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  1. Like
    suji reacted to ghost in random thoughts thread   
    Photobucket is being stupid and harassing users to buy their premium account or else lose their account or something so I went and downloaded any photos I cared about. I came across some fun little memories like this janky jrock pumpkin I carved of some the GazettE cover art:

    More blurry photos:

  2. LOVE!
    suji reacted to CAT5 in Stealing @Peace Heavy mk II's moment   
    I'm a real-ass nigga, so imma keep it real with you:
    I think you petty as fuck, and half the time I think you be on some ho shit, but regardless of what you may think of me:
    I still got love for ya bitch-ass .
    You're an MH vet, and I've always loved your music taste, especially in J-indie. We've shared more than a few laughs together too. So not only am I thankful for your presence on MH, but you were there for me personally when I was a miserable, suicidally-depressed wreck and barely anyone was in my corner. You can't put a price on shit like that. I'll always be grateful to you for that.
    I wish things were different, but it is what it is. Take care~
  3. 悲しい
    suji reacted to Jigsaw9 in MAMIRETA to go on indefinite hiatus in September   
    MAMIRETA has announced that the band will go on indefinite hiatus after their 3-night live series「まみれたの顔も3度まで」(Mamireta no kao mo 3-do made) on 2020/09/01, 09/02, 09/03 at Ikebukuro BlackHole.
    The members didn't give an exact reason for the break as far as I could see, but the guitarist mentioned it's because a multitude of factors and the drummer's comment seemed to be a bit more depressing than the others (mentioning he has been feeling more and more overwhelmed and burdened, and even thought about quitting drums for the first time in his life). The announcement as well as the members' comments can be found HERE.
    Honestly, I haven't really been following these guys after 2018, they kinda became more and more mediocre for me... but the early stuff is still rad. I hope they can rest and then either come back stronger or just start new projects that will be worthwhile (cuz we all know "indefinite" hiatuses are kinda code for "disbandment").
  4. 悲しい
    suji reacted to saishuu in Stealing @Peace Heavy mk II's moment   
    Hi! I'm leaving the forum as well.
    Thought about leaving quietly -- and I did --, but the message @Peace Heavy mk II posted made me think otherwise. Sure there's quite a few people here that will celebrate not having to deal with me anymore and that's fine! But I'd rather focus on the fact that I've been here for 13 years and that leaving a goodbye note feels appropriate.
    I joined the forums when I was 16, only knowing much about VK, and I leave at 29, not knowing much about the current state of VK but knowing just enough about life and my personal boundaries to make me comfortable enough to realize I don't feel at home here anymore. And I used to feel like that for years and it sucks that this feeling has gone, but I suppose that was bound to change eventually -- and that's cool! Things change and end all the time.
    Anyway, I'm grateful for the few friends I made here throughout the years (y'all know who you are!) and for the countless downloads I leeched along the way. It was a good and entertaining ride for the most part. If any of you would like to stay in touch, I'm over at Twitter at @reomulus. See ya.
    suji reacted to Takadanobabaalien in Quitting   
    Peace heavy mk II has disbanded at 2020/05/29 due to losing confidence to M-H after being prohibited to log-on in M-H for 6 days by n' mod since the same date, and his alter-ego band "le_newtype" has been eliminated by that mod at the same date
  6. Like
    suji reacted to secret_no_03 in NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST new digital single “Life is Once” release   
    The way they treated the two people in the band who actually have talent, the arrogance and disrespect and the way they did Daichi and Cazqui dirty is unforgivable. Hiro and those associated with him can fuck right off of a cliff.
  7. LOLOL
    suji reacted to patientZERO in NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST new digital single “Life is Once” release   
    The most scrutiny they faced was self-induced when they made a diss-track ...
  9. 悲しい
    suji reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Quitting   
    It has come to my attention that I have nothing left to share with this board. While most people leave quietly unless they aim to make their departure a publicity stunt, I feel that saying goodbye to a forum where I've more or less spent every day for the past 10 years is the least I could do.
    I've made a lot of good friends here, had fun as a mod for like 15 minutes, and loved being an official reviewer. In spite of all of that, I cannot help but feel it is time I move on.
    I do not plan on fully deleting my account so I can still leech, but if you'd like to chat about music you can find me:
    -On Twitter
    -On the VKGY discord
    -Adding scans and lyrics to ZombiexJuice
    -Making half-assed unboxing videos of rejected vkei maxi-singles
    It's been fun 💋
  10. LOLOL
    suji reacted to Saga in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    I am a simple man. I see Kisaki's name, I click to see the comments.
  11. Like
    suji reacted to ghostpepper in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    Kisaki helped so many other bands and helped spread vk so lots of people have a dislike paired with respect feeling here from my experience. Would rather just give rokmaykan the money direct though tbh 😅💦
  12. Like
    suji reacted to Brandon in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    Let's see

    Hikari ni furu ame -> Laputa / Masquerade
    Mikansei to guilt -> Laputa / Jakou
    Nil Frontier -> BUCK-TICK / JUPITER
    Pixy False -> Pierrot / Finale
    Kami uta -> Malice Mizer / N.p.s N.g.s
    Neo Ark -> Malice Mizer / Illuminati
    Material Pain -> D'espairsRay / Murder Freaks
    something else?
    now mind you, stealing in VK is pretty common
    i'm just sayin'
  13. Like
    suji got a reaction from zetork in new band "SecretGarden" --> "NetherGarden122" have formed   
    btw AVALON and ベテイ (betty) (Rockstar Records band obvs) performed at Gt.Kuro's birthday live today
    Vo.Eve is Kiryu (ex-ベテイ (betty))
  14. Like
    suji reacted to Jigsaw9 in Kaya   
    Seems like there's no stopping Kaya with the VK covers!  Just yesterday he covered MALICE MIZER, and now a SHAZNA classic!
    Curious to see what he will sing next~
  15. Like
    suji reacted to herpes in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    who's the original artist though
  16. Like
    suji reacted to Ikna in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    Sadly the guy is too well established in the VK scene, despite his shitty behavior. Imo it's not just that japan thinks differently of people like him, but guys like him have so much support behind their back they really can get away with a lot of shit. See also Marilyn Manson or Chris Brown. They too did some horrible, abusive shit and still have so many people cheering them on and excusing their acts. 
    And this is why idolizing people, really any people, in the media and entertainment industry is wrong.
  17. LOVE!
    suji reacted to Saga in MALICE MIZER   
  18. LOLOL
    suji got a reaction from Total Saikou in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    me in quarantine
  19. I feel ya..
    suji got a reaction from emmny in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    me in quarantine
  20. I feel ya..
    suji got a reaction from Serox in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    me in quarantine
  21. LOVE!
    suji reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    In spite of the controversy, this CD appears to be part of some sort of livehouse relief series, probably to keep them afloat while they haven't been able to host events. Rock May Kan's tweet is worded like they will have other releases from different artists like this to follow.
  22. Like
    suji reacted to cullucoo in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    And talking about cages, why isn't he in one yet
  23. I feel ya..
    suji got a reaction from nekkichi in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    me in quarantine
    suji reacted to Yukami in KISAKI new CD "Nothingness Cage" release   
    A new CD titled "Nothingness Cage" to support Rokumeikan will go on sale on 2020/06/01.


  25. Like
    suji reacted to Karma’s Hat in Truly crappy Western "visual kei" inspired music   
    Recently I've been wondering about the seemingly gigantic social media following of certain Swedish visual kei personalities, and how little traffic they actually do get despite of it. 
    Case and point: The Weebkei King Yohimbe has been on a massive release and promotion campaign for his record label. Having previously been in the habit of starting something and abandoning it only moments later, he's now been on this kick for more than a few months, even putting out new stuff by DISREIGN, English DISREIGN, some gaijin chump who nobody listens to and sings with a really hokey put-on gravely voice called Mitsugi and then his solo stuff. He still hasn't gotten rid of all his old habits tho, since he has in the meantime stopped doing both his podcast and daily vlogs, and is extremely unproductive on Patreon for his astonishingly perseverant 21 patrons. All of this hasn't made him get any bigger numbers than before, and I think we all know that he has hit the ceiling with his flop career a long time ago. That's not what I'm trying to get at though.
    When he puts out a PV it goes into 100k's of views in relatively short order, but when he puts out anything else it literally makes no numbers whatsoever. He put out a new song two days ago and it ended up auto-generated on Youtube under his channel name, and in two days it has gotten only 2.7k views. What about the tweet with the preview of the track? 374 likes. Somehow while my boy is more active than he has ever been, he only does huge numbers for a selected handful of songs with PVs just like he always has, his twitter numbers continue to trend downwards and the spike he got for his Youtube channel subscribers a long while back is highly suspicious to say the least. Even the attention that he appears to get for his PVs doesn't translate to anything else, because his label and projects that are in it are languishing in obscurity. How does that work? I know Nocturnal Serenade was promoted by the Youtube algorithm, but surely not all his PVs can be that lucky, unless he has come up with a way to really game the system. How does this shit work
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