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togz last won the day on February 9 2017

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About togz

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  • Birthday August 30

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    Everett, WA

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  1. when you don't wanna go on your planned trip because it means leaving boyfriend at home. Cry.

    1. paradoxal


      when we left for crete last summer for a week with my boyfriend, i seriously didn't want to go because i'd have to leave my dog in finland. result? ended up crying almost every single day because i missed him so much XD

    2. togz


      Omg leaving pets is even worse ;___; like omg what if they think I'm leaving forever. I'm out here living it up while the pup is sad at home like "where's mom" no but really me and my boyfriend said bye for like 5 hours. I was supposed to be home 4 hours ago... But I just got here.

    3. togz
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