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  1. Interesting
    platy reacted to Himeaimichu in [POLL] Plants🌻 Do you have a green finger?🌻   
    I used to have live plants back when I kept aquariums. I'm considering doing it again, but this time, going full on aquascaping
  2. Like
    platy reacted to plastic_rainbow in POLL: Exercise & Keeping Active 🏃‍♀️   
    Need an option for 'I try but fail miserably'. xD Luckily I have a job where I'm actively walking 8 hours a day. But when I'm not working I'm rather lazy. I try to do some stretches once in a while but it never lasts very long. Sometimes it depends on my current living situation or where I live. When I live in a bigger city I tend to go on walks more often. I jogged a few times during my last year at my old uni because I lived very near a running/biking trail (and I was also prepping for a 5K run, I've done two so far). My hometown is so small that I've grown rather bored of it, and also I don't wanna be seen by someone I might know when I'm out walking/jogging....but that could be just a dumb excuse.
    I wanna try more stretches and exercises to target areas or tone my body but there's so much I don't know that I just give up.....
  3. Like
    platy got a reaction from Arkady in キズ   
    This is such a treat. What a lovely video.
  4. Interesting
    platy reacted to shiroihana in random thoughts thread   
    Oh man CAT5 and chem discussed a topic that's very relevant to me.
    Despite being a mixed race black guy myself I remember falling down the stupid reactionary rabbit hole back during my teenage and early adult years. These were the days where the skeptic reactionary community proliferated on Youtube and such, to such an extent that these sentiments basically dominated the platform. Videos bashing feminism, black lives matter, mixed market capitalism, and pro LGBTQ content would receive around 95-100% approval ratios from the community, inundated by circlejerk reactions, where lefties often fell prone to being too timid and afraid to express their voices, and high quality lefty content would be heavily censured and bashed simultaneously by the community.
    I was involved in it, to an extent, and while I was still  fairly open minded compared to many of my younger reactionary companions (this is how I managed to get out of that shit) I was definitely one of those typical reactionary centrist types you'd see on Youtube , debating with people in comments sections, often to the extent of seeing views heavily backed and supported by spectators, while the 'social justice warrior' types would receive the short end of the stick due to the disproportionate ratio of reactionaries to lefties that persists within the social political Youtube sphere. Seeing my views validated only encouraged me to continue engaging with people. I even uploaded a few videos here and there, and had even engaged with Lauren Southern several times (before she exploded in popularity). I could easily see why so many Youtubers became grifters. 
    While I certainly did believe that racism was a valid issue in the united states, even during that time, I still failed to see the extent to which it persisted, despite bein a brown person myself. At my worst, which thankfully didn't last too long, I believed that black people were disproportionately targeted by cops because they simply committed far more crime. But eventually I realized  some of the nuances involved. You cannot make excuses for racial profiling, because racial profiling is fundamentally wrong. It's not something you can so easily justify and it's a dangerous belief to have. This can lead to innocent people being persecuted, and even beaten or killed. Unarmed black people are murdered at a rate much higher than unarmed white people. There are also better ways to handle criminality. Rehabilitation, investing in social programs, infrastructure, etc.
    This may sound incredibly dumb but there is some truth to it - But I also believe that one of the reasons so many people 'swallow the red pill' is because they're young and somewhat rebellious kids who feel suppressed by a left leaning society. I say this because I felt that way, and I knew others who felt that way. When you feel like you're not allowed to express or believe certain things because it'll 'trigger' others, and you see the way that people flip the fuck out as they hastily label you as prejudiced for expressing your views, whether ignorant or not. This is harmful. You can't teach someone the proper way simply by calling them names and refusing debate. This is part of what shaped my views as a 19 year old. There are better ways to open someone up to more healthy and utilitarian views. I could have benefited from that.
  5. Like
    platy reacted to ghostpepper in new band "En'Cell♰Dis'Dein" has formed   
    hey all you cool cats and kittens! We have luckily not disbanded in 2 months as the coolio Karma's Hat predicted but who knows haha.
    finally we were able to arrange photos during this crazy corona festival.
    Have to wait a little bit longer to announce our bassist though >.<! New single Dataizai coming soon as well~
    Am talking to STARWAVE about when we can do an event as well but still sketchy here.
    can see more images on our twitter plus me being a dork on TOKYO BORDERLESS TV at: https://twitter.com/Encelldisdein
    Stay safe out there~!

  6. 悲しい
    platy got a reaction from monkeybanana4 in random thoughts thread   
    Trying to get home and
    Wait for bus for 45mins. Bus magically doesn't come to that stop at that time (the company's app and another bus driver indicated that it did). Well, either way now it's too late and buses don't run at this time anymore (9:30pm)
    Nearest uber is in the city next-door 30mins away
    Call taxi company and get hung up because I was trying to find the road name
    Phone battery proceeds to run out
    Walk another 45mins to get to my friends cuz it's too dark to do the 1h30mins walk home 
    That's what happens when u live in old-people's-ville. I'm tired
  7. 悲しい
    platy got a reaction from Gesu in random thoughts thread   
    Trying to get home and
    Wait for bus for 45mins. Bus magically doesn't come to that stop at that time (the company's app and another bus driver indicated that it did). Well, either way now it's too late and buses don't run at this time anymore (9:30pm)
    Nearest uber is in the city next-door 30mins away
    Call taxi company and get hung up because I was trying to find the road name
    Phone battery proceeds to run out
    Walk another 45mins to get to my friends cuz it's too dark to do the 1h30mins walk home 
    That's what happens when u live in old-people's-ville. I'm tired
  8. 悲しい
    platy reacted to fruitfork in [POLL] Plants🌻 Do you have a green finger?🌻   
    I managed a way to let my cactus and both my succulents die.. so I think that says enough about me and my so called "green thumb" lol... I gave them sunlight, made sure not to over water (drained the pots often). Bought succulent food for them.. but nope, even though they were hardy plants.. 

    I'll try again someday when I get my own place. I really enjoy plants.
  9. Like
    platy got a reaction from cinnymoncinder in [POLL] Plants🌻 Do you have a green finger?🌻   
    In the past three years plants have become a raging trend. Are you a plant hoarder or do you not really care for it?
    I grew up watching my grandma grow most of her food from her backyard so I learned a thing or two. Once I finally had my own space I started to try growing stuff, so this summer even though I live in an apartment I've been growing basil, chives, coriander, lavender, chamomile and sunflowers and I'm trying to grow some other flowers to attract bees. I'm not too much of a fan of simply ornamental leafy plants, but I would like to get a monstera at some point.
    I also have other houseplants like spider plants, pileas, hen-and-chick and aloe veras. I tried growing chilli plants but had 0 success. At the moment I'm battling a gnat infestation (they're like fruit flies )  
  10. Like
    platy got a reaction from Total Saikou in [POLL] Plants🌻 Do you have a green finger?🌻   
    @Total Saikou growing tomatos is so satisfying. We have no idea how, but  3 tomato plants randomly start growing on my mom’s balcony. The plant smells amazing and it was a joy to care for it and then eat the fruit later. The only issue is they need a lot of space otherwise I’d have a plantation in my apartment lol  I was so surprised at how big those money plants can get! I have a little one that I started growing from a leaf.  
    Aw why? There are micro succulents which barely give any trouble 😟
  11. LOVE!
    platy got a reaction from fruitfork in [POLL] Plants🌻 Do you have a green finger?🌻   
    In the past three years plants have become a raging trend. Are you a plant hoarder or do you not really care for it?
    I grew up watching my grandma grow most of her food from her backyard so I learned a thing or two. Once I finally had my own space I started to try growing stuff, so this summer even though I live in an apartment I've been growing basil, chives, coriander, lavender, chamomile and sunflowers and I'm trying to grow some other flowers to attract bees. I'm not too much of a fan of simply ornamental leafy plants, but I would like to get a monstera at some point.
    I also have other houseplants like spider plants, pileas, hen-and-chick and aloe veras. I tried growing chilli plants but had 0 success. At the moment I'm battling a gnat infestation (they're like fruit flies )  
  12. 悲しい
    platy reacted to Kuro in [POLL] Plants🌻 Do you have a green finger?🌻   
    I don't have any but that's due to my cat killing them all.
    Aside from this my finger ain't green but black. Most plants don't survive with me, too. xDD
  13. Like
    platy reacted to Total Saikou in [POLL] Plants🌻 Do you have a green finger?🌻   
    I was the defacto student leader of my high school's gardening club! I love tending to plants because it's relaxing and fun to watch their progress. My favourite plant to grow are tomato plants, specifically cherry tomatoes because I like to eat their fruit (tomatoes are a fruit I guess). I tended to one when I was a kid and being able to make a salad out of its tomatoes was a special childhood memory for me. 
    The greatest thing about plants is unlike with children and pets, you can't get arrested for killing them, which does happen kiiiiiiinda often with me. Our gardening club's tower garden got a giant gnat infestation because the PH was too high, and plants at home have been ended from either too much sun or being over watered.That being said, some plants in my household are have been around for ages. My room has this plant, honestly can’t remember what it even is but he’s been around for almost 9 years now. We had this ginormous jungle plant in our living room for about 4 years until the cat killed it. And, ah yes, there's one plant my mom bought over a decade ago that we still have (Chinese money tree) that's like six feet tall at this point.
  14. Like
    platy reacted to 123Sandman321 in [POLL] Plants🌻 Do you have a green finger?🌻   
    I just got into them and it's wonderful, definitely plan on getting more  
  15. Like
    platy got a reaction from Total Saikou in [POLL] Plants🌻 Do you have a green finger?🌻   
    In the past three years plants have become a raging trend. Are you a plant hoarder or do you not really care for it?
    I grew up watching my grandma grow most of her food from her backyard so I learned a thing or two. Once I finally had my own space I started to try growing stuff, so this summer even though I live in an apartment I've been growing basil, chives, coriander, lavender, chamomile and sunflowers and I'm trying to grow some other flowers to attract bees. I'm not too much of a fan of simply ornamental leafy plants, but I would like to get a monstera at some point.
    I also have other houseplants like spider plants, pileas, hen-and-chick and aloe veras. I tried growing chilli plants but had 0 success. At the moment I'm battling a gnat infestation (they're like fruit flies )  
  16. LOLOL
    platy got a reaction from Mihenno in New "idol" band named "のらワン彼氏" (Nora one Kareshi) has formed   
    ngl I danced to the whole song as hard as I could. Nothing wrong with a bit of fun music to get away from all the wristocutto emos around here
    platy got a reaction from benzaiten._ in New "idol" band named "のらワン彼氏" (Nora one Kareshi) has formed   
    ngl I danced to the whole song as hard as I could. Nothing wrong with a bit of fun music to get away from all the wristocutto emos around here
    platy got a reaction from Enki in New "idol" band named "のらワン彼氏" (Nora one Kareshi) has formed   
    ngl I danced to the whole song as hard as I could. Nothing wrong with a bit of fun music to get away from all the wristocutto emos around here
  19. Like
    platy got a reaction from violetchain in New "idol" band named "のらワン彼氏" (Nora one Kareshi) has formed   
    ngl I danced to the whole song as hard as I could. Nothing wrong with a bit of fun music to get away from all the wristocutto emos around here
  20. Like
    platy got a reaction from Arkady in New "idol" band named "のらワン彼氏" (Nora one Kareshi) has formed   
    This is my guilty pleasure
  21. Like
    platy got a reaction from Arkady in New "idol" band named "のらワン彼氏" (Nora one Kareshi) has formed   
    ngl I danced to the whole song as hard as I could. Nothing wrong with a bit of fun music to get away from all the wristocutto emos around here
  22. Like
    platy got a reaction from Gesu in New "idol" band named "のらワン彼氏" (Nora one Kareshi) has formed   
    ngl I danced to the whole song as hard as I could. Nothing wrong with a bit of fun music to get away from all the wristocutto emos around here
  23. I feel ya..
    platy got a reaction from Gesu in New "idol" band named "のらワン彼氏" (Nora one Kareshi) has formed   
    This is my guilty pleasure
  24. Like
    platy got a reaction from spockitty in New "idol" band named "のらワン彼氏" (Nora one Kareshi) has formed   
    ngl I danced to the whole song as hard as I could. Nothing wrong with a bit of fun music to get away from all the wristocutto emos around here
  25. Like
    platy reacted to RickBuch in New "idol" band named "のらワン彼氏" (Nora one Kareshi) has formed   
    I don't know why some are afraid, it feels more like a concept than a thing of it own, and the song sounds like it had some effort, even not being my thing.
    And relax, there always gonna be some kind of La'veil MizeriA to keep the things tr00
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