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Posts posted by orange~

  1. i'm glad Disorder is getting this much love <3 Love the punk influences they got back then.

    Dogma is really impressive too, I'm actually getting hyped to see them live now

  2. Yea it really depends on what era gazette you like. For me, big part being nostalgia value for sure, are Cassis and maybe Filth in Beauty. I've actually been listening to early gazette lately and I'm liking it way better than before!

  3. If my memory dont fail, his tweet wasnt that but "If AvelCain dies i don't die, but if i die AvelCain dies".

    This actually sounds pretty promising as far as new band is concerned. For Karma anyway...

  4. What's the history with avelcain and eve? I guess you're talking about the eve of Lycaon?

    I'm fairly new fan of avelcain so I have absolutely no problem with their current state. At first I felt like avelcain was just a really good b-tier vk band, but slowly they became one of my all time favourite acts. I agree that their guitar work isn't very versatile, but that's why their heavier emphasis on melodies as of late is welcome imo. Karma is the main reason I like them so much and he has yet to dissapoint me.

    Oh and +1 for the new album!

  5. I felt that mejibray was getting stale with 420 theatrical roses already (apart from few cool songs) but since then they've done more interesting stuff and I've really liked stuff like eiki and secret no 3 (which seems to be disliked here lol) i like this new song as well, it's got some new elements and the members seem to be playing to their strengths.

  6. There was a time when I would have paid anything to see these guys live. Now I don't really care all that much. Lucky me, as otherwise I would have extra tickets for a flight to London for no reason. I remember back in '08 (or '07?) when they got back together I was already preparing for a trip to Paris to see them, but even that shit got postponed for like 4 years or something lol


    I love hide and Taiji, but otherwise X are really testing the limits of my fandom

  7. yeaa AvelCain's ballads are really great!! I usually feel like many VK bands, and other bands around the world too really, make ballads just for the sake of having them in their setlist, but that's not the case with these guys. Karma is really able to put a lot of emotion into their songs.

    揺り籠 is my favourite song of them and I get chills every time I listen to it.



    EDIT: oh, I read your post again yakihiko... I guess MOON and 夜光虫 got pretty unique sound as far as their ballads go and can't think of others alike, but still you should give their other songs a chance too!

  8. I also remember hearing playback in some MEJ live

    Imo big part of MEJ is in the individuals that make up the band. You can hear everyone clearly on every track and they bring something relevant to their songs. It also helps that they got big presence in promo material and live (minus MiA, he's kinda boring)

    Honestly I haven't been this interested in all members of the band since the days of fanboying X-Japan like 15 years ago..

  9. I think dadaism#2 is alright. ハイアンドロー is really cool and 「ルシッド・ドリーム」 is the another standout track even though it's not the most original piece. The rest didn't make me really feel much. I'm suprised how the new morphine song turned out to be, as #1 and 2 were more jazzy songs. Ars amatoria loses to those previous morphine songs in jazzcore genre.


    It's good continuation from #1, pretty much more of the same, but since they got such a small discography so far, that's pretty much what I wanted (:

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