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Posts posted by orange~

  1. MH meets are the greatest. Without exception, I've had great fun in them! At the very least they're really memorable, even if you got no recollection of what went down - if that makes any sense ;D


    Speaking of - There's gonna be a VK event at Helsinki, Finland on 6th of October. This is a great chance to attend a small scale MH meet as few cool people from here are going there too! This on a very short notice, but if anyone shows up, I can always give a place to stay - if you're okay with staying in one of the shadier parts near Helsinki and sleeping on floor (I only got futon and some random sleeping mattresses)

  2. I really don't think there's any Lycaon style stuff going on behind the scenes. I honestly feel like Mejibray is lacking inspiration for anything new and that's why they decided to take a break. Personally, I find it difficult to think any direction they should take as a band, like what kind of stuff do you think they should compose?

  3. 9 hours ago, Kiryu999 said:

    Both. Cutting his wrists during lives, stuff like that.


    Was he ? I watched that live but he didn't seem to be drunk to me, but yeah as soon as the final song ended he was like "ok bye" and left the stage lmao

    What? Did we see the same live? I thought he was like super emotional during that live, like borderline crying the whole set with his voice breaking and stuff. Then he left the stage without a word like you described, but it was more like "fuck this life, now to cut my wrists asap"-kinda without a word.

  4. Oh there's a KPOP topic here too :o I've been getting more and more into KPOP thanks to a youtuber, Ridgy720. It's pretty funny that I got absolutely no interest in it before, but just randomly seeing his videos, I've gotten more involved over time.


    G-DRAGON has a concert in Berlin, which I'd very much like to attend...

  5. 6 hours ago, Takadanobabaalien said:

    Christiania is an interesting place! I live in Malmö so I'm very close (only been there once though). I'm not a big fan of the vibe the place gives off (despite being pretty liberal to drugs). The only time I was there was after midnight though, that might have been part of what made it strange. 

    Oh you live there? I actually travelled through Malmö:)


    But yeaah that might be different. I was there during daytime and the general vibe was kinda the same as with many hippie-communes I've been to before - So I kinda liked it. It's an interesting experiment in a way - in that you can see what the world would be like if everyone was like that. But it seems like it's also kinda tourist trap for certain kind of people, people that just to go for the drugs, which was a bit annoying haha.


    I still wanna visit the place again some day - A party in that area could be pretty epic.

  6. Too many things on my hands - my brains cannot handle! O_O Solution: Just run away from your problems and responsibilities! :D I'll be leaving on my short travels first thing tomorrow morning! I look forward to you Stockholm, Göteborg and Copenhagen!

  7. There has been good tracks on each of their releases, but I don't think they've been able to make anything exceptional since their initial appearance. I was blown away with stuff like Dead[en]D and couldn't get enough of the band after their first full length record, but since then their material has been kinda uninspired imo. I still like the band a lot, but with 5 years you can see the direction of the band and sometimes it's better to look for inspiration elsewhere. I hope to see these guys in another band for sure!

  8. I've been watching Akira Kurosawa movies lately (Kagemusha, 7 Samurai and Dreams) and holy shit they are captivating! Cinematography is a lost art form in modern age. Simple scene on a river, next to a bed of flowers and water mills looked more beautiful than anything fantasy block busters have churned out for past decades.

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