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    suji reacted to ghostpepper in new band "En'Cell♰Dis'Dein" has formed   
    Sweet baby jesus the new single is out now. 
    Next month I will be a guest on Tokyo Borderless TV on 7/15 & 25 
    Will reveal artist photos for band 
    and new member as well. 
    I hope you can enjoy it ヤッフ〜(*ˊᗜˋ*) ノ
  2. Like
    suji got a reaction from Serox in David "Gothculture" 6 consecutive CDs release   
    another new visual

  3. Like
    suji reacted to CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    I'm an African descendant of Slavery. My surname is Irish and I don't have a lick of Irish blood in my family. I know FIRST-HAND and PERSONALLY just how deep the wicked effects of slavery run. I'm immersed in them daily.
    I could care less if they knock these statues down or if they keep them up. I suppose its a nice, symbolic gesture to tear them down, but it's ultimately vain and useless. The damage that has been done (and is still being done) to my people will not be repaired or restored by such a gesture. America is and always has been the enemy of me and my people. The best thing they could do for us at this point is give us reparations - land and resources, so that we can do our best to separate ourselves from this wicked-ass system. But we're so fucked up, that if we did get reparations, we'd just turn around give everything right back to they ass. We got a baaaaad case of stockholm syndrome, to say the least.
    suji got a reaction from Furik in SATSUKI best album "ROCIEL" release   
    me: i wanna see miyavi
    mom: we have miyavi at home
    miyavi at home:
  5. Like
    suji reacted to Ikna in random thoughts thread   
    Eh, I won't get into this, I already regret writing my post. I'd argue that's not true for everyone or every era. Many early societies were built on slavery like Babylonia or Greece and they came up with their own stupid reasons why it was excusable. Are we to believe people who were literally raised and conditioned to think it was ok from birth to be really aware that their doings were terrible? 
    But whatever.  
    Sorry for bringing this up.
  6. Thanks
    suji reacted to Ikna in random thoughts thread   
    Possible controversial opinion incoming, but… I feel that renaming cities and places and removing statues of people we have retrospectively deemed to be "problematic" is going to hurt our progression as a society more than it will do good. We are essentially censoring history to prevent us from facing the past mistakes of our ancestors, just because some people may be upset and "triggered" by it.
    How the hell will future generations learn to take a critical view of their past and history and use that knowledge to prevent great atrocities from happening again? Yeah, sure they can read about it in their history books, but if we rewrite them too to fit into the narrative of everything being simply black and white, then it's bad…
    Imo it's important for people to know that it took humanity a long time to get where we are today and that we have improved a lot in just a century. I don't think that the historical revisionism of painting anyone who wasn't already as progressive as our society is today as evil is such a good, long-lasting lesson… it's important to know that it wasn't just famous dudes like Columbus were racist, but society as a whole was - and because we have thankfully improved enough we can point it out and talk about why it was bad. And being able to recognize that even supposedly "good" people who achieved great things for humanity can be shit people or be misguided.
    Also, the same people who make a fuss about this stuff will be part of the very same generation that will be criticized for being barbaric, problematic and not progressive enough in the future. Because that's usually how it goes - people in the future will look back at those that came before and talk about how shit they were. Well, that is if we don't fuck up and society descends into a complete regression.
    Edit: also sorry if this is too political… or if maybe I come over like some reactonary. That's not my intention and I don't want to stirr things up here, just feel like giving my own 2 cents about it. Obviously I don't condone any past crimes against humanity, I just feel the way we deal with them and our past atm isn't very ideal… y'all allowed to disagree. I'm posting this here especially since it's the only place where one doesn't usually get attacked for having an opinion.
  7. Like
    suji reacted to ghostpepper in Visual Kei on Spotify Compilation   
    The bands/labels can set the limitations not spotify themselves.
    and for reason wise, spotify is convenient but some bands/labels would rather you buy the cd or itunes etc. version.
    basically for an artist to make just 10yen/10cents they need 25 plays, so it is not really good for money. so there is that train of thought too.
  8. Like
    suji got a reaction from Axius in MORE changes name to「逆しまな歯車を仮面が嗤う。」   
    at least it's a name u can google easily? glad they're back tho!
  9. LOLOL
    suji reacted to nekkichi in random thoughts thread   
    i suddenly don't hate 8psb
    suji reacted to CAT5 in random thoughts thread   
    yall ugly
  11. Like
    suji reacted to violetchain in random thoughts thread   
    Does the world even need VK trap when it's already got Shaka Bose out there looking like a character from Legend of Basara without any makeup on and making stuff like this
  12. LOLOL
    suji reacted to Gesu in random thoughts thread   
  13. Like
    suji got a reaction from ghostpepper in MORE changes name to「逆しまな歯車を仮面が嗤う。」   
    at least it's a name u can google easily? glad they're back tho!
  14. Like
    suji got a reaction from Total Saikou in MORE changes name to「逆しまな歯車を仮面が嗤う。」   
    at least it's a name u can google easily? glad they're back tho!
  15. LOVE!
    suji reacted to Elazmus in MORE changes name to「逆しまな歯車を仮面が嗤う。」   
    Remember a while ago when the OTHER more changed their name and we all had to check that it wasn't THIS more?
    well who's more more NOW huh? 
    no one.
    no MORE.
  16. Thanks
    suji reacted to WhirlingBlack in MORE changes name to「逆しまな歯車を仮面が嗤う。」   
    literally says it's a 12 month consecutive release campaign. 
  17. Thanks
    suji reacted to IGM_Oficial in MORE changes name to「逆しまな歯車を仮面が嗤う。」   
    That's sad. They made themselves as More. Let's see if their new music is as good as always.
    Also, band's name reads "Sakashima na haguruma wo kamen ga warau.".
  18. Interesting
    suji reacted to sads123 in MORE changes name to「逆しまな歯車を仮面が嗤う。」   
    MORE changes name to「逆しまな歯車を仮面が嗤う。」and adds a keyboardist.
    New song to be released on streaming platforms on 1st Jul:
    suji reacted to HERESEY in Hello   
    Hi, I've never been good at these sort of things, but I've been a fan of the GazettE since Disorder and have been a member of Heresy since around that time. Oh wow just realized I typoed my own name, rip x_x; Anyway, I like the GazettE, Baby Metal, 12012, SEKAI NO OWARI, some non-vk metal, HYDE, ∀NTI FEMINISM, ABC and much more than I feel like naming lol 
  20. Yikes
    suji reacted to ruki in Hello   
    I hope you’re having fun, @WhirlingBlack Mods should NEVER have the authority or power to ban a user, it should be the admins who do so, and I’m sorry I hurt your feelings with a BANNER, not a profile picture, not something you see unless you go onto my profile. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings so badly that you banned me for life. I mean, you can try, I don’t see why you can’t be an adult and just talk to me instead of just banning me because I hurt your feelings. I’ll be around, be back in time and yeah I’ll conform to group think, but until then you’ll wonder if I’m every new user. Have fun! :)
  21. Like
    suji reacted to Zeus in Hello   
    This is a decision that the entire team stands behind secret, so your point is moot. You have been pushing the envelope time and time again with your topics and it's had more than it's fair share of negative effects on the forum. We've made it clear that political chat is not allowed on this forum, and that includes your all lives matter banner. A ban is a ban and you have to respect it.
    suji reacted to WhirlingBlack in Hello   
    Making a new account right away to circumvent a ban is not allowed, secret_no_03. @HERESEY
  23. Like
    suji reacted to ghostpepper in new band "En'Cell♰Dis'Dein" has formed   
    Lyrics: 宗
    Music: Kairu
    Advanced preview for Monochrome Heaven:
  24. Like
    suji reacted to Takadanobabaalien in X Japan new album scheduled for 30th of TBD   
    Yoshiki is the pride of Japa👩n.
    💗💗💗          🖤🖤🖤🇯🇵🧥🇯🇵
              🖤💗💗💗⭐️ He is our hero
    🖤🖤🖤          💗💗💗🌎🌎🌎
    #YOSHIKI さん♥️
  25. Yikes
    suji reacted to Kiyoharu is God in X Japan new album scheduled for 30th of TBD   
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