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    Alkaloid reacted to merchenticneurosis in [Live report] La'veil Mizeria x Crucifixion @ Meguro Rockmaykan 5.5.2018   
    Sooooo, this is the story. I was utterly happy to know that the bands had their second last tour final while in i'm Tokyo. A nice guy here called @Alucardiusgot me the "vip" package ticket and i promised to get him some merchandise, which i did  The concert day was a bit chaotic for me, since in the end i rushed with taxi to the incounting.
    My look is damn boring but well kinda comfy, wearing Asos cap, Monki mesh-shirt, Hellcatpunks fannypack and some Nikes.

    My ticket number was 14, which is fucking great. I was really surprised that when we went in and settled our bags, waterbottles and everything in the hall, i realised that the bands aren't very popular. I thought i would be crushed in a small concert hall with atleast 200 girls, since Rokumeikan only holds 250 capacity. It was maybe 50 people there, if i'm counting right so we had much "freedom" to pick our spots, of course respecting the policies. Well, atleast i see better, so shouldn't complain. Just wish the boys had more fans, haha.

    One girl was cosplaying Miria as you can see a little in the left corner. My friend Jesse wanted to stay back to watch so i picked my spot pretty near the stage but went backforth to talk to him to pass the time before the start.

    They really were on time and started pretty soon. For the mind of the set, i can't remember the setlist order since i was kinda living the best time of my life, lol. Crucifixion played much longer than Mizeria, or then it felt like it since the songs are longer in general. Crescent Moon was very emotional, we were all wawing, the bassist 輝翠 had a serious-guy vibe to him, more reserved, very concentrated on the playing. The basslines really are killers in my opinion. The vocalist 二人静 embodied the drama and insentity of "old vk".
    Big beautiful velvet sleeves worked with every move and headbanging was fun as hell.
    Futarishizuka called out Kikyo on the stage after a couple songs to do a らせん song. I think it might have been 憐姆 but i can't for the love of god remember.
    They interacted so much and danced together. A sight for sore eyes. During XII i got so hot, i was wearing a leather cap since my hair is not long and suitable for the legit atama banging. Last song 哀玩人形 everyone started Gyakudai and older gentleman almost next to me was giving his all without heart attack.
    The curtains closed and it was maybe 30-40 mins before Mizeria. Kikyo had the same chains as in 歪屍形 and was doing marionette moves and he licked his glittery lips alot, haha.
    Nazuki's black braids were flying in the air like long centipedes. Dysflexia was epileptic, didn't get a seizure tho, haha. During the last song [deep] slay all the boys of both bands came to the stage and changed playing instruments, throwed stuff in the audience, glimbed each others backs and filmed also with phones. The reason of filming is unclear, possibly for Twitter or so. Kikyo strangled this 12 years old girl with his chains and also kicked her? Hmm, she was happy.

    1998.5.5目黒鹿鳴館 磔ラレタ人形ノ螺旋葬劇〜死穢
    (They really did write 1998 as the year, not 2018, hehe.)
    6.Suicide Labyrinth feat.二人静
    Tbh i was a little mad they didn't play longer and i really wanted to hear the iconic 呪縛郷, since the furis are fun. I have never heard Suicide Labyrinth before and now i'm really craving for the cd...

    The buppan! Sadly they didn't have the bloody bandages for sale but i'll get some later  I got the t-shirt obviously and a coffee mug and the new korabo cd.
    If someone wants the scans of the 薄紅ノ葬 booklet, let me know! 

    After the show we had to wait kind of long for the boys to settle their stuff, prepare buppan and take enough chekis. They ran out at one point, haha. 
    My picture with Mizeria didn't turn out very good for some reason, it's like me + Miria and all others are faint shadows. It's a good memory tho. They did prepare a nice backdrop and everything but in the end we took the picture while sitting on the actual concert stage, i was a little confused, haha. I told Kikyo that i messaged him on Peing before anonymously about me coming from Finland, he remembered me and instantly hugged, we highfived everyone and i returned to the lobby to finish my beer. I hanged out for awhile and then grabbed my shit and left. Fresh air felt pretty amazing after that.

    We went to get some good ramen afterwards and chat a little. Then it was time to go back to Shibuya!
    Me after the concert tiredly traveling the streets. It was a wonderful experience that i won't forget, hope to see them soon again!
    I also grabbed the new Velonika magazine with their interview, i will try to scan it and maybe someone is able to translate!
    Hope you enjoyed my little ramble, i haven't ever done one of these so i'm not sure about what's interesting and whatnot. Thanks!

  2. wow
    Alkaloid got a reaction from Licio123 in NightingeiL new look   
    It seems they'll have more announcements at a later date...
  3. Like
    Alkaloid reacted to merchenticneurosis in [Live report] Dark Ambition Exposed vol. 75   
    My second concert while in Tokyo! Starwave Records seem to have the most attractive bands for me, atleast atm. This was a Monday and pretty early. At first i didn't find the venue since the area has tons of sidealleys and it was such a rainy day, rushed with my umbrella like a maniac. I didn't have a pre-ticket so i went in normally with others and got one. Ruido K3 was a really nice venue in my eyes, really small but enough room cos it wasn't too crowded. There was a big DJ booth at the back and a bar, so i obviously went to use my drink ticket. I'm a beer guy, so glug lug.

    Sooooo, let's start the talking.
    After a little waiting the show started. Cinderella Castle was the first band to perform, it was a trio, apparently? They had a drummer but he didn't look like a real member, more like regular drummer ossan. This band was totally unknown for me so i didn't know what to expect, the vocalist had a cute face and silver x purple hair and seemed utterly energetic.
    The songs were your basic oshare-ish vk but alot of hopping from side to side, only a few girls participated. Both guitarists looks were a little traditional japanese inspired.
    They played 4 songs in total, and at some point a big horsemask appeared and was put on the mic stand, hehe. Vocalist also shared some bread with the audience, how kind.
    Their buppan didn't get a single buy/customer 😕 
    Alright, Guiltia was a big chance compared to the first band, finally some ikemen with leather and straps! Don't know their songs either but they were pretty good and heavy.
    The bassist had a birthday so we congratulated him, of course! He was really seducing the front row, haha. 
    Marble was apparently a one-man show and a project. He had a speaking booth in the middle of the stage and was wearing nice renaissance blazer with flowers and embellishments. The music was pretty electronic, even techno-like here and there. He also did some nazi salutes as furis, it was cool, lol.
    Yosh, time for the next one. Revellion was good, i did like them! The vocalist wasn't very outstandingly gifted but it was alright. The pig screams were better than melodic singing. The bassist was crushed in a really tight dress, corset and a pink Hatsune Miku-wig. I don't think i would listen to their music that much in my free time but the live was good to watch! Heres a pic with the boys, i went to hangout near the table to wait for next band and talked a little with them, since "why not?"

    Ooooooh myyy gooooood, i wasn't prepared for them to play next. I was chilling on the floor in the back, and got up like a phoenix and rushed to the front, since there was a free spot, thank you jesus. They were fucking amazing, definetely my favourite of the event selection. Well hmmm what can i tell, Serah was pointing at me and demanded me for more action since i think i froze for a second just jawdropped, lol. Went for it. Sadly very short list, so happy they played my favourite 未完ノ刻ト悲愴ノ渦! Can't wait for the new single.

    ノクト & DaturA
    Haven't listened to them at all before so i was like "meh", let's see. Memories of these bands are kind of minimal and faint, so idk what to tell. 
    I guess they were alright. Noctos ETERNITY was def better live than the horrendous pv they made. I relate to the vocalist for liking Westwood & leopard print.
    DaturA's vocalist was super sexual and was rubbing his crotch all the time, a little Lycaon's Yuuki, if i may say  I enjoyed them!

    The utter minute they opened the curtains everyone went on their knees and hold their hands like prayer. Did the same. I've been getting into them more & more some months before this live. They were really good, 何も信じていない  was such a highlight of the set since i've been banging that shit like 24/7 on my phone. Hot nihilist boys, what can i say. 
    Very dark and gorgeous.

    Scarlet Valse 
    At this point when waiting for them i was getting kinda hungry and tired, the event started at 15.00 and i didn't properly feed myself before. Almost considred of leaving without seeing them. Thank God i didn't. It seems like their band concept changes alot, or at least the appearance? I was like "wtf" when Kakeru came to the stage and had the good judy black feather hat on. I don't need glasses yet but i rubbed my eyes a little asking myself "Is that Kyouki?" Hi Grieva, please come back, bitches. Their set was really good and they had the most fans, as you can see from the pic above, waiting with the towels on the stage handles. Lunatic Mind was really cool. The final climaxed into a banger of all bands with gyakudai and rose throwing etc. Saya also jumped to the audience and came to pick me up into the dive ❤️ Boy, i'll come if called. Feed me a cracker before  Great live, great event, satisfied in every way.
    I got myself this nice & soft parka (been wearing it quite much already) from La Baiser and 5 chekis, got some nice ones but no Saya 😢 Next time, then!
    Ripped my leather joggers while jumping and everything but it was worth it! Bye!
  4. Like
    Alkaloid got a reaction from Elazmus in Fixer's new single [argentum] release   
  5. Like
    Alkaloid got a reaction from -NOVA- in Your last music-related buy!   
    satoshi (DIV) photocard 
    アリス九號. - TSUBASA.
    シド - 嘘
    DOG inTheパラレルワールドオーケストラ - BLACKブルドッグ/ラブラドールオーケストラ
  6. Like
    Alkaloid got a reaction from TheZigzagoon in VRZEL will disband + best album "<6-SIX->" release   
    Best album title has been finalized as "6-SIX-"

    Track list:
    2.霞 (Kasumi) (Type A only)
    5.Ab initio
    6.Deception (Type A only)
    8.Dear Tears
    13.絢爛の蜜 (Kenran no Mitsu) (Type A only)
    15.歪 (Ibitsu)
    16.アングレカム (Anglecam)
    17.Thread (Type B only)
    18.Murderer Psychopathy (Type B only)
    19.Precious (Type B only)
  7. Like
  8. Like
    Alkaloid got a reaction from Aferni in Vo.ミラ (Mira) has joined アンドゥー (UNDEUX) and new mini-album release   
    I think you're right! His twitter has been wiped except for RTs about Mira's joining.
    btw Ba.コウジ (Koji) has changed his stage name to ガノ (Gano).
  9. Thanks
    Alkaloid got a reaction from Yukami in Vo.ミラ (Mira) has joined アンドゥー (UNDEUX) and new mini-album release   
    I think you're right! His twitter has been wiped except for RTs about Mira's joining.
    btw Ba.コウジ (Koji) has changed his stage name to ガノ (Gano).
  10. Like
    Alkaloid got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in Your last music-related buy!   
    satoshi (DIV) photocard 
    アリス九號. - TSUBASA.
    シド - 嘘
    DOG inTheパラレルワールドオーケストラ - BLACKブルドッグ/ラブラドールオーケストラ
  11. Like
    Alkaloid got a reaction from suji in Vo.ミラ (Mira) has joined アンドゥー (UNDEUX) and new mini-album release   
    I think you're right! His twitter has been wiped except for RTs about Mira's joining.
    btw Ba.コウジ (Koji) has changed his stage name to ガノ (Gano).
  12. Like
    Alkaloid got a reaction from yakihiko in Gu. 剛 (Go) has joined ARCHEMI. and new single "五体投地 (Godaitouchi)" release   
    Gu.剛 (Go) (ex-Lovin'-->Lycee-->VULGAR-->RivaSquall(support)-->HARNES-->Neah-->HYRAL-->ザッヘル (Zachel)) has joined ARCHEMI. at 2018/4/28.
    Their new single "五体投地 (Godaitouchi)" will be released at 2018/6/6 (2 TYPE)
    Type A will be CD (2 tracks)+DVD (including "五体投地 (Godaitouchi)" MV) and Type B will be CD only (3 tracks)

  13. Like
  14. Like
    Alkaloid reacted to suji in Kaya international events - RuPaul's DragCon 2018, J'Fest 2018, & more!   
    Kaya with Yuhua Hamasaki *__*
    And with James Majesty + 1 other queen
  15. Like
  16. Like
    Alkaloid got a reaction from colorful人生 in New band "空想ノベル"(Kuuso novel) have formed   
    one-chorus preview of "FOCUS":
  17. Like
    Alkaloid got a reaction from Kathy in Your last music-related buy!   
    satoshi (DIV) photocard 
    アリス九號. - TSUBASA.
    シド - 嘘
    DOG inTheパラレルワールドオーケストラ - BLACKブルドッグ/ラブラドールオーケストラ
  18. Like
    Alkaloid got a reaction from MidnightRoseOfVersailles in Vo.ミラ (Mira) has joined アンドゥー (UNDEUX) and new mini-album release   
    Vo.ミラ (Mira) (ex-シアン (Xian)(彪牙/Hyuga)-->Mummy) has joined アンドゥー (UNDEUX) at 2018/5/9.
    Their new mini-album "不適切ナ、ボクラノ雑音集 (Futekisetsu na, Bokura no Zatsuonshuu)" will be released at 2018/7/18. (2 type, 5 tracks, CD only,  2100 yen)

  19. LOLOL
  20. Like
    Alkaloid got a reaction from Kathy in Vo.ミラ (Mira) has joined アンドゥー (UNDEUX) and new mini-album release   
    Vo.ミラ (Mira) (ex-シアン (Xian)(彪牙/Hyuga)-->Mummy) has joined アンドゥー (UNDEUX) at 2018/5/9.
    Their new mini-album "不適切ナ、ボクラノ雑音集 (Futekisetsu na, Bokura no Zatsuonshuu)" will be released at 2018/7/18. (2 type, 5 tracks, CD only,  2100 yen)

  21. Like
    Alkaloid got a reaction from Jiyo in Vo.ミラ (Mira) has joined アンドゥー (UNDEUX) and new mini-album release   
    Vo.ミラ (Mira) (ex-シアン (Xian)(彪牙/Hyuga)-->Mummy) has joined アンドゥー (UNDEUX) at 2018/5/9.
    Their new mini-album "不適切ナ、ボクラノ雑音集 (Futekisetsu na, Bokura no Zatsuonshuu)" will be released at 2018/7/18. (2 type, 5 tracks, CD only,  2100 yen)

  22. Like
  23. Like
    Alkaloid got a reaction from suji in Vo.ミラ (Mira) has joined アンドゥー (UNDEUX) and new mini-album release   
    Vo.ミラ (Mira) (ex-シアン (Xian)(彪牙/Hyuga)-->Mummy) has joined アンドゥー (UNDEUX) at 2018/5/9.
    Their new mini-album "不適切ナ、ボクラノ雑音集 (Futekisetsu na, Bokura no Zatsuonshuu)" will be released at 2018/7/18. (2 type, 5 tracks, CD only,  2100 yen)

  24. Like
    Alkaloid got a reaction from suji in MEIDARA new single + one coin single + new member   
    冷愛 (Rea) is ex-ととの (Totono)-->素晴らしき日々。(Subarashiki Hibi)
  25. Like
    Alkaloid got a reaction from VkBrutaliaN in new demo band #zekkooo_lalala_ will change to new band "ballad"   
    Vo.アルト (Alto)
    Gu.ルイ (Rui) (ex-サムクロ (Samukuro)-->僕達のネバーランド (Bokutachi no Neverland))
    Gu.れきや (Rekiya)
    Ba.エトナ (Etna) (f.k.a. Lulu)
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