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Everything posted by togz

  1. Huge sale post coming up soon

  2. togz

    Slooooe dooooown!!!
  3. I CRYIN 


  4. The weather went out.

  5. Welcome back HNIB 😭

  6. On their social media accounts it was announced that there will be a resurrection tour with dates starting in May and since members have become active on their social media accounts. No word on new drummer or not. http://www.hernameinblood.com/schedule/
  7. Shot in the dark on this one... but anyone wanna save for a trip to Japan this October? I'm thinking the 24th to the 3rd of November.

    1. orange~


      well... I'm most likely gonna be travelling to Japan later this year, but still unsure when. It might be during those months or in the fall in general... depends how fast I can get money for the trip :P

    2. togz


      well let me know around what time you're thinking... I'm pretty flexible as long as it's after september but before mid november. Only reason is I work at a tourist attraction so during holiday season they need me. But it'd be a lot cheaper if two of us went because if we use airbnb we can basically rent an apartment plus it'd be nice to make new friends and have someone to explore with. I'm kinda awful at finding the courage to do things on my own.

    3. orange~


      Yea! I'm thinking about those months too. I want to be there before november for sure. That's a good idea with airbnb, that would save great deal of money and I'm always glad to make new friends too ^^


      I was thinking about mainly staying in Tokyo, you?


      haha, I was already thinking that my plan for the trip would be "dead end tokyo", meaning I'd go to pretty much all the weirdest and most interesting places I can find.. : P But I can go to the most seedy places on my own.


      But ya, I don't want to promise too much yet, because my money situation is big question mark at the moment, but I'll keep you updated!

  8. tbh all the friends I had when I was in my prime of VK, no longer like VK anymore. "I listen to vk" is noob enough for me. 

    1. Himeaimichu


      I remember I used to be friends with a bunch of Kpoppers who only switched to Kpop because Dir En Grey "Stopped being hot". 

      IDK why I was even ever friends with Kpoppers. I had no idea what they were talking about or how I met them xD

    2. Zeus


      idk where y'all hang out on the internet and meet these types of ppl like all i go to is mh that's all i need

    3. tetsu_sama69


      This is the only place I have VK friends. Everyone else is convinced I'm still "going through a phase" even though it's been over a decade.

  9. togz

    "Kyo, the bassist of the GazettE is my favorite member, but I really like VK for the music." "I grew up in Japan. Kawaii desu." "Hey you like the GazettE? I'm friends with the vocalists sister and my friend is dating Reita." - an actual thing someone walked up and said to me in 2006 at Anime Expo. My favorite bands are: [insert absurdly long list of any VK band in existence even if no songs have been released] "GazeRock is Not Dead"
  10. togz

    I don't think it's really that big of a deal. Besides there is a non-japanese section to this thread as well... and we're all mostly non-japanese people listening to music from another country so it'd be a little backwards to block a portion of foreign pull...? Like if you don't like something... don't read or respond? That's the mods job to pay attention to stuff like that... so let them handle it accordingly if it's a problem?????? Where is the real issue?
  11. day two after oral surgery and my entire face is swollen 

    1. tetsu_sama69


      At least the surgery is done and now you can focus on getting well and feeling better!

  12. ur so smol and u make me grin :<

  13. togz

    Yeah I'm disappointed as well. I've followed tenten since KuRt and he's managed to find members who can produce music that compliment his voice. I do agree this is closer to KuRts sound but it is far off from the originality and quality it was. I listened once and skipped two songs when they started to feel too long or like 3 songs in one. This band will only last solely on the purpose that it has members who have a decent following. But this project has helped me jump off the tenten hype train.
  14. togz

    Well that's just the thing about the VK scene. There's a lot more to it than just having good music. Absolutely their music was good. Great even. These members are well in to their 30's now, and were nearing their 30's around the time they disbanded. They had been doing the indie thing for a while. At some point (whether it be Sin or the whole band) they chose to decide if it was worth continuing. They can have the best music in the world but if they aren't getting signed despite their efforts and they're tired of just scraping by financially... it's an understandable choice to call it quits.
  15. Lack-co. ....lol no. Each song on that release sounds like 3 songs in one. Tenten's vocal melodies are very bland and unimpressive. I doubt they'll last long.

    1. tetsu_sama69


      It's like their trying to make it on line-up alone...

    2. Komorebi


      So all the hype was for nothing?


    3. platy



  16. togz

    All I have anymore is a demo tape... and like 3 of their most recent cds with the new line up. I sold everything else back in 2009 :< and I've gone through about 2-3 computers since then.
  17. togz

    SKULL was the peak of my VK fan-living life. They were the first band I actually collected their entire discography. But... this is just a theory. SKULL wasn't a short lived band. If I'm not mistaken, they started anywhere from 2002-2004 (2004 I believe but I could be wrong). So they'd been around for a while until there was a PSC hosted live with them and BORN. I only know this because they disbanded while I was following them very closely. Shortly after that live it was announced BORN would join PSC and SKULL would disband. I'm thinking they just kind of got tired of trying to score higher than where they were. So I think that live is what decided if they wanted to continue or call it a good run and move on. After SKULL's disbandment, all members except Sin went on as a support band for Igaguri Chiba. (Yomi from Nightmare who is ironically good friends with Tenten... who later formed MBHI with 3 former SKULL members. small world.) They did have the reunion live, but I'm convinced Sin has pretty much retired.
  18. Hey friends. I have the Genki I and II books in PDF file. If you're willing to studying with me and like skype call or video call to practice conversational skills I can send it your way. Doesn't have to be one person. I just really want to study consistently.
  19. idk man. he was living it up playing support for igaguri chiba. and fanboying over idol pop groups. idk why he was fav.
  20. He's also Tenten. He's gone by Tenten and Taira with various spellings. Granted Taira wasn't really used until Chemical Pictures. Hanamuke, KuRt, Benii etc were just tenten in hiragana i believe. Taira is his real name I think though. One of my friends knew that name some how before he used it. LOL????? idk i've given up on tenten tho. after MBHI disbanding and Daisuke (ex. SKULL) vanishing again... I just don't have it in me lol. idc about lack-co or re:MBHI
  21. I listened to VK exclusively for like 3 years. There is some sort of blind (sometimes not blind) bias towards anything and everything VK. There's Band A and Band B. Band A is a visual kei band Band B is not. Looks aside, both bands play a fairly similar sounding genre. VK stan fan listens to both. Band A is best." Band B is okay but not really my style." I was guilty of that at one point. It's because I was more in to being in to one scene. It wasn't okay or cool of me to like something not VK. But this goes both ways. There are certainly people who listen to metalcore, djenty chuggy chug chug stuff... but you show them a VK band that sounds similar and they won't dig it. I feel like this isn't something that pertains to JUST "j-rock listeners." But like.... cheers too bro.
  22. togz

    Yeah imma need this
  23. togz

    I just recently started using twitter consistently though I've had the account for a while. Follow and I'll follow back *^* @staegermeister
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