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sakuran last won the day on October 4 2018

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About sakuran

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    black sheep

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    under the shallow sleep

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  1. I still don't understand people who go into threads about bands they clearly don't like, just to bitch about how they don't like them... find a better hobby...

    1. saishuu


      to bring up discussion? because some people still wish certain bands would improve and do something they like? because this is a forum and people can post whatever/wherever they want? I can go on

    2. Euthanasia


      Sadly there's a lot of people who enjoy to make others pissed off.

    3. sakuran


      If a band doesn't make music I like, I don't follow them; I go find something else that I actually enjoy, instead of wasting my time with crap that obviously isn't for me. It's like finding a flavor of candy you don't like, but then you keep eating the same thing anyway while complaining about how bad it is and how you wish it were something else. Some "discussion" that is.

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