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Posts posted by Euthanasia

  1. 5 hours ago, seurong said:

    i still have to watch the dvd but what did everyone think of it?


    also since meji will leave us hanging till november uhhhhhh lets come up with stuff to talk about



    whats ur fav look of each member? it can be outfit and hairstyle separately or both



    The dvd was great imo. I thought it was clever that they started with THE END and ended with カルマ-瓦礫のマンティコーラース-. 


    omg and fav look!? Tricky question. I adored the EMILY look though... And パラダイム・パラドックス but mainly because Tzk was blonde and it took me back to the VanessA days which I miss so much. ;; 

  2. Hello, and welcome to MH! 

    Nice band list! I am (or was?) a fan of UnsraW and Doak as well, and I really hope Yuuki comes back in a new band soon.

    You can talk to me anytime about bands and stuff. :D 


    and I saw you had morrigan on your list WOHO

  3. Thank you for starting this thread! It was needed.


    For 11-12 years I've been in love with VK – the music, the visual, all of the different concepts in each band ect. I've met a lot of friends thanks to this, and some of them are still my friends today which I am very thankful for. I've always find it hard though to explain why I love VK so much.. I think the japanese language is very beautiful, and I guess I find it very appealing to the type of music I love lol. 


    What I also like is how different the bands can be, I mean if you're in a mood for pop you can find it in VK, as much as you can find metal. I think that's amazing. 

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