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About IGM_Oficial

  • Rank
    Forever in quarantine
  • Birthday 09/08/1997

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    Manga, anime, A9, visual kei omnibuses and cats.

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  1. What if Vocaloids were in a visual kei band?

    Or a visual kei band did some collaborations with Vocaloids?

    1. Peace Heavy mk II
    2. Biopanda


      I think there's been a few VK bands with vocaloid "vocalists". The main one I can think of off the top of my head was Lovetique Chocolate. 【Ecthelion】-エクセリオン- also used vocaloids in a lot of their songs as well, from what I remember.

    3. suji


      There was a Vocaloid cover album where Vocaloids covered visual kei songs.


      But since I found this on Visual Scandal, I can't give you a download link (unless it's elsewhere).

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