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    orange~ reacted to platy in MEJIBRAY   
    do koichi's long bony fingers have a fanpage 

  2. Like
    orange~ got a reaction from Atreides in Show Yourself (again)   
    Atreides, for some reason you look like what I imagined (: 
  3. Like
    orange~ reacted to paradoxal in Show Yourself (again)   
    You should make this your avatar here in MH. Because reasons.
  4. Like
    orange~ reacted to itsukoii in Show Yourself (again)   
    ya girl dyed her hair again
  5. Like
    orange~ reacted to Atreides in Show Yourself (again)   
    Chilling with some friends last night, I'm not in the picture but I found this humorous.

  6. Like
    orange~ reacted to Atreides in Show Yourself (again)   
    Also this one, I've been drinking heavily so don't judge me

  7. Like
    orange~ reacted to Elazmus in MEJIBRAY   
    MEJIBRAY covering former VanessA songs would be one of their best decisions ever.
  8. Like
    orange~ got a reaction from Elazmus in MEJIBRAY   
    That interview was great! I'm a little sad Tzk has grown past his suicidal phase :'D
    Interesting backstory on The End. They were also saying that Tzk has been doing vocals on some old VanessA material, I wonder if they're releasing that stuff under Mejibray name?
  9. Like
    orange~ reacted to Trombe in 紅ク染マッタ記憶(Akaku Somatta Kioku) 2-month consecutive new singles release   
    紅ク染マッタ記憶(Akaku Somatta Kioku) 2 new singles "鬱(utsu)" "痛み(itami)" will be released in 2016/09 and in 2016/10 respectively, although details have not yet been announced
    btw they will hold their presents live "鬱の巣窟(utsu no soukutsu)" at Shinjuku RUIDO K4 at 2016/09/28 and their presents live "痛みの理由(itami no riyuu)" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2016/10/24

  10. Like
    orange~ reacted to Shmilly in [Review] DADAROMA - 「スタンチク」(Stanczyk)   
    01 オープニング (Opening)
    02 「リズリーサーカス」 (Risley Circus)
    03 「最終電車」 (saishuu densha)
    04 トレンドアイデンティティ (Trend Identity)
    05 融け込めないざらざらな芸術を君が殺してくれないか (tokekomenai zarazara na geijutsu wo kimi ga koroshitekurenai ka)
    06 「雨のワルツ」 (ame no waltz)
    07 ベルカとストレルカ (Velka & Strelka) (Re recording Ver.)
    08 モルヒネ♯1 (Morphine 1)
    09 モルヒネ♯2 (Morphine 2)
    10 SEX!!
    11 「溺れる魚」 (oboreru sakana)
    12 MONEY
    13 月のうた (tsuki no uta)
    14 imitation hero.
    15 「ルシッド•ドリーム」 (Lucid Dream)
    <16 KURT (piano Ver.)>
    Before we begin I’d like to note that I picked up both versions of this album at the band’s tour final last week, so it’s already had plenty of spins for me to base my opinion on. Now that the rest of you guys can hear it, I figured it's a good time to post my thoughts.
    So here we are at last – a full album release from one of the fastest growing bands in recent memory, DADAROMA. Led by frontman Yoshiatsu, who also has the talent of knowing exactly how to market his band to maximise interest, these guys appeared on the scene last January with nothing but a music video for their first song, ‘oboreru sakana’. The heavy but dramatic introduction to this mysterious new band drew the interest of many both within and without the visual kei community. However, unluckily for even national fans, their first mini album was and remained limited to sales at lives: a strategy that undoubtedly helped the young group take off by tempting fans to head on over to their lives and pick up a copy, but equally alienated those who couldn’t attend, especially foreign fans with no way to acquire this rare debut release.
    But of course, this is the age of the internet, and it wasn’t too long before ‘dadaism 1’ was available to all to hear free of charge, if not exactly legally. And this is my main cause of disappointment, not in ‘Stanczyk’ and DADAROMA’s decision to include that entire first release, which is itself commendable to please their ever-growing fanbase, but in the community which lessened the value of it, and by extension of this so-called ‘best album’ that is unfortunately fairly packed with tracks we’ve heard before.
    The album opens with a short introduction that sets up lead track ‘Risley Circus’, named for 19th century performer Richard Risley Carlisle, who pioneered the act of juggling with feet rather than hands. Indeed, Yoshiatsu packs many intriguing cultural references into DADAROMA’s songs, with the album itself a nod to the possibly mythical Polish jester Stanczyk and a generally pierrot-inspired theme running through both the band’s visual stylings and the lyrics of several songs. Risley displays some experimentation with electronic sounds and vocal distortion which may divide fans, but it’s undeniable that the catchy chorus will stay with you even after the track ends.
    Next comes single track ‘saishuu densha’ (Last Train), which is notorious for its highly erotic promotional video being removed from YouTube not once but twice, despite the band’s efforts to pixelate offensive material. DADAROMA have dabbled in jazz a fair amount, but this is in my opinion one of their best attempts (see also: the sensual ‘urei libido’ from the ‘ame no waltz’ single). Once again a catchy chorus and a steady pace held by the percussion parts make for a memorable track.
    ‘Trend Identity’ is the shortest track the band have produced to date. It recalls ‘kusatta mikan no houteishiki’ with the heavy riff matched with synth stylings, and was clearly made for live performance, but it sets itself apart a little with Yoshiatsu’s first attempt at something approaching a rap. Not particularly memorable itself, but it was fun at the tour final last week.
    Next we have a ridiculously long title that I can’t be bothered to type out again, but which is important to the album as a whole because it relates to the theme of art (Yoshiatsu’s final screams ‘kore wa geijutsu/this is art’ adorn the album’s obi strip). The bell-like motif immediately creates an interesting atmosphere as Yoshiatsu whispers his way through the verses, and from there the song builds into a powerful chorus. While initially the verse portions didn’t do a great deal for me, I do really enjoy said chorus and this track has grown on me a lot with repeat listens.
    Single number two, the red herring ‘ame no waltz’ that, quite unlike a waltz, breaks out of the soft music box and raindrop opening into a brutal chugging guitar riff, fits pretty well here after the raw scream that ended the last track. Somehow this song made its way onto a Japanese TV drama as the ending theme, which is somewhat of a mystery to me but I appreciate it nevertheless as the sole DADAROMA song that actually appears at karaoke. I have an ambivalent relationship with this track – it’s a good song, but sometimes I just want to skip it and get on to something else. YMMV but at any rate it's another song we've heard before.
    At this point we enter the cluster of tracks that is just ‘dadaism 1’ in a different order. While I appreciate that now fans who couldn’t get hold of that first live limited release (ie most fans) can now hear all those songs they’ve been playing for 18 months, it’s a little disappointing that they didn’t try and blend them more into the tracklist rather than just dumping them all together. For this reason long-time fans such as myself may be tempted to skip through this portion of the album, at least to the songs they like the most. This unfortunate situation is compounded by the fact that in this day and age it’s impossible to keep that limited CD from appearing on the internet sooner or later, diminishing the novelty of finally hearing these songs for the first time for many.
    DADAROMA have made some attempt to change things up a bit though. The most obvious of these is the re-recording of ‘Velka & Strelka’, one of my personal favourite songs the band has released so far. However, for me the original is still the superior as it takes more vocal talent to reach and hold those notes at the end than the re-recording, which is easier on Yoshiatsu’s highs (and fair enough; if you’ve seen him live, he can struggle with them on a rough night). This retake of the vocal track is just slightly lazier, and ultimately it seems as though little other than the clean vocals has actually been re-recorded.
    There are subtle changes in the other ‘dadaism 1’ tracks though. All of them have seen some editing at the mixing desk that brings the production more in line with the new tracks – the guitar is slightly less crisp at times and more distorted in the style of ‘Risley Circus’, but on the other hand the bass is more prominent, including a couple of additional samples Tomo seems to have recorded for this album, especially the final note of ‘Morphine 1’ that was particularly conspicuous. As to which version of each track is better, YMMV; ‘oboreru sakana’ and ‘SEX!!’ benefit somewhat from the changes in mixing, but I personally like the cleaner guitar in ‘MONEY’ much better on ‘dadaism 1’.
    We return to new material with one of my favourite tracks on ‘Stanczyk’, ‘tsuki no uta’. It’s an emotional ballad that retains its energy through the steady drum beats and powerful chords that support Yoshiatsu’s gorgeous vocals in the chorus. Despite lyrically presenting itself as a ballad, it’s a surprisingly short track that lends itself well to repeat listens. As an aside, I think this was the only new song the band didn’t play at their tour final; I look forward to the opportunity to hear it live some time in the future.
    ‘imitation hero.’ didn’t quite capture my attention in the same way as ‘tsuki no uta’, but it’s also an accomplished ballad in its own right. For me this is a rare case of the composition in the verse being far stronger and more enjoyable than the chorus. The always present piano is a welcome change to the common electronic elements in the rest of the album, and Yusuke’s confident drumming is one of the song’s strongest parts.
    DADAROMA’s first full album draws to a close with the dramatic masterpiece that is ‘Lucid Dream’. Easily one of my favourite tracks from the young group, the balance of head banging downtuned guitar chugs and a powerful chorus makes this a stellar composition in my eyes. It also wonderfully displays Yoshiatsu’s vocal prowess in both cleans and screams, comprising a wide range in the former and a variety of styles of the latter. Despite the surprising lack of pretty much any kind of audience participation at the band’s recent one man, it was a truly amazing ending to the main set when the band left the stage in awed silence as the last of the fake snow drifted to the ground.
    Of course, this review wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the bonus track on the regular edition of the album. The piano verison of ‘KURT’ amplifies the emotion in Yoshiatsu’s clear voice, while retaining the best of the instrumental support in a beautiful piano arrangement. I would actually love to hear a purely instrumental piano solo of this track at some point. It’s a fitting, end-credits-style addition to round off DADAROMA’s ‘best’ album.
    Ultimately I’m divided when it comes to giving this release some kind of score. On the one hand, there’s a lot of old material in here, but none of it is just there to pad out the run time, and in any case it’s all great material. As someone who has been a fan of DADAROMA since the very beginning, and also bought all of their releases and listened to them countless times over, it’s easy to act like we deserved more new material with ‘Stanczyk’. It wouldn’t even be unreasonable to be disappointed that live limited songs like ‘neji’ didn’t make the cut (although to be fair there’s still copies of that sitting on the goods stand at their concerts). However, if I were to imagine this album as my introduction to DADAROMA, this is easily a contender for album of the year.
  11. Like
    orange~ got a reaction from Koike in Show Yourself (again)   
    fricking giant people, making us looks like midgets D:
    had a good time. thanks guys! we're pretty~
    @yakihiko, definitely, I'm in!! ^^
  12. Like
    orange~ reacted to Koike in Show Yourself (again)   
    My bulking has been successful as you can see
  13. Like
    orange~ reacted to emmny in Show Yourself (again)   
    AH I LOVE THIS !!!!!!!
  14. Like
    orange~ reacted to gekiai in Show Yourself (again)   
    I'm taking the risk of posting my ugly face here for the first time ever. In cosplay, too.
    The scythe was a hassle to carry..but the con was fun, still.
  15. Like
    orange~ reacted to SethItari in Hello, my name is Seth   
    No worries, I knew what you meant. Though I'll admit when I read the first few words I immediately thought the same thing: "Lies, I know a Swedish person and a Canadian" (from my hometown actually). But don't worry, it was easy to tell what you mean by the context of your message.
  16. Like
    orange~ reacted to r... in hide   
    Huge fan here. Love hide and his legacy.
    PSYENCE is a classic and HIDE YOUR FACE is one hell of a cool record too. His stuff just sounded so vibrant and cool. Like he was two or three years ahead of anyone else. At the same time, he had enough pop sensibilities to churn out some amazing hit songs. Killer backing band as well.
  17. Like
    orange~ got a reaction from Atreides in hide   
    So I noticed artists section is missing something important:

    you might know him from X Japan, his solo, with spread beaver, zilch or even yokosuna saver tiger.
    His music varies a lot. from speed metal to more pop stuff of his solo career to industrial rock.
    I love hide because he's really pretty, light hearted, apparently real trouble maker and cool as f.
    so anyone else a fan of his?

  18. Like
    orange~ reacted to Shir0 in Shir0's "try to kill time" drawings   

  19. Like
    orange~ reacted to Shir0 in Shir0's "try to kill time" drawings   
    fiiinished because -> no motivation to continue lol

  20. Like
    orange~ got a reaction from paradoxal in Show Yourself (again)   
    fricking giant people, making us looks like midgets D:
    had a good time. thanks guys! we're pretty~
    @yakihiko, definitely, I'm in!! ^^
  21. Like
    orange~ reacted to Tokage in Show Yourself (again)   
    y'all Helsinki biptches need to step on that boat and come fight me @ Tallinn....
  22. Like
    orange~ reacted to paradoxal in Show Yourself (again)   
    Today might have been Gazette's concert in Helsinki but something far more important happened too...

    From left to right @Carmelzors @allisapp @Koike @orange~ me @kasupaa (he's mine if you didn't get the hint already)


    Me & my bb @kasupaa <3
  23. Like
    orange~ reacted to gnk777 in ギルガメッシュ (Girugamesh)   
  24. Like
    orange~ reacted to IGM_Oficial in X JAPAN album "Jealousy" (remastering ver.) release   
    I'm not their fan, but I know the pain that fans have because of the waiting for "Japanese democracy". And, instead of working on it, they wanted to make A SECOND RE-RELEASE of a previous album.
    First, the Qeddeshet critics. Now that? Trombe, I love you.
  25. Like
    orange~ got a reaction from YuyoDrift in The Virginity Topic   
    I'm not really core audience of this topic, but I can relate to how many of you feel here. Hearing this "unworthy" part especially hurts. When still younger, I used to feel the same. I didn't have any friends because I felt I had nothing to give to absolutely anyone, let alone have a love life of any kind. This went on until I too kinda gave up on anything of that nature.
    The big change for me was a long trip abroad where I had no connections to any people and I could start fresh with everyone. I think this reshaped my identity quite a bit. Also going on a long trip forces you to, you know, get out and actually meet some people.
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