with that person,  I went through a lot of stress because of that.  If I had waited one more year to grow up a little more and find out that we weren't really compatible then my teen life would've been easier. 
    I don't believe in saving yourself for 'the one'.  Having experience is good, but I believe in building a solid and trusting relationship with the person you're gonna do it with. Sex is messy,  it can be awkward and embarrassing(you can be sure of this).  It's all that much easier if you're with someone you care for and can communicate well with ,  heck, it even becomes fun then. 
    Like someone said,  it's good but eventually you'll do it less and less and you'll stay for the companionship. This couldn't be more true! There's nothing better than being a relationship where you are also best friends. 
    I can never imagine going on dates to fuck a random person,  although I see the appeal of it,  I just imagine finding out that person has bad hygiene, weird sex habits or something and since you don't know each other it's just fucking awkward. If it's someone you're close to at least you can laugh it off or negotiate something lol. 
  11. Like
    platy got a reaction from DeadlyClaris in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
  12. Like
    platy reacted to gekiai in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    Most of us have gone through this phase. Obsessed with The GazettE or any other overrated band. Those times you went full-blown fujoshi with your vkei ships. When you only liked those 2-3 bands and was totally clueless in terms of everything else. When you called your ultimate bias your husbando or even tagged their supposed last name as your own. 
    If you're still in that phase, it's okay. If you never went through it, that's totally fine. 
    Please share your experiences or things that you have witnessed newer jrock/vkei fans saying or doing that just makes you flat out cringe or laugh.
    Tiny disclaimer: I'm still a newb myself compared to the majority of the people on this forum, but since I've been trapped in a groupchat filled with even newer listeners, this has really been on my mind as of late. And I've also been really entertained. This isn't to shame somebody that may still do these things, either. I just want to ask more seasoned folks to share what they've seen 
    And as OP I guess I should add my own experiences
    The Dadaroma - Masturbation preview has so many priceless comments 
    The fake Shou fiasco that I witnessed today......ohmygod
  13. Like
    platy got a reaction from gekiai in [HELP] Is it possible to have a post removed?   
    Dude, chill out. 
    You don't need to take everyone's comments so seriously. 
    Keep in mind most people on this site are jokers, petty or trolls so we make fun of yohio coz he's an easy target for lulz. We're not running at you with pitchforks, so no need to keep apologising. 
    Everyone makes posts they regret, just move on and keep interacting. 
  14. Like
    platy got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in [HELP] Is it possible to have a post removed?   
    Dude, chill out. 
    You don't need to take everyone's comments so seriously. 
    Keep in mind most people on this site are jokers, petty or trolls so we make fun of yohio coz he's an easy target for lulz. We're not running at you with pitchforks, so no need to keep apologising. 
    Everyone makes posts they regret, just move on and keep interacting. 
  15. Like
    platy got a reaction from SilverEspeon__ in [HELP] Is it possible to have a post removed?   
    It's a music forum where we follow 40 year old badly behaved drag queens (jk) just have fun with it! 
    Usually you can tell when someone is being serious here. Even then,  you can just ignore them. 
  16. Like
    platy got a reaction from suji in [HELP] Is it possible to have a post removed?   
    Dude, chill out. 
    You don't need to take everyone's comments so seriously. 
    Keep in mind most people on this site are jokers, petty or trolls so we make fun of yohio coz he's an easy target for lulz. We're not running at you with pitchforks, so no need to keep apologising. 
    Everyone makes posts they regret, just move on and keep interacting. 
  17. Like
    platy got a reaction from suji in [HELP] Is it possible to have a post removed?   
    It's a music forum where we follow 40 year old badly behaved drag queens (jk) just have fun with it! 
    Usually you can tell when someone is being serious here. Even then,  you can just ignore them. 
  18. Like
    platy reacted to Euronymous in DIR EN GREY best album release   
    hopefully the next one will be mode of NEW ALBUM
  19. Like
    platy got a reaction from SilverEspeon__ in [HELP] Is it possible to have a post removed?   
    Dude, chill out. 
    You don't need to take everyone's comments so seriously. 
    Keep in mind most people on this site are jokers, petty or trolls so we make fun of yohio coz he's an easy target for lulz. We're not running at you with pitchforks, so no need to keep apologising. 
    Everyone makes posts they regret, just move on and keep interacting. 
  20. Like
    platy reacted to Chi in [HELP] Is it possible to have a post removed?   
    you really cant take a joke, can you?
    i wasnt tottally serious in that 1st thread....and i was joking in the post you quoted. 

  21. Like
    platy got a reaction from -NOVA- in New band "JENOVA" has formed   
    Recycling in vk is strong
  22. Like
    platy got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in random thoughts thread   
    But who will do important social experiments on manspreading???? 
  23. Like
    platy got a reaction from Tokage in random thoughts thread   
    But who will do important social experiments on manspreading???? 
  24. Like
    platy got a reaction from nullmoon in ProTip Thread   
    1 -  Be individuals, not a single unit. If you're both doing different things, giving each other space, finding your own friends it'll keep the relationship alive and chances are you won't get tired of each other.
    2 - Take interest in the person. If you don't give a shit about their day, their life, where they've been/ what they have done, their opinions then you shouldn't be here. They'll feel undervalued and replaceable eventually.
    3 -  As with above: Even if your personal hobbies and interests are different give it a try. You can have fun together, or at least you'll learn something new.
    4 -  Take time to just talk. Make sure you cultivate a habit of being able to speak openly with each other about stuff. Surprised no one mentioned it yet but, communication is key.
    5 -  Find out what is important to that person and make sure you respect it, even if it's an effort for you. It'll be worth it in the long run.
  25. Like
    platy reacted to ArtFart in ProTip Thread   
    If they are eager to leave their partner or cheat on them for you, there is a good chance they will leave or cheat on you for someone else.
    Give them their space. It's cool if you wanna do everything together, but you gotta respect the fact that they have a right to privacy as well, and if you can't trust them, then there is either something wrong with your relationship or your self esteem.
    Don't be a dick. Like seriously, they are gonna like shit you find stupid, but that doesn't mean you need to degrade them for it.
    Not everyone is comfortable with it, but if you are, find someone you can look at butts and cute girls together with.
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