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Everything posted by platy

  1. What to say about their transition from vk to oshare kei and without a doubt in the future, an idol group. edit: holy shit I thought Minpha was on the far left all this time. I'm shook.
  2. platy

    Welcome to MH. If you need any help or have any questions feel free to message one of the mods (blue name). The Dir En Grey thread is always active so I hope to see you there
  3. platy

    Disappointing indeed. I didn't go in with high expectations, after I suffered through suicide squad and slept through 90% of BvS. I'm no movie expert, but I think you're right. The writing is awful. JL is the draft of a movie and it should've gone through many revisions and improvements before they put it out there. But I believe the rush to compete with The Avengers meant they sacrificed the quality just for the sake of showing "look we have our group of heroes too!" and then embarrassing themselves in the process. Honestly it does make me sad that DC can't be bothered to put enough effort into their movies. I couldn't give a flying fuck about anyone in The Avengers and the movies bore me to death, I wanted a new superhero franchise to follow after the end of the new X-Men. The characters have potential and the casting was good, but I don't feel like I have the strength to keep up with any more DC movies if everything is gonna be basic, rushed and bland every single time.
  4. platy

    Justice League – Just another superhero movie that suffers from the tragically shit formulaic villain. What kept the movie afloat were the characters. I surprisingly enjoyed the cast, Although the humour felt forced at times. Also, this definitely should have been released AFTER every other character in the league had been established with their own movie, I know a little about each hero due to the JL cartoon and stuff I watched, but for people who don't have this knowledge the characters were just sort of thrown into the movie with little introduction. The group has good chemistry, however the villain, who looked like something out of the latest World of Warcraft trailer, was DUMB. Some bad CG effect that won't stop going on about "I wanna take over the world BUAHAHA" and mumbling something about his mother who was just three rocks wtf. Trash, just like every other villain from recent sci-fi fantasy flicks. (apart from Pennywise) If they had focused on anything else but that subplot with the villain it would've made for a better movie. Entertaining, but sadly lacks an interesting plot. I think it ended up being kind of geared more towards children.
  5. platy

    I have just finished Made In Abyss. For anyone that was put off watching this series because maybe it has a childish look, don't. This is one of the best series I've watched in the last decade. The story, world building, character development, animation and soundtrack, everything is so well done that I'm now gonna have a hard time watching average anime. It also has a really dark story underneath the cute look, it's made all the worst by the fact that the main characters are children. The last episode left me disturbed in a way I haven't felt in a while. The danger feels real, rather than making me think "oh here's where the protagonist pulls out his ultimate power Zzz" There's no fillers, just meat. The pacing is fantastic for a 13 episodes series. Now I'm gonna go have nightmares about that scene I just watched.
  6. platy

    I'm in the process of organising all my music too. I just make a folder for each artist and then a folder for each release. I divide my music between VK, OSTs and Other (kpop, experimental, etc.)
  7. platy

    I'm terrified of having a healthy routine that includes a job. It seems like an endless stretch of time where you do the same shit everyday. (duh) Third day, here I come.
  8. platy

    I've been listening to kawazu on repeat lately. So I can finally give an opinion on the single. Oshimai really didn't sell the band to me. This single however, is addictive, fun and feels like a breath of fresh air. I wasn't sure about Lime's vocals at first, something bothered me about them. Then I realised what it was. Lime sounds like the protagonist of a shounen anime. Once I got that out of the way, I'm no longer bothered by his voice, only amused lol. My favourite tracks are ラブソング and十五. The former is actually a great ballad(?) and the latter gives me a powerful, deviant vibe. Like someone else mentioned above I really like some of the "white noise" or background sounds they play usually at the start of a song. Overall there are no tracks I think about skipping. I think my only complaint is that annoying part in one of the songs where they just repeat "i" over and over. That's it. Count me in as a kizu stan.
  9. Soon: Kaya will be a judge on either S10 Or AS3.
  10. platy

    I know I shouldn't, but I'm very excited. If a studio can pull it off I'll no longer have to get my horror animation fill from the shitty likes of Sekai no Yami Zukan (sorry ILCA, but a car that eats people isn't my idea of horror. Nor the idea that there's a tribe that turns outsiders into antibodies LMAO)
  11. platy

    Most likely some gya wanting brownie points. Either way link deleted to avoid further emotional damage.
  12. platy

    I thought exactly the same after the initial shock wore out.
  13. platy

    I'm all about this.
  14. platy

    [~removed link~]
  15. platy

    I just saw NSFW pictures of (apparently) Kisaki and I'm actually terrified. Like I got chills down my spine.
  16. platy

    Once again life is showing me that you reap what you sow. In a weird way and positive way... Even if it's at the wrong time. Can't complain.
  17. Damn, they're straight up handing a razor to that girl lmao As for the song, it isn't bad. Just mixes many elements. @BrenGun It all comes down to taste, despite however good a band might be and however much you try to sell that band to someone, they just won't like it. If you love Merry Badend, then that's all that matters. Not everyone has to agree with each other and sometimes it's good to hear different points of view, even if they are negative. After all, if MBE are still alive it's because many other fans share the same belief as you.
  18. platy

    @plastic_rainbowI've been on hiatus since I graduated lol but I'm gonna get back on the art train like...very soon. I'll PM you about my university.
  19. platy

    I wish he'd tattoo them on already 💦💦
  20. I was looking for the same thing. 👀
  21. platy

    Zonbi - dai kirai tokyo/kamisama gomenasai ダウト - Dentou Geinou (their albums are always so beautiful) Mix Speaker's, inc. - Jack in the Toy Box ( The packaging is really unique. I'll miss them :'c ) Went to the Distant Worlds concert (also known as Final Fantasy Orchestra) on Saturday. Had to spend x amount of money to get the 30th anniversary selection , so went ahead and bought 2 cds.
  22. platy

    My Japanese isn't that great either, but from I understand rynk plays a child that lives in a fantasy world with his imaginary friends, which are all animals (owl, wolf...). Hence why he wears that band around his eyes, maybe the reason he doesn't talk extensively. I don't know what this "let's eat the fruits of fate" stuff is about. It'd be great if someone with more info could add to this. Also, I love the idea for the new single. These guys always have such tight ideas for concepts.
  23. platy

    All of the recommendations here were great, but for some reason LACK-CO's song still doesn't do anything for me. I'll be giving umbrella and D more attention from now on since they were two bands I've been avoiding (and now I regret it lol).
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