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Status Updates posted by Sakurai-san

  1. *want to hear something more from MALISEND*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sakurai-san


      Ohw I will start too xD

    3. emmny


      its likely not going to surface until they sell it outside of lives given how small the fanbase is. you'd likely have to wait a while.

    4. Sakurai-san


      oh I just hope someone will share something, there's something on youtube for example

  2. So Imai-san is working with Acchan for THE MORTAL project.. things are getting better *^* ~!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sakurai-san


      I don't know, I read it around the web, especially facebook pages xD

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Covers of...Buck-Tick songs? lol

    4. Sakurai-san


      I guess something related to Atsushi's taste, just like space oddity in his previous solo work :3

  3. I was writing something on last.fm's worst update ever.. so it's not just me .. xD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sakurai-san


      that's the best idea ever. I will surely come in !

    3. evilcoconut


      i read groups were gone forever. =/

    4. Sakurai-san


      whaaat D:?! I get more disappointed every minute

  4. Haru commented one of my stupid modificated pics on twitter ♥

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yakihiko


      I saw that, was a funny one xD

    3. anakuro


      I saw it because roji retweeted haru's reaction (I missed it when haru tweeted). Haru's so cute :')

    4. Sakurai-san


      sorry I just noticed it now xD Yup, it was funny hahahah xD

  5. I've heard 2 anime openings, one from "FLOW" and one from "Spyair". Are they good bands?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. evilcoconut


      yes, both are v.good

    3. Tetora



    4. Sakurai-san


      Good,good then I will check them out, thank you :3~!!!

  6. My addiction to Sleep My Dear is growing more and more...♥, it's a pity there's no lyrics on the web ;u;

  7. Just want to find a good band to follow .. any suggestion? (You can find the ones that I like in my profile )

    1. vanivani


      Looked at your profile... Dunno if you'll like these bands, but sometimes tastes can be diverse. I personally love XAA-XAA, Sally., 蒼-AO-, ANGRAYSE, and The♡Valentine.

    2. yakihiko


      If you are liking Dadaroma, I recommend old Mejibray releases, like Karma album and Messiah.bat

    3. Sakurai-san


      thank you very much! I will check them out!

  8. The only site that have this single and don't answer to my e-mail, how I should buy the cd? Uff T.T

    1. yakihiko


      Which one? Most stores reply with deadline in 48 hrs.

    2. Sakurai-san
    3. yakihiko


      I don't know how Brand X works, do a topic on help section, someone can give a light to you.

  9. Fixer is a really good band~\

    1. Shir0


      yuup :] into the vortex was so good hopefully someone shares silence of the void

    2. Sakurai-san


      Yup, I'm really into them now so I hope to hear it too :3

    3. Elazmus


      They are indeed :] Jey<3

  10. ..ohw and I just remembered I already listened to xaa-xaa ( I heard doshaburi no kanojo and I found it really interesting :3)

    1. vanivani


      Ya, XAA-XAA's been one of the more promising bands to come out of the visual kei scene recently.

    2. Sakurai-san


      you're right *^*!

  11. EVOKE is a good single ! DOZE is my favorite ~

    1. Jigsaw9


      Yeahh! Nice lil' release. :)

    2. Sakurai-san
  12. Wow, Kazuki's voice is impressing *^*

    1. anakuro


      It's what drew me into the band before XAA-XAA and one of my favorite things about them! Glad you're enjoying it too :D

    2. Sakurai-san


      YAY :D! They're totally my current VK crush hahah :'D! I hope someone will share the minialbum and the first single because I wanna hear them so much xD

  13. Someone know where I can find lyrics of VIVALET's songs? (Especially SACRIFICE album)

    1. vanivani


      I don't know if these places have it, but these are good websites to check out: http://hiphopvomit.blogspot.comhttps://vkeilyrics.wordpress.com


    2. Sakurai-san


      Ohw, I didn't thought to search here xD ! There isn't any VIVALET stuff but I will make a request, thank yooou ♥ ~

  14. Wow, ETERNITY is very good :3! The video looks very amazing! (But I wanted all of them and not only Hazuki :c)

    1. vanivani


      I agree! ETERNITY is beautiful!

    2. Sakurai-san
  15. 黒???? are so good.

    1. Spectralion


      I almost cried listen to 天使??教?????れ??

    2. Sakurai-san


      A very beautiful song.

  16. Fixer 's new look is very cool ~.

  17. ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ

  18. Wow, xaa-xaa seems to be really promising!Later, I will check them out more deeply ~

  19. I'm trying to listen to Mejibray.. I have to say Emily is really good :3 , I've read it's a song inspired to The Picture of Dorian Gray ..it's one of my favorite classic book sooo woooow , a big point in their favor O(≧∇≦)O

  20. I'm really excited for the new releases of xaa-xaa and DADAROMA ~

  21. スティグマ (stigma) seems to be very amazing! Someone have their single?

  22. someone know where can I hear something of duraluMin ? I'm pretty interested in their jazzy sound :D

  23. Aaah I really want some cheki of ex. Dopes Masato (also fixer support for a while, and then in THE DC as Miki)
    Someone knows where I can buy them?  Every look and "era" are good hahah.

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