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Everything posted by platy

  1. platy

    I mean if I was at a club, drunk out of my head looking for a song to jump to then these Miyavi collabs would be perfect.
  2. What is the reason behind that though?
  3. Is it car accident season? Glad to hear they're okay.
  4. Deviloof's past work was too brutal for me. Looking at this new look I thought it was a brand new pentagon concept, so I can't say it suits Deviloof at all. The first song isn't too bad, but MF Jap is a lot better.
  5. platy

    Welcome to MH! You'll find plenty of people with similar taste here. The Gazette were my first vk band and I was obsessed with them until I couldn't stand their music anymore. Recently though, I'm getting really into them again and here in the forum they have a lot of fans, we're waiting for more news on their upcoming album Good luck on the N3 exam and hope to see you around the forum.
  6. platy

    Hello and welcome! I'm also a fan of SuG and aicle. is one of my favorite bands ever. I used to like LM.C. I don't enjoy their newer stuff, but old LM.C was sooo much fun. I hope to see you around the forum
  7. platy

    @BearInteresting to see your take on Wonder Woman. I thought the action scenes were one of the highlights of the movie, although I agree with you with the slow mo part, it's the cancer of many movies today but meh, it didn't ruin the scenes for me. Doctor Strange and WW were one of the very few superhero movies that I have watched without falling asleep and really enjoyed. But with DS I wish the ending had been a bit more creative, like with the rest of the movie rather than following the "destroy a whole city and defeat the final boss easily" trope. . . . I watched Gerald's Game the other night. I had a complete different idea about what I was going to get. It sold "horror/thriller" and what I got was endless monologue and a lot of screaming and moaning from the main character. Although it approached a subject that many horror/thrillers only look at the "during" instead of the "aftermath", it was so boring. Maybe the fact that I hadn't slept properly in a few days helped, but at the end they revealed what I think was a twist and omg, I was so lost. Like they switched movies out of nowhere. Just for the sake of making the protagonist look stronger like she can finally overcome all her demons. It's a 5/10 from me.
  8. platy

    Despite making a vow to myself to never buy gazette DVDs again due to how ridiculously over priced they are I didn't think they'd ever release these one off gigs on disc so... I need that setlist in my life. That and the fact they're wearing costumes adds a lot more entertainment value to it than a plain celebratory live imo (and holy fuck does that mean I get to see nun Uruha in action? This is the best thing gazette has ever released.)
  9. platy

    That block with Deux, Taion, chizuru and ominous is just tasty as fuck. What a set list, I can only hope to hear something this great whenever I'm blessed enough to go see them.
  10. platy

    Welcome! I'm glad you've decided to join us. How did you get to know about vk over there? It's hard to come by such fresh fans of the scene. I kind of keep up with Sick2 and Kiryu. I hope to see Sick2 live in my next trip to JP, they sound interesting to say the least lol If you have any questions feel free to contact a mod (red or blue name).
  11. platy

    Sad to hear and I hope they'll have a good recovery.
  12. Damn it looks like the singer is wearing my favourite dress print by Angelic Pretty
  13. platy

    And what about shells. What are they.
  14. platy

    How do coconuts get water inside them and how long till green coconuts turn to brown coconuts. I hope there's a documentary on this topic.
  15. We thought Tsuzuku had started black face kei and here we have TenTen going further than anyone has ever gone before! Bringing us Tokyo Ghoul Black Face Gangsta wannabe Kei. Edit : I didn't realise it was the drummer giving that look lmao
  16.  "Karma fans are annoying!" okay, but has anyone seen TenTen fans? As a neutral bystander, they're  just as bad if not worse. 

    1. Chi


      fans of anything +1

    2. Tokage


      all stans are shit +1

    3. Elazmus


      Fandom is cancer. VK  and everyone on this site has it untreatable, tbh no one outside can even tell us apart~

    4. Show next comments  201 more
  17. platy

    lol If anything I'd have thought koichi and mia had got in a fight since they never even acknowledge each others' existence. As for Tzk's disorder, I'm pretty sure that's also a tanuki rumour.
  18. Nah, I'm a pretty big xaa-xaa fan. Maybe I just need to listen to the full tracks.
  19. If they disappeared for a year and came back with something new, I think it would do wonders for their releases. Not to say this is bad but they're lacking in something.
  20. platy

    I was expecting something spookier and I'm a little disappointed but it could be worse. What if for every release they alternate between spooks and adult baby Kei?
  21. platy

    Children make me repulsed. I legit feel a variation of being uncomfortable and disgusted just looking at a baby or little kid. I've been like this since I can remember. When I'm out and I see a parent with 5 pests about the same age being loud and ruining everyone's day I just think 'why the hell are you doing that to yourself and the world?' I don't find babies cute whatsoever, although that changed once my cousin had her baby and for some reason I found it cute and bearable. I honestly think if I had a baby I would have anger or depression issues towards it, I feel like it would be in danger. Despite that though, the side of me that would like to have children is purely just because I think my DNA shouldn't be wasted lol when I was younger I'd imagine which friends or guys from school would mix well with my DNA if we ever had a baby. Like that guy has nice curly hair or that guy is tall enough that our kid would be normal height, that guy has a nice build, intelligence etc. Of course I know having a baby for the sake of procreation isn't valid nowadays lol I also think that in the future I would regret not having a kid since I like big families. But right now me and my bf both gag at the thought of children and want to live life as freely as we can. Just imagining all the money and extra life span I'll get from remaining childless is pure bliss. So in summary... I despise children but maybe one day I'll be hit with some kind of motherly bullshit. I'll see what happens.
  22. platy

    This is just the kind of weird, like it or hate it sound that I like to suck up to. His voice is weird af and these looks have me hooked.
  23. platy

    I definitely "feel" the furi when listening to certain songs. Although, I don't have as much experience with lives in Japan as some people, I think it's kind of intuitive once you've been to a few.
  24. platy

    I feel so disoriented and hyped at the same time.
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