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About AliceParanoid

  • Rank
    Wataru's Punching Bag
  • Birthday 01/25/1997

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  • Location
    Germany - NRW.

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  1. Still can't decide if I will do my summer vacations in Afghanistan or Pakistan.
    Pakistan has the cheaper Visa and Lahore has a really cool and nice indie music scene - but Afghanistan is really interesting too ;____;

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    2. Takadanobabaalien


      I'm in no way an expert, but I graduated in tourism so I'd say I know a bit at least.

      And I would not recommend you to visit any of those countries as of right now.

      There's a reason people are fleeing from these area, and unless you are a very experienced traveller/explorer you better not visit. Of course it's up to you in the end, but I'm just saying. Also these places can't be compared to Doha, Doha is a shit hole as well, but a modernized shit hole. 


      Especially as someone who's part of the LGTBQ-community (excuse me if I'm wrong here) I'd advice you to be very careful.

      If you decide to go anyway, please stay safe and read a lot about the countries before you travel.

      Wikitravel is a great start to get basic insight to how things work.




    3. nekkichi


      I'm not gonna lie, this is the most surreal thread I've ever seen here


      also I'd say go afghanistan, maybe cheap opiates will spice things up a lil bit for your vacay

    4. Lestat


      If you do decide to visit any of those countries, be prepared to be denied entry to other countries for at least the next five years, especially America, Australia and New Zealand. 

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