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Posts posted by Euthanasia

  1. 36 minutes ago, Uglymouth said:

    He stated that the reason to why he and his band went to Tokyo is to pursue their dream, yet what they are doing is drinking alcohol all day, every day, partying, sleeping with shitloads of girls and fangirls simply because they're white foreigners. They are basically the first (that I know of, enlighten me on this one if I'm wrong) western visual kei band to relocate to Japan for activities, and I can only imagine what a bad fucking image they are leaving to the Japanese visual kei bandmen (who probably already have a shitty view on foreigners) when they travel all the way to Tokyo simply to act like assholes.


    lmao yeah. Let's just say that Yohio isn't the only idiot in Disreign. Someone in that band did something horrible to my friend and thanks to that I've hard time taking the band seriously - even if I would try. 

    They will be home from Japan soon tho, when they realize that working as a musician won't get you any VISA in Jp.

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