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Posts posted by herpes

  1. 6 hours ago, nekkichi said:
    16 hours ago, saishuu said:

    - art-kei dies

    blockeD on the spot tbh


    you can't kill what was already dead





    also we need to start a 2017 vk death pool

  2. 16 minutes ago, Seimeisen said:

     - possible announcement for cali≠gari 13 at the end of the year?



    i'd love this, but i have an awful feeling we're getting nothing at all from them for a very long while. goatbed are back on top form and i feel like aoi might start up the lab. again.

  3. my predictions

    - Yohio goes big. Like actual big time. Like oricon charting big time.
    - Xaa-Xaa goes major.
    - DEZERT goes major. 
    - Asagi finally cuts his losses and goes solo, D disbands.
    - NoGod, Keel, Gotcharocka and Nue disband. 
    - Moi Dix Mois drops the album and it's surprisingly good.
    - Kaito and Shinnosuke, the two most unique vk vocalists of the past decade, will return and it will be beautiful.
    - Shazna returns, (Izam runs out of money).
    - Rentrer en Soi returns - however it's just Satsuki and Shun. It's not good.
    - Kisaki dodges his taxes again, gets investigated. He deletes his twitter three times.
    - The X Japan album surprisingly appears, but with only 3 unreleased songs. 
    - Plastic Tree takes a break. Ryutaro drops another album. It's ......ok.

  4. 2016 was wild.


    we lost so many beloved bandomen to drugs, death and evil underage fangirls who clearly should have known better and not tricked the easily lead middle aged men. and we gained some great new band! 


    what do you think 2017 has in store for glorious visual kei?





    (come back in a year and let's all lament that juka didn't reappear and gackt avoided justice once again)

  5. 10 minutes ago, sume7 said:


    As I already said Chaos System. 7 years 3 releases, 4 if you count monstropolis  and a grand total of  10 songs  that's 1 song per year. lol And their most active year was 2010 which was the same year they disbanded. lol They released 2 singles that year and 6 songs total. If it weren't for that they would only have released 4 songs.


    there was a code in that message hidden very very very subtlety hun!!

  6. 1 hour ago, Tokage said:

    Would be interesting if someone could like investigate the opposite... Investigate which bands have been around the longest while barely releasing any new material and/or just subsisting on remakes of remakes of remakes, things like that


    this is a good quEstion, iM trying to think of prolific, infaMoUs bands who aRe notable foR doing this, but my mind is drawing a blank





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