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    togz got a reaction from CAT5 in Vocalist VS Instrumental   
    If the instrumentals aren't good I'll decide I won't like it xD
  2. Like
    togz reacted to doombox in MEJIBRAY - 盈虧 (eiki)   
    It's not hate, it's feedback. And all bands need it to grow. Good, bad, or in-between. If music like this literally divides their fanbase in half, that's something to talk about, imo. Bands can certainly try new things, but they shouldn't be coddled or how will they know what works and what doesn't? Some bands move into new territory and don't care if their old fans don't like it, (Dir en grey, Mucc, girugamesh, etc) but that doesn't make people less entitled to their opinions. The sooner you just learn to ignore comments you don't like, the better for you. Because "haters" aren't going to go anywhere. In fact, it will likely get worse the farther they go in this direction. 
    Aferni had their own opinion and they felt like sharing it. A thinly veiled insult to them (and anyone else who disliked it) only makes you look childish. So if you disagree so much, why don't you write your own review of why you liked it? Wouldn't that help your case a hundred times more?
  3. Like
    togz got a reaction from nullmoon in Single People Thread   
    Just stay single 5ever because then you don't have to think about harming anyone *____* physically or mentally. Wow we'd all be heroes and wouldn't even know it. 
    Actually I have this constant battle of needing to be with someone or liking someone, but the thought of a relationship makes my stomach churn and my heart race in a not exciting butterflies in my stomach kind of way. Probably similar to runaway bride syndrome.
  4. Like
    togz reacted to Lestat in Single People Thread   
    Treating your partner like any common item surely won't improve your chances of having a relationship, just saying...
  5. Like
    togz reacted to doombox in #34: MEJIBRAY - 盈虧   
    I'm gonna come out and say it, Mejibray is stepping in to being the new Lycaon. Early work was okay, then falls into mediocrity where their "sexy" visuals are their main selling point. I haven't checked this new single based on how horrible the last one was and the promoted song. This review lets me know I did the right thing... 
    It's sad because there were 4-5 songs on the last album I liked but I guess when it takes a double album to get 4-5 okay songs in there, that should have been a big warning sign this band isn't focused much on writing solid tunes. In fact, everything since makes me feel like that was a fluke. 
    I had high hopes for these guys, but I think I'm gonna part ways with them after this single. :/ 
  6. Like
    togz reacted to Zeus in #34: MEJIBRAY - 盈虧   
    Artist: MEJIBRAY Single: 盈虧 1. 盈虧 2. 人間 3. 蜈蚣
    Rating: | It's more pleasant than open face surgery at least.
    I'm legitimately disturbed by how far MEJIBRAY have fallen.

    I never expected much from them, but this is yet another step down from Theatrical Blue Black, and I wonder how this band keeps fans and continues their activities. For one, the singing is enough to make anyone run for the hills. The goat bleating is such a chore to listen to, and if it's not that it's either strained falsetto or some weird demented frog guttural yoga hums. Tsuzuku's inability to sing trivializes the skills of the rest of the band to a large extent. Their unorthodox vocalist may have worked for them at one point, but that time has long since passed. Tsuzuku needs to either improve his delivery on all fronts or cede his position to someone who can actually sing, because "sounding unique" is not a good enough excuse to hide the singing inability.

    盈虧 is the soundtrack that plays on loop in the room where people go to watch paint dry. The excerpt at the beginning is stupid enough, but then it feeds into this aimless and bland melody that fails at being dark and moody. The repetitive strumming does not build up a convincing enough atmosphere, and that chorus is a train wreck of massive proportions. It's the most unengaging single I've ever heard in my life and it provides nothing to hook the listener in. The band isn't compensating for Tsuzuku's shortcomings by producing catchy music, and they're definitely not playing to his strengths because he sounds out of place, so I'm not understanding how this is supposed to work. The accompanying tracks are only marginally better, but still pretty awful. 人間 is a power ballad with an awkward metalcore section in the middle. It's a bad choice to follow one slow, boring song with a gimmick that they lack the tools to execute. 蜈蚣 is the banger that probably works better live than in studio that doesn't get my blood rushing the way a good core song should. For all it's aggression, it feels just as stagnant as the first two songs. If they fail to be convincing with their mother genre, I don't see much hope for this band.

    As MEJIBRAY completes their transition from boring to disappointing, I struggle to find any reason why this band should remain relevant. It's frustrating how inconsistent they are. Their last album was met with a lot of unexpected praise, but whatever inspired them then didn't now. This is beyond disappointing; this is almost insultingly bad, and when I remind myself that they pumped this crap out in three different editions my stomach churns. There are claims that MEJIBRAY have potential, but much like Tsuzuku's singing ability I hear none of it. Unharnessed potential is wasted potential and even if the members themselves are individually talented, their music does not reflect on their abilities. In all good faith, I could not recommend this single to anybody. This is by far one of their worst releases in a long time. Even if you're a diehard MEJIBRAY fan, I recommend waiting for the next single.

    If you're that brave trooper who actually bought this single, ask for your money back.

  7. Like
    togz reacted to Aferni in MEJIBRAY - 盈虧 (eiki)   
    Today I will be reviewing Mejibray's latest Installment, 盈虧.

    inform me on how wrong my wrong opinion is. Eiki is Mejibray's second and last single in their 2 month single consecutive release. Seeing it's recent reception among the forum I felt it was necessary to write this review. As all my other shitty reveiw's go, post your opinion below and inform me on how wrong my wrong opinion is. lol
    We'll start with Eiki itself and it's PV.
    1.) 盈虧
    As being the title track aswell as the PV track eiki is the Second track of this single. (Obviously that much you know, you aren't fucking retarded like me~) This track was uploaded to youtube before it's release just like it's older brother Nepenthes. This track went absolutely nowhere for me and it proves alot of perceptions I have about Mejibray and they way their aesthetic functions. This track although, something new tired by Mejibray impressed me not in the slightest. I was actually quite put off by the blandness and boredom the track gave me. As I said before do not get me wrong I do love Mejibray they just have fallen far from what they used to be, they are such as a roller-coaster, they have high and low points, loop de loops and a part where they pause and do it over and over again. As for the PV all I have to say that it was sprinkled with Mejibray's main spice, the visuals. What with Tsuzuku's pole dancing, to the Enviornment, to the Nicki Minaj looking drag queen's he had by his side.
    ☆☆☆☆☆ out of ☆☆☆☆☆
    Ningen, being the first track was pretty....pretty ugly. Another one of Mejibray's slow generic track where it sounds like Tsu is trying too hard be to sexual with his ehhhh and ahhhh's.
    AND THEN THERES TSUZUKU's CHUGGALUG AND THEN IM LIKE LMAO. I'm greeted by a bunch of indistinguishable chugging, and then between it comes Tsu's harmonic voice, the second time around it's stale like old doritos. and then theres that slow "br00741" break down with more chugging to follow. Then Tsu busts in with AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. And it's just at this point where I wanted to tell him to please shut up, but y'know he cant hear me so yeah. This tack was short and bad, like a rabid dog.
    ☆☆☆☆☆ out of ☆☆☆☆☆ "E FOR EFFORT"
    3.) 蜈蚣
    LMAO WTF IS THIS? Holy shit Mukade was a side splitter, I couldn't stop laughing while listing to this, it brought me to tears. omg. The Chugging needs serious work,the song is nothing but chugging and whispers, like really mejibray? Really? I know that they could do A WHOLE lot better, just look a At Nepenthes. They have potential they just don't know how to fucking use it. I don't understand why they keep holding back, I dont understand. Like sonic say's "C'MON STEP IT UP".
    ☆☆☆☆☆ out of ☆☆☆☆☆
    But hey if you ain't heard it, here http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php/topic/34904-mejibray-%E7%9B%88%E8%99%A7-eiki-20150506/
    If I rated this too harshly for you, or didn't give enough insight on it, tell me below! I'd love you're opinion.
  8. Like
    togz got a reaction from paradoxal in Kiss, Marry, Kill!   
    dang this is hard. 
    Kiss Rame (because i don't wanna kill him but he's too grandma to marry)
    Marry Hizaki ( because......? MONEY? does he have money? Maybe not)
    Kill Kaya (sorry I don't follow Kaya AT ALL.)

    Tenten ( MBHI )
    Yoshiatsu ( DADAROMA )
    HiLo ( ex. Naine )
  9. Like
    togz got a reaction from doombox in Kiss, Marry, Kill!   
    dang this is hard. 
    Kiss Rame (because i don't wanna kill him but he's too grandma to marry)
    Marry Hizaki ( because......? MONEY? does he have money? Maybe not)
    Kill Kaya (sorry I don't follow Kaya AT ALL.)

    Tenten ( MBHI )
    Yoshiatsu ( DADAROMA )
    HiLo ( ex. Naine )
  10. Like
    togz reacted to Mihenno in Show Yourself (again)   
  11. Like
    togz reacted to beni in Show Yourself (again)   
  12. Like
    togz got a reaction from Shir0 in Show Yourself (again)   
    a face or something.
  13. Like
    togz reacted to saishuu in Long Distance Relationships   
    Some people actually make it work with LDR, yes. I have friends who endured one for years and were really happy with it. I tried a couple of times, but I was younger and dumber. The concept just seems like a stretch to me honestly. It obviously sucks to not have affection in person whenever you want/need and having to rely on videos and texts. Right now I don't think I'd have the patience or even mental stability to do it, but who knows. Lately I've been really into a guy who lives several km away in a city relatively far from mine (in the same state though), and because of that I'm trying to refrain myself and just be like

  14. Like
    togz reacted to beni in Not exactly a new member, but hello   
    Hi there! Welcome to MH~ I see you've been a member for a while then, but it's great to see you introducing yourself and stepping out after all this time. It's good to see and have you.
    Great introduction. You come quite close to where I am when you visit London, which is cool. I don't go there enough, aha. And you must work your ass off to get enough money for that travelling! Sweet. Nice hobbies too. I need to be a mum of a few cats some time in the futurem aha. And at least you enjoy the TV, can never find anything I like on, lol.
    Awesome favourites! Bonus points to you for Lycaon, AvelCain and DOG. x3 Slipknot and Sheeran are lovely too, that sounds so varied, nice!
    I hope you can continue enjoying MH and participating more! : 3 See you around~
  15. Like
    togz reacted to Nero_DiVOID in New Band DiVOID [Duality in the VOID]   
    Thank you again for all of the support!
    He will be revealed soon.
    CALLING and PRIMROSE released tomorrow.
    I love you all.
    Good Night.
  16. Like
    togz reacted to hiroki in New Band DiVOID [Duality in the VOID]   
    i've never used Bandcamp since i like to get physical copies for my music, so yours was the first thing i ever bought on that site XD anyway i really enjoyed your band's first release and am looking forward to your future work ^^
    (thanks para for letting me know about this band!)
  17. Like
    togz got a reaction from Aferni in Stuff by Togz or something.   
    Ah I didn't really realize people were still paying attention to this thread. I did finish drawing itsuki but I haven't done the digital work yet! I promise I'll finish it for you bb! Lately I've been sketching clothing designs for a brand I'll be making with a friend. So stay tuned for that? ;0; lub u gaiz!
  18. Like
    togz reacted to PsychoΔelica in Stuff by Togz or something.   
    Draw Fukusuke
  19. Like
    togz got a reaction from beni in Stuff by Togz or something.   
    Wow Hi hello.
    I'm Togz. I like many different things. Because of this I'm just going to cram everything in to one thread. :'D
    I'm fairly mediocre at everything because I bounce back and forth between everything. But haaaaay.
    Thanks for stopping by.
  20. Like
    togz reacted to Nero_DiVOID in New Band DiVOID [Duality in the VOID]   
    My band's main computer broke down, so we'll have to release 「Calling」 and 「Primrose」on Wednesday 4/29 ! Please give us a listen when we have our songs on Bandcamp! Sorry for the inconvenience!
  21. Like
    togz reacted to beni in Long Distance Relationships   
    Happily in one now. The first such relationship for me, really, after my last and only one beforehand lasted for less than forthy five minutes (LOL). The only thing I get angry/sad about when with him is my computer jamming all the time. So frustrating keeping him waiting and seeing as it's long distant and I'm an emotional mess, I get distraught too easily when that happens. And he still bears with. x3
  22. Like
    togz reacted to Jigsaw9 in lost.fm   
    Basically this.
  23. Like
    togz reacted to emmny in Show Yourself (again)   
    what kind of daddy teas god damn y'all some good lookin ass people
  24. Like
    togz reacted to Mihenno in Show Yourself (again)   
    window light was nice so selfies ensued 
  25. Like
    togz got a reaction from Tokage in Show Yourself (again)   
    a face or something.
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