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Posts posted by sakuran

  1. 44 minutes ago, DarkWater said:

    but if news won't be interesting I will be  back in lurker mode again.

    kimda news get me back here. 

    Yes, come back here just long enough to throw a nice tantrum about Trombe leaving, then go right back into lurker mode because content isn't to your liking. Instead of, oh I don't know, making the effort to actually contribute to said content yourself.




    I also agree with @lichtlune in that while we may have technically had an open news forum all this time, it did not really feel like one because of Trombe's attitude about it. We'll see how things go, but I hope it will be healthier this way.

  2. 1 hour ago, Traxan said:

    Nature abhors a vacuum, I think new people will step up. Especially if Trombe's behavior toward me was any indication.

    ^ This. To all these people acting like, "oh noooo, MH won't have any news posts now that Trombe is no longer here!! such pointless, much dead forum, wow"


    Other people are perfectly capable and willing to post news. I imagine the reason very few people tried to before (myself included, though I did make a few attempts) is because they felt intimidated by the fact that Trombe had such a monopoly on the news section and there was no point in trying to post news yourself, even if you managed to post it before Trombe, because some ghost thread would show up five minutes later anyway. It's not as if we're all a bunch of helpless babies that can't do anything on our own. Trombe was impressive because s/he managed to do most of this single-handedly, and it was certainly appreciated, but there is no reason why a single person has to keep doing it. You can sit around whining in this thread all day, or you can think about contributing in some small part to help keep things just as active as they ever were.

  3. Wow, whose idea was it to make a thread like this? :P


    Anyway, D'espairsRay for me. As has been mentioned, the circumstances basically forced them to do so. And they were always one of my favorites. They were a likeable bunch, and their music was always close to my heart.

  4. Well, I can't say I'm surprised... They'd announced no new releases since 呪縛 came out in December, so I was starting to fear that a disbandment might be coming up. :( I liked all of their material and found it quite pleasant to listen to, and I was really looking forward to see where they would go, so although I'm not surprised, I am still quite disappointed. The best-of album is nice though, to put all of their tracks out at once like that. I hope the members find something to do after this, and hopefully we don't have to wait too long to find out what they're up to.

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