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  1. Like
    platy reacted to orange~ in DADAROMA   
    It's an okay release. Probably the weakest among dadaisms imo. Masturbation and the second song are probably my faves. I liked the bangya song too, but I gotta give the whole thing a few more listens to get my thought together. I do agree that they seem to consciously move away from their heavier stuff, which is really a shame. If you compare the MVs of their first few tracks to something like masturbation or that risley circus, they're like night and day. They're moving towards the generic VK-fuckboi aesthetics and sound. Yoshiatsu's voice works in both styles, but song writing is kinda lacking in fuckboi songs and I don't think rest of the band's strengths come out in this direction.
  2. Like
    platy got a reaction from efuru in The OFFICIAL RPDR Discussion Thread   
    That changed during All Stars S2. This is best friend race and if you don't let your bff know her dress sucks then you deserve to go home tbh
  3. Like
    platy reacted to The Moon in The OFFICIAL RPDR Discussion Thread   
    Aja should have been sent home for that runway AND her lipsync was a messy combo of every cliche drag move a la miss Ganja. Kimora's princess was at least funny and she looked RIGHT.
  4. Like
    platy reacted to Zeus in #96: ザアザア - 不幸な迷路   
    01. 入口
    02. 不幸の始まり
    03. ぐちゃぐちゃ
    04. 排水口
    05. 気付いて
    06. 人殺し
    07. ラストダンス
    08. 恋人ごっこ
    09. 寄り道
    10. 落とし穴
    11. 交尾をしてよ
    12. ユメオチ
    13. 最後の歌
    14. 出口
    | One of the most promising visual kei albums in recent memory.
    After nominating their mixed bag of a collection album 中毒症状 (Chuudoku Shuujou) as one of the best of last year only to be greeted with a three consecutive singles campaign I would sooner forget about, the announcement of 不幸な迷路 (Fukou na Meiro) didn't strike me as anything particularly noteworthy to check out. I knew that ザアザア (XAA-XAA) had to bring the heat, but I didn't expect an album of this caliber from them. It falls a bit short of becoming a classic for me, but 不幸な迷路 is the most fun I've had listening to visual kei all year.
    Ask me to define what visual kei is and what you will get is a lot of stammering and gesticulation, and maybe a comment on the style or popular genre of choice. Ask me for an album which embodies all things visual kei, and I'll point to 不幸な迷路 immediately. ザアザア has combined all the visual kei tropes in a familiar but new way, including some unfamiliar ones. For example, the band spared no expense in ensuring their disjointed album opener and closer SE's have nothing to do with the tracks they sandwich. Also for good measure, the album switches gears halfway through in a misguided attempt at showing diversity, starting with the very girugamesh reminiscent "ラストダンス" (Last Dance). They at least stopped short of including their sub par singles just to pad the running time. Some seasoned visual kei veterans would roll their eyes at these, but I embrace them all with open arms. It lends an undeniably last-decade visual kei feel to 不幸な迷路 without leaning on novelty or the band's laurels, and as a result its very easy for me to get lost in it. I can play the whole album without pausing once.
    One point of contention I had with 中毒症状 was how lazy many of the bridges sounded. Bridges hold a song together, and often it was just one word or one phrase repeated eight times. I'm happy to report that this sin is only committed once on 不幸な迷路 with "落とし穴", and that a large majority of the tracks have well thought out, even memorable choruses at times. Ironically enough, my favorite track,  "排水口" - an undeniably MUCC-influenced slow burner that could earn a spot on the aforementioned 2004 album 朽木の灯 - has no chorus to it. I like most of the songs even if the vocalist Kazuki works within a very small tonal range, I don't remember actively hating or skipping through any song, and after five or so listens I consider this to be their best release yet. It's not the greatest thing since sliced bread, and maybe it has a few too many toppings, but it's a damn good sandwich for those with the corresponding taste. Only time will tell if future releases can maintain the same balance of familiarity and inventiveness.
    I expected nothing at all, but 不幸な迷路 resonated with my stodgy, old soul in a way I haven't felt for some time. It strikes with an intensity and charm that took me back to my nascent years in visual kei almost immediately. I implore them to follow whatever creative workflow resulted in this album and not their consecutive singles release, because this works for them. Most importantly, in a time where there isn't a clear leader in the race to the top of the indie visual kei charts, 不幸な迷路 provides a compelling reason to choose ザアザア.
    Support the band!
  5. Like
    platy reacted to Takadanobabaalien in mysterious new band 哀なんて青春 (ai nante seishun) has formed   
    why do most topics at mh end like this nowadays smh. maybe trombe's reign was better for us after all. 
  6. Like
    platy reacted to Shaolan974 in Yeti new mini-album "ハウル" (Howl) release   
    Yeti new mini-album "ハウル" (Howl) will be released at 2017/05/31 (2160Y)
    btw they will hold their live tour since 2017/06/04 at Shimokitazawa MOSAiC to 2017/08/27 at Shinjuku LOFT
    they will hold their 5th anniversary oneman live "絶対零度" (Zettaireido) at 2017/12/30 at Shibuya duo MUSIC EXCHANGE
  7. Like
    platy reacted to Zeus in The Bad Boys of Visual Kei   
    The end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017 has seen a lot of arrests of visual kei members. While band members skirting the law - and sometimes even breaking it - is nothing new, it is rather unusual to see so many high-profile cases in such a short time span. So today, let's indulge in some visual kei drama both past and present and look at some other famous cases and arrests. Grab some tea, because this topic is going to get delicious.
    Disclaimer: While the title says "Bad Boys" of visual kei, some of the stuff covered here is particularly heinous. It's one thing to be a "bad boy" and it's another thing to be a rapist. Please don't read into the title too much.

    Sakura (The Madcap Laughs, ex-L'arc~en~ciel)

    Dai (Himitsu Kessha Kodomo A (秘密結社コドモA))

    Kisaki (Lin, Phantasmagoria)

    SHINTARO (ex-アイヲロスト)

    Miyawaki Wataru (ex-12012)

    Tomioka Hiroshi / Dynamite Tommy (Free Will president)

    Manew (ex-The♡Valentine)

    Akinori (ex. lynch.)


    RIO (ex--LONDBOY)

    shia (chanty)

    Daishi (ex-Psycho le Cemu)
  8. Like
    platy reacted to Seimeisen in MEJIBRAY new live DVD and 2nd Single Collection release   
    If I see one more comment that's not related to MEJIBRAY's new release, I'm locking the topic and handing out warnings!
    @frayed @Gichi Gichi @rvrgf @sheepprincessgara I don't know if you've heard, but there is a function on this forum that allows users to send private messages (PM) that aren't posted publicly for everyone to see. So if you wanna call each other idiots, argue about using the words "homosexual" and "pedophile" in the same sentence, you now have a fun new secret place that doesn't derail a thread from its topic. How insane is that?
    @CarmelzorsIs there ever a time you don't make some half-witted attempt at "calling out the staff" for "not doing their jobs?" Here's a super fun, amazing, awesome idea: if you see problematic shit, report it! Does that idea just blow your mind or what?! Another cool idea: if you have any "suggestions" for how us staffers should do our jobs, take that "suggestion" to us directly, and if it's not a wall of text, we'll take it into consideration.
  9. Like
    platy reacted to efuru in The OFFICIAL RPDR Discussion Thread   
    Okay so team Valentina. Get that out the way. 
    So far I'm glad to see Charlie, Eureka, and Kimora go. 
    Kimora was annoying as hell and her princess look and presentation was terrible. 
    Charlie had so much potential but after she gave up I was like bye. You can't say you're not gonna lip sync on rupaul's drag race. ????
    Eureka is annoying as well. It wasn't just that she was loud it's that she was loud and kinda rude. Her attitude was unnecessary and her bullshitnapology to Valentina and Sasha was dumb and felt pressured by the producers. 
    Going forward I'm excited to see what Nina does, she has some amazing looks and I've seen some of her lip sync performances and I can't wait to see her in the bottom for that alone.
    Sasha is really freaking cool. She's really sweet and funny and is nice to watch in untucked. I'm glad she's not 100% bald all the time she looks nice in wigs too. 
    Shea is doing well and has won two challenges in a row and I think she's definitely gonna be top four. 
    Alexis is pretty and funny but she has a cheapness to some of her looks I think it's gonna hurt her later on. I think it definitely cost her this last win but I'm excited for her snatch game performance. 
    Cynthia god bless her soul... I love her personality and she's an angel but her looks, although better than last year, are just not great. Whenever she has to act she lets too much of her own personality come thru, much like Alyssa Edwards. 
    My baby Valentina is a goddess. 
    She's perfect, she's beautiful, she looks like Linda Evangelista, she's a model. 
    But really she's great. Her looks have all been beautiful and her inspiration is really classic and gorgeous. She's done well in most of the challenges so I'm rooting for her to make it far. 
    Peppermint is wonderful. She works hard and looks nice but her outfits are annoying me. They're not very good sometimes and she needs to step it up. 
    Trinity has definitely grown on me. I hated her at first but her talent and personality are showing and I'm respecting her more. Especially when she stood up to Eureka. 
    Aja is someone I was really excited for and she's kinda let me down. She hasn't done bad per say but she hasn't done as well as I thought she would and her freak out on Valentina in untucked was although iconic, completely unnecessary. Step it up bitch. She killed her lipsync tho so it was worth it. 
    I'm just happy the musical is over cause it's hard to watch a lot of the seasons. 
  10. Like
    platy got a reaction from efuru in The OFFICIAL RPDR Discussion Thread   
    That elimination was embarrassing. I understand her side. But you should have at least tried something! You don't lip sync? You coulda sang the damn song! It was so painful to watch and a shame too because I wanted to see more from her. 
    Also I can't wait for Eureka to go. Done with this bitch who wants to be louder than everyone and can't keep her mouth shut for one second. Plus her wigs are always ugly af. She needs to be called out for wearing the same one every time. THOSE ANTENNA/POD WIGS ARE NOT FLATTERING!! bitch why do you wanna be bald everywhere except the very top of your head? Get out already. 
    Did anyone else get hot from watching that Shea vs Sasha scene?lol
  11. Like
    platy reacted to Karma’s Hat in DADAROMA   
    Not exactly let down by the release, because I was already prepared for the worst after the samples came out.  
    My attitude is rather lenient towards them anyway; like whatever they release I'm fairly confident it'll go in cycles with them and a similar and a different song is eventually going to come up. Although I think it can be said that they've been phasing out the deathcore since like the second single in favor of that nu metally/"industrial" angryman sound. This is unfortunate and it does make me wonder whether it's an conscious effort to be more palatable to a larger crowd. It's not like these dudes could have possibly grown out of deathcore in the span of like 6 months. That core cameo on Zouka is one of their best moments, so I hope it'll at least keep making sporadic appearances if we can't get nomo ame no waruzus
    I like the Masturbation song, and sort of lukewarm on everything else. They never jump out or really gain an intensity that's impossible to ignore. Tired is how I'd describe it. 
  12. Like
    platy got a reaction from efuru in ex-ヴァニキル (Vanikill) members new band "ナタリー" (Natalie) has formed   
    every time a mysterious new band forms the word 'mystery' loses it's charm.
  13. Like
    platy reacted to Biopanda in random thoughts thread   
    Puresound says MASCHERA had a song called dimensionally textured. Did VK predict vaporwave?
  14. Like
    platy got a reaction from Serox in ex-ヴァニキル (Vanikill) members new band "ナタリー" (Natalie) has formed   
    every time a mysterious new band forms the word 'mystery' loses it's charm.
  15. Like
    platy reacted to Pretsy in random thoughts thread   
    When I see these people often stating that "yay when I grow up and bear kids, I shall make them listen to my vk muzak", I often think whether that feels too forced and perhaps hindering with regards to unique development of your own children. I am not considering any grandiose family prospects per se but seeing these 2010s families with parents of my own age, what are their attitudes towards raising their kids etc. irks me a bit.
    Just provide and explain options to your brats, encourage openness etc. Forcing your own interests (exclusively), especially those of VK-like proportions, will merely damage their own unique perception, viewpoints they will abide to in the later course.
    This is also my main argument against most families kickstarting their infant-bearing days right in their early 20s - when they (more likely) have no fricking idea how to encourage growth, one's mental development, responsibility for fuck's sake. Give it some time lads...
    Fortunately enough this is MH and not Reddit where these weeaboo moms and dads fail to test their wits over my statements above.
  16. Like
    platy reacted to Licio123 in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
  17. Like
    platy got a reaction from suji in Family On Facebook be like   
    My mom only posts stuff about good vibes and my grandma (who learned to use it recently after 63 years of tech illiteracy)  posts stuff about the war against the devil, Jesus wanting to enter your house "type amen and like if you want jesus in your house" it's actually quite funny, she posts a lot of stuff about farms and animals, so I keep an eye out for that. Overall my family doesn't bother me on social media, but I do refrain from sharing certain things like LGBT comics or images etc. coz I can't be fucked with internet rage.
    I have a friend who has his whole family on his FB (mom, grandma and aunties included) and he openly likes and shares anime tits and lewdness without his family giving a fuck... it's weird.
  18. Like
    platy reacted to Delkmiroph in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
  19. Like
    platy reacted to Delkmiroph in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Eu mesma, filho das trevas. O pacto é forte amém Belial <3
  20. Like
    platy reacted to IGM_Oficial in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    ~Project dark age intensifies~
  21. Like
    platy reacted to Kaleidoscope in DADAROMA   
    I somewhat agree with you, I thought the mini was rather average unfortunately. Masturbation is the only song that I immediately liked as a simple, but pretty fun song - sounds like catchy industrial rock/metal, which fits them well. I'd say that the album grows on you a bit after a few listens, I actually thought that ロマンスグレー was one of the stronger songs. In general, there is not really a bad song on the mini, but there is just nothing that really stands out as amazing either, even though there are some fantastic parts like the end of 狼少年と毒林檎.  On a more positive note, I do think that they are becoming more consistent and polished when it comes to songwriting and Yoshiatsu's performance, plus the jazz-y songs are finally absent for once. 
    I'm still pretty convinced that the deathcore-inspired stuff is where their greatest strength lies, but it doesn't seem like they want to pursue that as their primary style. 
  22. Like
    platy got a reaction from Kaleidoscope in DADAROMA   
    Let's get this thread alive.
    What did people think of dadaism #3? 
    imo the only song worth listening to is 狼少年と毒林檎, it gives me strong zouka to karashnikov vibes for some reason... Also the weakest song is ロマンスグレー... really ddrm, I'm kind of disappointed.
  23. Like
    platy got a reaction from Delkmiroph in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Queria compartilhar com vcs a verdade.  Confirmado que a rihanna eh do capeta
  24. Like
    platy got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Se eu tivesse uma lâmpada mágica traria o MSN de volta em troca de qualquer outro Messenger da vida (Skype, etc.) 
  25. Like
    platy got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in [Portuguese] Membros brasileiros   
    Queria compartilhar com vcs a verdade.  Confirmado que a rihanna eh do capeta
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