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    sakuran reacted to Suuu in V STAR PROMOTION   
    WEB SHOP - New Shipping Prices/Options available
    We have just added more shipping weight classes, and options to the V STAR Webshop.
    We hope the addition of these options can be helpful to our customers

    prevousley we only had EMS for shipping.
    but now customers can choose between the following option
    (please read carefully, especially in regard to AIR MAIL no tracking and insurance)
    EMS is the fastest and most reliable type of shipping.
    Outside of customs, orders should arrive in 3days up to a week after being shipped by V STAR PROMOTION.
    EMS also includes insurance and a tracking number so you can track your orders status on the JAPAN POST website.
    However EMS is also has the highest cost, to match these benefits.
    AIR MAIL with tracking+insurance
    Air mail is well suited for people with smaller orders as the weight system is sorted per 100grams instead of per 500grams which is necessary by EMS.
    Although a little less reliable, with the tracking+insurance option you will receive a tracking number and insurance on orders up to 20.000yen.
    Not including time spent in customs, orders sent by Air Mail should arrive between 4 days to a week and a half.
    Due to more weight options, Air Mail tends to be cheaper than EMS, the added tracking+insurance is 460yen which will be automatically included in the price of this option
    AIR MAIL no tracking and insurance
    As implied, Air Mail with no tracking and insurance is exactly like the above detailed Air Mail but without the additional tracking and insurance.
    This means your order will not be insured and you will not receive a tracking number and will be unable to check on the status of your order once it has been shipped.
    However with this option it’s the cheapest option as Air Mail is the cheapest option, and you won’t pay the additional 460 yen for tracking and insurance.
    We at V STAR PROMOTION highly recommend paying the small extra cost for shipping and tracking, however we believe in providing options for customers.
    Please note and beware
    We will take a picture of all orders with this shipping order with the shipping receipt once it is at the post office as proof that the order has been successfully delivered to our post office ready for delivery.
    Thank you everyone for your continued support
  2. Like
    sakuran reacted to BrenGun in Fixer has joined Starwave Records & new album "Fixer" release   
    as I said before. almost nobody does buy live DVD. sometimes only one or a few persons buy.
    kiwamu can easy find out because of that matter who did. he might not punish you. But maybe he will make it more hard for oversea fan to get live dvd.
    thats something we also shouldn't forget.
    its not always that people don't wanna sbare sometimes its better to not to share. broke or not. sometimes you can't get everything. live with it.
  3. Like
    sakuran reacted to Tetora in Fixer has joined Starwave Records & new album "Fixer" release   
    If you are broke you have bigger issues than being entertained, especially being spoonfed every single piece of entertainment that you demand when there is already an endless supply of free entertainment available to you.
    It's clear that this whole viewpoint on not 'sharing' (a term used to put some kind of bs feel good spin on giving out other people's hard work for free) being 'selfish' (because you are entitled to the labor of other people while you sit at home) is a load of crap solely fabricated to rationalize taking as much as you can from others while not giving back.
    And give us a break with the whole theory that a band dies because not enough people got their work for free, especially with a live DVD. It's not up to 'fans' with no experience in the record industry and possibly no work experience what-so-ever to decide what marketing plan should be used.
    It is far from elite to buy a cd or dvd, and if you don't care about the opinion's of others then ignore them, they didn't exactly insult you, but you sure are condescending to them.
    Lately you post very frequent negative comments and conspiracy theories over and over in different topics but the second someone disagrees with you or has another point of view you snap.
    Nobody is trying to stop you from believing that downloading is helping a band stay alive, or that the Earth is flat or whatever equally believable thing you want to post, so give other people the same respect and let them say what they want on a site that is based on discussion. If you want to argue then do it in a civil manner and don't post rhetoric theories and act like everyone who doesn't agree with you is an elitist jerk killing the record industry.
    Just my opinion.
    Anyway, to pretend to be on topic:
    Cool band, hope to see what they come up with next.
  4. Like
    sakuran reacted to Thedane in Fixer has joined Starwave Records & new album "Fixer" release   
    Preach the truth yo.
  5. Like
    sakuran reacted to VkBrutaliaN in Fixer has joined Starwave Records & new album "Fixer" release   
    probably to buy it yourself if you wanna see it/are a fan!?
  6. Like
    sakuran reacted to Trombe in MEJIBRAY new maxi single "羽花(uka)" & LIVE DVD release   
    MiA & メト(meto):

  7. Like
    sakuran reacted to Tokage in new band "SchwarzKain" has formed   
    Kiwamu is literally just a monkey in a business suit lobbing chairs around like Donkey Kong
  8. Like
    sakuran reacted to Yukami in Insanity Injection 2 new digital singles & mini album release   
    ^ Their first single is a mess? 
    Don't know if you heard it right, but it really is very good.
    I'm happy for them!
    And please, another PV! 
  9. Like
    sakuran got a reaction from betsvri in ゴシップ(Gossip) new maxi single "天上天下唯我独唱" release   
    Seems like the single will be released in two types. One is the version mentioned at the top of the thread. There will also be one limited to Village Vanguard, 444 copies, 1,890 yen.
    It will also come with a live DVD.
  10. Like
    sakuran reacted to Chi in グリーヴァ(Grieva) live-limited T-shirt+CD release   
    its ok we can have DOUBLE the passion
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    sakuran reacted to Jigsaw9 in グリーヴァ(Grieva) live-limited T-shirt+CD release   
    gotta have ALL THE SYMBOLS!! #prodesigning
  13. Like
    sakuran got a reaction from Shir0 in グリーヴァ(Grieva) live-limited T-shirt+CD release   
    Grieva on a roll with these killer shirt designs.
  14. Like
    sakuran reacted to JRD in MEABEL will disband   
    I'm gonna go look at my shirtless koudai chekis and cry.
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    sakuran reacted to peffy in 6 Disbandments that Really Sucked   
    Absolutely 100% D'espairsRay
    They were the second VK band (or, the first with male vocals) that I absolutely fell in love with, and were basically my gateway drug into VK as a whole. This was in early 2010 when they released LOVE IS DEAD, which I found amusing due to the obvious similarities to "You Spin Me Right Round". So I dug into their back catalogue and became completely obsessed. I even saw them live that year, only to be totally devastated shortly afterward when they announced Hizumi's illness and their disbandment.
    I framed the poster they signed for me and put it next to my bed. 
  17. Like
    sakuran reacted to Zeus in 6 Disbandments that Really Sucked   
    Not to turn this into a D'espairsRay mourning topic, but as I was tying up my blurb I had a hard time distinguishing between what was and what could have been. If we lived in a universe where HIZUMI never got sick, would REDEEMER have come out the same way? Did the sickness force D'espa to play their hand early, or did they just go with the flow and make the best of a bad situation? The world may never know.
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    sakuran reacted to saishuu in 6 Disbandments that Really Sucked   
    Seeing sfp dead last is sad.
    I voted for D'Ray though. They were one of my first VK bands back in 02/03 and as much as their latter output sucked, it was still surprising and pretty upsetting to see them go.
    I'm more surprised to not see RENTRER EN SOI here other than anything else.
  19. Like
    sakuran got a reaction from Zeus in 6 Disbandments that Really Sucked   
    Wow, whose idea was it to make a thread like this?
    Anyway, D'espairsRay for me. As has been mentioned, the circumstances basically forced them to do so. And they were always one of my favorites. They were a likeable bunch, and their music was always close to my heart.
  20. Like
    sakuran reacted to Yukami in MALISEND 2 live-limited singles release   
    Ikebukuro BlackHole
    SET-LIST at 2016/06/18:
    5.Unripe Ideal


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    sakuran reacted to nick in 6 Disbandments that Really Sucked   
    Definitely D'espairsRay.
    Their disbandment in 2011 was one of the saddest VK disbandments of all time IMO. They kind of unwillingly had to do so because there was no other choice left due to HIZUMI unable to sing.
    Anyway, I personally hope they'd come back to the scene some day. I wound't even mind if they had to switch places between HIZUMI and TSUKASA and turn D'espairsRay into an Enka Metal band.
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    sakuran reacted to seikun in chariots new maxi single "忌際(kisai)" release   
    So many homophones in Japanese. They must hinder communication sometimes, I guess...
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    sakuran reacted to Yukimoto in MEJIBRAY new maxi single "羽花(uka)" & LIVE DVD release   
    Mia still princess like<3 I wonder if it's his new thing
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    sakuran got a reaction from Chi in MEJIBRAY new maxi single "羽花(uka)" & LIVE DVD release   
    Koichi, what is that
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