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Status Replies posted by IGM_Oficial


  2. Why the hell did lynch. name their new album AVANTGARDE when it's just the same shit they always release? Hiatus is heavily needed for these guys if they think this is any different. I get that we've been getting albums basically yearly at this point and this is the typical standard for what fans expect and want from them but that album title got my hopes up for some actual growth for once. Oh wait, it is lynch. after all ¬_¬

  3. can't i just have the gazette's poster and member photos instead of buying the entire $117.71 live tour dvd

  4. omg Reita lolol

  5. omg Reita lolol

  6. can't i just have the gazette's poster and member photos instead of buying the entire $117.71 live tour dvd

  7. can't i just have the gazette's poster and member photos instead of buying the entire $117.71 live tour dvd

  8. I wish love wasn't some some far off impossible fantasy. I want someone to kiss and cuddle god dammit. -.-

  9. Happy birthday! :drums:

  10. New addiction: "Memory of mayfly".

    The guitar solo really caught me.

  11. Happy Birthday IGM! <3

  12. -kicks the door down- HIT ME WITH A REALLY AWESOME NON-VISUAL BAND!!

  13. So, how do I get an interview to have a what.cd account?

  14. I scanned my Kuroyuri mini album and well, I'm too lazy to deal with their shit again so if anybody wanna try and transcribe the lyrics I will give you the scans. ping @peffy

  15. In case you were wondering, "SteelePanda" is, in fact, not my porn star name.

  16. In the process of uploading every VK flyer I own, with one bonus one. Should be interesting to those flyer fans out there!

  17. Any of you guys know more about this ASH DA HERO dude? This song is really nice, but it's hard to find more info on him in english...


  18. u so old lel

  19. Convinced a drunk salaryman that I'm Aoshi from Zigzag today and my friend is Jin and gave him a flyer lmao

  20. College is not only KILLING ME but also killing my chances of possibly finding out about some good artists through weekly releases and announcements. I hate you. So. Much.

  21. チケットゲット!!!!!


    LUNA SEA, X, GLAY, hide, AÍ VOU EU!

  22. Why do I always forget how to say よろしくお願いします? 

  23. チケットゲット!!!!!


    LUNA SEA, X, GLAY, hide, AÍ VOU EU!

  24. チケットゲット!!!!!


    LUNA SEA, X, GLAY, hide, AÍ VOU EU!

  25. チケットゲット!!!!!


    LUNA SEA, X, GLAY, hide, AÍ VOU EU!

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