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Posts posted by orange~

  1. yea H&M is good with my money situation :'D


    I used to buy lots of stuff from Silver Accessories (that's the only japanese brand I remember atm) I also used to spend fortunes in random Shibuya clothing stores, but my pseudo-VK phase is long dead. I guess I aim more for western punk rock look or something these days. not really, but if I had to categorize it somehow..


    Although I follow Koichi actively on instagram and I've found myself buying some cute-ish stuff too, which I don't know how well it goes with the rest of my look XD

  2. Yeah well ZeTeS grew on me big time. I'm really hooked on these guys now. Grimoire and Ivy were cool too. I was surprised at the Naine-esque stuff on Grimoire, but experimenting seems to work for Nocturnal Bloodlust.


    Part of the charm is that these guys don't seem to take themselves too seriously. I can't help but grin widely on stuff like Reverence's "CrushIntoTheBurdenForMeKillEachOtherAtTheEndOfStoryCrushIntoTheBurdenForMeKillEachOtherAtTheEndOfStory -- whoooo~, fuck yea!"

  3. Spoiler



    I haven't been super long on these boards, but I got a feeling I'll be spending time here, so might as well..


    This is a picture of me at 3 am after drinking all day, so I might look a bit tired. But then again this is the shape I'm often in, so it's truthful I suppose.



    @Ikna, what you talking about trash? You're really pretty!

  4. I think my top 3 is now set for some time, but rest are changing on weekly basis.


    1. Mejibray

    2. Avelcain

    3. Nocturnal Bloodlust

    4. Grieva

    5. My Bacteria Heat Island

    6. Krad

    7. Killaneth

    8. Dadaroma

    9. whatever hiLo is doing (he is active kinda)

    10. Arlequin


    I feel like I'm forgetting some bands..

  5. the video's cool, but miyavi doesn't really do it for me.


    I might go see him live though, I feel like his material works better there. I saw him on The Others tour (or whatever it was called) and the audience really wasn't your typical j-rock audience. Felt like they were more sorta Justin Bieber audience, you know generic pop people. Which is actually pretty nice, if non-j-rock/pop listening crowd finds Miyavi too. Miyavi was in Oprah or something, wasn't he?


    Also on The Others tour, there were bunch of 30+ years old men trying to harrass younger women. What kinda plan is that? You pay fortune for a ticket, just to-- you know. They must have done their studies to find their way to Miyavi gig.

  6. Now that I'm starting to recognize songs from each other, I'm really starting to like this album more! The beginning of the album is really strong! However I still feel like it's missing some stand out tracks. I kinda wish they would've saved insomnia for this album.. With Shuuen I was listening to 灰降ル丘... non-stop, but Konton no Hako doesn't have songs like that /:

  7. shiiit~ OMEGA's really cool. It's more of the same stuff OMNIGOD had. VENOM has been playing in my head non-stop @_@

    ZeTes sounds a bit too metal for my taste. drumming, rhythm changes and such. Also it got epic metal speeches, which I pretty much hate lol. But I feel like it's growing on me.


    too bad Ivy's and GRIMOIRE's download links were dead. I'll look them up later. thanks again for the recommendations!!

  8. yea well my initial impression is pretty dull on kondon no hako tbh. It's the same that happened with Shuuen as well, so I'm prepared to give it some more time. I think it would be easier to get into their albums if they didn't release 16 track albums. Rather focused their creative effort on lesser amount of songs, but I suppose this is their way of doing things.. so whatever.


    Anyone know why -in the Blue- is so short? Because it's such a cliché of a j-rock song? It sounds pretty cool and I would have loved it to be a full length.

  9. Hey, I've listened to the omnigod many times now and I'm really liking it!! Western influences are really heavy, but it's just refreshing among the monotone and uniform sound many VK bands aim for these days. Stand out tracks for me so far are Punch me if you can, tyrant, genesis and I'm liking the ballads too. but really it's all good. thanks for the tip itsukoii ;) I'll download the rest of your recommendations too

  10. yea how is this topic so inactive? I've been getting into nocturnal bloodlust a lot more lately. I always acknowledged them but never delved deeper. Do you people have any recommandations on what albums to listen?

  11. Ooohh~ i actually did see that before on twitter or something but didn't understand what I was looking at lol. What to discuss about it though? It's one more tattoo of psychadelic vomit. Really cool of course. I've started liking meto more and more lately

  12. I actually remember reading an interview of DEG long time ago, where they were saying that the guys in the band never really spent any time together to begin with. They've never been like good friends or anything, it's been more of a professional relationship since the start and this was supposedly their strength as a band, cuz everyone concentrates on the creative side of things and I guess you don't get fed up with people that easily if you don't hang around them.


    I'm sorry I don't have any source for this, but this was marrow- or pre-marrow era stuff If I remember correctly.



    oh and on topic:

    before the next album is out, X Japan will call it quits.

  13. On 11.4.2016 at 4:31 PM, Nowhere Girl said:

    MARROW actually turned me off the band for a few months the first time I heard it. I wasn't a big metal fan back then, and its raw, unrelenting aggression confused and shocked me. I had to give it another couple of shots before the album clicked with me.

    Yea that was my initial reaction at first as well. when I was just a small kid, I remember how even ZAN was too aggressive lol But MARROW grew on me and I actually got into western death metal, etc. afterwards as diru made my tolerance grow.


    I think I need to give ARCHE a new try seeing all these positive opinions. Didn't like it too much when it was first released...

  14. MARROW was actually the album that got me back to diru. I hadn't been listening them in years and just happened to see their album being sold in a store. I picked it up as it's really not that common to see vk or japanese music on sale here. Loved the album and I probably still rank it among my top favourites of diru. I feel like the gazette might have been aiming for something similar with their DOGMA

  15. It actually fell out of my playlist already D: I go more often back to dadaism #1 now. it's weird cuz on the paper dadaism#2 does everything right, like it was just the thing I had hoped from DDRM. But I just like their heavier songs on #1 more and morfine 1 & especially 2 are just my favourite songs of theirs.

    ...still.. dadaism#2 is banging as well of course, who am I kidding ^^

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