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Everything posted by togz

  1. at least yumehito is back on guitar.
  2. They can do whatever look they want. I don't care if they dressed up as bald old men in caterpillar outfits... I'm shamelessly biased towards Tentens voice and the members from SKULL.... so just keep making music MBHI and explore your sound, and I'll be happy.
  3. honestly i haven't looked in to their current lyrics, just making an assumption based off of previous readings.
  4. Well honestly, if I remember reading correctly, Tenten likes to base his lyrics off of politics and stuff like that sometimes. Actually Jimi had stated so in one of the cps song break downs that he posted on tumblr. I mean with politics can come war, and in MBHI's earlier stage before they had a release, they had gas masks on. Not sure why they went for the look they have now, but i think the name is probably going to match the lyrics, considering MBHI was originally Tentens solo project.
  5. Tenten is also amazingly absurd. Theme cracked.
  6. togz

    I think the hype for Mejibray is solely their appearance, but it's VK. It happens, what can you do. I do understand there are a small handful of people that actually appreciate the band for their music. Me personally, I just don't prefer the vocal style, so I don't follow them.
  7. My friend who went to see them during her stay in Japan said they're so fun live though. I'm still sure they're aiming towards being a great live band since that's where the money is at for vk bands.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Happy Birthday DistRhyme :D

  9. "Mina come to Japan for three months" "wow really?! Of course!" "By the way there's a huntsman spider up in the house" "...." "They're like the size of your hand" "nevermind USA is nice"

  10. togz

    is it true they're leaving psc though?
  11. photoshoot went pretty well, more plans tomorrow. =o= sometimes weekends off suck because there's something to do every weekend. What are lazy days anymore.

  12. togz

    ^___^ okay. not doing the radio then. thanks for the feed back.
  13. Come on chick say yes to free custom made dreads and a free promotional shoot for my portfolio. Also I'm hungry but I'm not hungry how do you food?

    1. togz


      First of all if I had a child id make sure I had the means to provide for them otherwise I'd keep my legs closed. However if it was literally the last option on the planet or else my son would starve and die... Then I would absolutely do anything for my child because it'd be my responsibility. End of subject.

    2. CAT5


      lol, those are lyrics from an old song

    3. togz


      My answer remains the same

    4. Show next comments  135 more
  14. togz

    idk while there's not as many fan uploaded videos recently... i have noticed a lot more bands catching on to making youtubes....
  15. togz

    holy shit is it who i am thinking of? ps: BUT I'LL GET TO SEE YOU. ;;
  16. does anyone have the rest of gossips discography... I can't find any good links anywhere. ;;

  17. surprisingly a good amount of these have been uploaded, but they are dead links.... dunno if should upload or not. I don't want to make another post or something.

    1. CAT5


      Mirror links and upgraded rips are always appreciated. You could always post your link and have a mod edit them into the main post. Pretty simple. :3

    2. CAT5


      Mirror links and upgraded rips are always appreciated. You could always post your link and have a mod edit them into the main post. Pretty simple. :3

  18. Met the president of Cure today and scored about 17 CDs will upload anything not posted yet. It was a busy day!

    1. togz


      No the president is at the xenon shop I'm Cali

    2. togz


      Japan... Ain't nobody got time (or money) fo dat

    3. hitsuji-hime


      Fuckin' awesome! ♥

    4. Show next comments  135 more
  19. Hey guys I'm going to the xenon shop today. Is there any vk bands I should keep an eye out for that you haven't seen uploaded yet?

    1. Flame-X


      Not really vk but pretty obscure.

  20. I managed to complete the trade off early and all my plans got cancelled pretty much so now I have all the time in the world this weekend and nothing to do.

  21. best skype call ever

  22. Share Kimbra with someone who ONLY likes Japanese music.... suddenly they went offline. DANG.

  23. togz

    well thats good in a way, but people still abuse the shit out of this. Again, some people really need the help.
  24. togz

    The sad fact is yes, People in America do abuse these things, however there are people who need these things temporarily. With the economy the way it is, it's hard for people to find decent jobs, if a job at all. It's a shame that people purposely take advantage of this program to the point that it has to make people who may need it suffer. as for that quote, it's safe to assume "I guess I'll have to actually get a job" mean this person wasn't looking to begin with. You have to pay for child care while you work? Maybe you should have thought about that before have 5 kids. When you have children it is solely YOUR responsibility to provide for them, if you feel you cannot then there are plenty of options available even if you're against abortion. One, okay I get it it was a mistake that you're trying to make in to a miracle, Two, get your stuff together and start taking shit seriously how you gon fuck that one up twice. Any more kids after that that you honestly can't and won't provide for yourself.... Just close your legs. Please. Don't use your children as an excuse for your irresponsibility. : | But if this person is consistently looking for a job and is seriously that unlucky to not have found anything, then it's a shame they have to suffer for people who chose to live along the previously stated guidelines.
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