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sakuran last won the day on October 4 2018

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About sakuran

  • Rank
    black sheep

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    under the shallow sleep

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  1. sakuran

    Sounds great! Really looking forward to the full track.
  2. sakuran

    Sad to see them go I enjoyed their first album and was looking forward to seeing how they developed.
  3. If I recall correctly, the member-specific versions each have a small booklet featuring photos of that particular member. I don't know about the remaining versions.
  4. sakuran

    From what I've seen/heard of some shows that are currently happening, they are under very different conditions and with social distancing inside the livehouse, etc. So no, even when there are shows, they are not back to "normal".
  5. sakuran

    These looks suit everyone nicely. 😄 Looking forward to some previews.
  6. sakuran

    The song is lovely! I am totally okay with this.
  7. sakuran

    Wow, I was honestly skeptical that they ever would come back. I really loved both their early and their final few releases, and maybe their new material won't sound anything like any of that, but I am very happy to see this news nonetheless. Hopefully they can find some success under the current circumstances.
  8. sakuran

    It makes sense if they can't have in-person events to promote the release. 😖 Though maybe with the delay, it will go back to being a mini-album instead of a single? 🙏
  9. I don't suppose anyone saved Meidara's PVs from their YouTube channel, before they got deleted? :(

  10. Having things on the webshop is much better than live-limited only. Also, acoustic track! Looking forward to it.
  11. sakuran

    I'm another one of the (apparently few?) people who like the vocals. I can see how they may be a bit uninteresting for some, but I certainly find him more listenable than a lot of other mediocre singers that float their way through the scene...
  12. Not really feeling this new look... the song is nice enough though. Btw, the webshop is open, and Umbra is available there.
  13. sakuran

    They look lovely, as always. Definitely looking forward to it.
  14. sakuran

    It's not bad, but I feel like it isn't memorable, especially amongst their music.
  15. sakuran

    I love this! Both the song and the visuals are fantastic. Bless these boys.
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