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Posts posted by sakuran

  1. Siva - They had a way too short lifespan and made too little music, half of which was singles and mini albums with the same songs ~_~ And I miss seing Cell play bass, though I have a feeling we'll see him again (I hope so).

    Siva :(


    There are plenty on my list, but lately I've been missing D'espairsRay a lot. Hizumi was one of my favorite vocalists, and I'm quite sad they had to quit the way they did.

  2. My main issue with the visual kei scene isn't really represented in the options here, and it's something you generally get more in touch with once you get to Japan and get to experience the scene.

    Firstly, the fact that a large majority of visual kei musicians more or less openly admits they don't have any artistic or personal integrity, they don't care what they produce and they don't care that their sound is exactly like every other band out there, because they know that as long as the members are pretty enough there WILL be fans, and they WILL pay you money for "company" and "favors" so that you can survive comfortably and keep rehashing the same song for a couple of years until you feel like calling it quits and do something more worthwhile with your life, or more likely, go into full time hosting business now that you have a decent circle of clients already.


    This sort of leads me into my second issue and it's the bangya culture. It's generally really vile, and the way the girls not only talk about the musicians but also each other is quite disgusting. If the bangyas decide that a member has done something they do not approve of, that doesn't live up to their perfect ideals that they hold them all to (because god knows the fangirls don't live up to any of them) they can easily start enough shit to cause a band to break up or force a member out of the band. The issues doesn't end there though, because the few foreign bangya that exists generally adapt to this mentality and lifestyle too. They openly shun other foreigners who dare attend the lives of "their" band and ruin their "specialness", they participate in this completely daft saizen system where a designated person basically decides who gets what spot at a concert so everyone can enjoy playing ten year olds doing the "you're not allowed to play with us"-games... And the obviousness of what really drives people to be fans of these bands become so apparent when they get to this level, and it's certainly not the music.


    To be honest, in a lot of ways I never realized how bad this was until I got there and could see it all for myself, and that's despite a 13 year stint in the scene by now.

    Has this mentality always been there, or is it a more modern thing?

  3. As requested, some (not great quality) pics.


    The goods!

    Top: towel. Bottom: hoodie, t-shirt, tote, membership card. I especially love the design on the hoodie, I know I'll be wearing it a lot.


    Backside of the card.

    This seems to have the Baka Aho Manuke Banzai lyrics printed on it. I don't know why part of it is marked out like that. Also, (a) I don't have a scanner, and (B) it's laminated, so unfortunately this is the best I can do (without getting out my real camera, but I don't know how much that will help).

  4. My very first love, and one of the first bands I discovered when I was exploring visual kei for the first time, was Due le quartz. I loved their look and their costumes, and I remember watching their PVs all the time. I think they really embodied what attracted me to visual kei at the time, especially in terms of visuals (so I do find it sad that there isn't so much of that to be found these days). I liked their sound, too, of course; it's hard to pick among their discography, but I think Re:plica is probably my favorite song.


    D'espairsRay gets a special shoutout for writing amazing music and always being a wonderful live experience. I liked their music a lot even before seeing them at a show for the first time, but seeing them live kicked my love for them up to a whole new level. They really held a special place in my heart for many years because of that, and I was very sad to see them go because I won't get a chance to do that again.


    I love the entire discography of the GazettE, and I don't care what anyone else thinks about them. :indie_angry:

  5. Reviving this thread, because I like answering such things...


    1: Do you buy multiple versions of releases, or buy at all? (Judgement-Free-Zone)

    For my favorite band, I'll buy all releases and versions because I really like collecting things, and occasionally multiple copies for privileges etc. For others, I buy some releases here and there, but not 100% of them.


    2: Do you collect cheki or other non-music related items from bands?

    I think cheki are expensive af for tiny little polaroids, but at the same time the collector in me wants to have them too, so I've compromised with myself by collecting them only for one band. I do like collecting photosets. As for other merch, I'll rarely buy it unless I'm at a live; I have some t-shirts/towels/posters I've gotten that way.


    3: Follow them on Ameblo, Twitter?



    4: Would you follow them on the street?



    5: Dig through their trash? (Judgment-Free-Zone)

    lol, no.


    6: Does Visual Kei or other forms of your musical taste influence your style or personal life?

    Not really.


    7: Desire to move or visit Japan influenced by music?

    Yes! I've visited, and there were many factors that motivated me to do it, including music.


    8: Do you read dirt-sheets of bands, like rumours, gossip, etc...?

    From time to time I'll do it, for the lulz.


    9: Ever fantasize about being friends with band members? (JFZ)



    10: Do you want to be in a Visual Kei band (or any other kind of band)?


  6. I hope this forum is ok to post it in, but I'm trying to sort out the details of the privilege CDs for the Ankoku Sekai wa Yami omnibus. The details are given on the AINS' bands websites/blogs, so here is Gossip's post for example. A half dozen shops have these bonus CDs, and all I can get out of this post is "別暗黒世界ハ闇" - another(?) Ankoku Sekai wa Yami, with a different version for each band.


    For reference, I got my package from Brand X today, and I got the Kuroyuri to Kage disc. Unfortunately I don't know their discography very well so I was afraid I wouldn't recognize the track if it was a re-recording or something like that, but once I listened to it, the first few notes/melody sound just like the intro to the 暗黒世界ハ闇 track on the omnibus. After that though, it sounds different to me. I guess it's just some original track recorded as a bonus? Basically, I'm confused about what exactly these CDs are supposed to be, and I don't know if there were details/explanation of them posted anywhere else, so maybe someone more knowledgeable can clarify.


    If you want to hear the Kuroyuri to Kage track, it's here. I don't want to post it in Downloads or something until I'm sure of a decent way to tag it (right now the track title is just 暗黒世界ハ闇 since I don't know what else to put).

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