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Posts posted by Euthanasia

  1. 2 minutes ago, chemicalpictures said:


    That's the whole point. @emmy answered it perfectly, they can enforce it all they want on the japanese audience, but it simply won't work here in the west.


    I find it curious that vkei fans have some kind of "god and peasant" relationship with their favorite bands... Why would we abide to every rule just because they say so? why would anyone idolize a band like they deserve more respect than the fans, the consumers? they are not doing us any favor by doing live shows, y'know?


    but each to it's own, I guess


    I don't know, but if a band ask me to not take any photos I usually respect them enough to not to take any pictures? It's like that with everything.. If someones ask not to, why do it? I would've understand if they didn't say anything and then got upset that people were taking photos but if they actually ask not to.. Then I don't see the problem. I don't think they try to enforce anything... And well, I'd like to be kind to the bands  I like, especially if they do a oversea tour since everyone can't go to Japan and see them. And if the band suddenly decides to stop touring because fans can't listen or respect them - then you've destroyed for other fans. Maybe your actions doesn't effect you as much and maybe you think that the band are idiots for being so sensitive, but it effects other fans and I don't see why that would be worth it. 


    And not doing favors by doing live shows? I think it depends who you ask, for some music is very ver very very  important and I, personally feel happy when I've the chance to see my favorite band and I am always thankful if the band decides to come to my country /or in this case near my country. If they want to play the music I like, then I can respect them enough not to force a camera up their faces and take unflattering pictures and spreading them online to laugh at - like some people do.

  2. 14 hours ago, JukaForever said:

    Meh just respect the band's wishes, not that hard




    Besides, when I saw a gig in Japan there were "no photo" rules - they even announced it before the live. Everyone agreed to it expect two other girls from overseas who took out their phones anyway and tried to take pictures and well, got told by japanese fans not to so. So it does happen in Japan too.


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