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  1. LOLOL
    Serox reacted to suji in DatuRΛ US Debut at Tokyo in Tulsa 2018   
    but srsly how even????? didn't they just form last year???
  2. Like
    Serox reacted to ShanethVarosa in 浅葱 (Asagi) first full album 「斑」(Madara)   
    Got a chance to actually listen to the song, I really dig it. I just think Asagi is really talented, no matter what kind of genre or theme!
  3. Like
    Serox reacted to madygrain in David (SUI, ex-Megaromania) new single, "Requiemage" release + new label, "Resonance"   
    -Mr. Sui it seems your new CD is sold out already and it's not even released yet. Congratulations, sir!
    -It's not over
    -W-what do you mean by that s-sir...?
    -Print another type.
    -We can't do that sir we already told the fans how ma...
    -Yes, Mr. Sui...
  4. Like
    Serox reacted to nekkichi in 浅葱 (Asagi) first full album 「斑」(Madara)   
    this sounds like a p. cool song mashed up with a generic shitty D chorus, but it's better than his recent solo single idk...
    I also don't get the name change, but u do u henni
    sort of impressedT by the guest musician list, so much talent going into a single, potentially v. mediocre album lol
  5. Like
    Serox got a reaction from Kiryu999 in Deviloof new album, "Devil's Proof" release + Gt.&Vo.Ray (ex-ベルゼモ (belzemo)) joins   
    I agree with you! his voice is very similar to Mikaru! D:
  6. Like
    Serox reacted to Shaolan974 in Deviloof new album, "Devil's Proof" release + Gt.&Vo.Ray (ex-ベルゼモ (belzemo)) joins   
    Better than their "gruiiiik" songs
  7. Like
    Serox reacted to Kiryu999 in Deviloof new album, "Devil's Proof" release + Gt.&Vo.Ray (ex-ベルゼモ (belzemo)) joins   
    Clean vocals aren't that bad ? He sounds a lot like Mikaru (ex-Dio)
  8. Like
  9. Like
    Serox reacted to suji in レイヴ (Rave) new single 「ツミトバツ」(tsumitobatsu)   
    sooooo the vocalist is staging his "forced arrest" just to promote his shitty band's new single.....?

    as if kusomen couldn't get low enough...
  10. Like
    Serox reacted to ricchubunny in レイヴ (Rave) new single 「ツミトバツ」(tsumitobatsu)   
    Excited for disbanding news 
  11. Like
    Serox reacted to -NOVA- in ガメオベラ(Gameover) will disband   
    rage quit
  12. Like
    Serox got a reaction from AikoOnodera in Starwave Records Countdown 2017〜2018   
    Starwave Records will hold a year-end event at Ikebukuro Ruido K3 (Capacity : 150 seats) on 31/12/2017 (open : OPEN 11:20 / START 11:50) & 01/01/2018 (OPEN 1:30 / START 2:00 / CLOSED 5:00)
    - 31/12/2017 bands participants :
    - FIXER
    - シュヴァルツカイン (SchwarzKain)
    - Scarlet Valse
    - ラヴェーゼ (Labaiser)
    - 未完成アリス (Mikansei Alice)
    - La'veil MizeriA
    - クロノ×クラウン (Chrono X Crown)
    - LARZ
    - NvM
    - DIVEIN
    - バロムナイツ (Varom Knights)
    - ノクト (Nokuto)
    - DatuRΛ
    - 01/01/2018 bands participants :
    - FIXER
    - シュヴァルツカイン (SchwarzKain)
    - Scarlet Valse
    - ラヴェーゼ (Labaiser)
    - 未完成アリス (Mikansei Alice)
    - La'veil MizeriA
  13. Like
    Serox got a reaction from Ada Suilen in [Italian] We Are X Film Screening a Firenze   
    Da quanto so ci andranno 3 miei amici! ^^ peccato però non poter assistere a qualche opera "musicale" di Yoshiki.. magari suonata col pianoforte T_T
  14. Like
    Serox got a reaction from Seileen in [Italian] We Are X Film Screening a Firenze   
    Da quanto so ci andranno 3 miei amici! ^^ peccato però non poter assistere a qualche opera "musicale" di Yoshiki.. magari suonata col pianoforte T_T
  15. Like
    Serox got a reaction from zaa_zaa in Starwave Records Countdown 2017〜2018   
    Starwave Records will hold a year-end event at Ikebukuro Ruido K3 (Capacity : 150 seats) on 31/12/2017 (open : OPEN 11:20 / START 11:50) & 01/01/2018 (OPEN 1:30 / START 2:00 / CLOSED 5:00)
    - 31/12/2017 bands participants :
    - FIXER
    - シュヴァルツカイン (SchwarzKain)
    - Scarlet Valse
    - ラヴェーゼ (Labaiser)
    - 未完成アリス (Mikansei Alice)
    - La'veil MizeriA
    - クロノ×クラウン (Chrono X Crown)
    - LARZ
    - NvM
    - DIVEIN
    - バロムナイツ (Varom Knights)
    - ノクト (Nokuto)
    - DatuRΛ
    - 01/01/2018 bands participants :
    - FIXER
    - シュヴァルツカイン (SchwarzKain)
    - Scarlet Valse
    - ラヴェーゼ (Labaiser)
    - 未完成アリス (Mikansei Alice)
    - La'veil MizeriA
  16. Like
    Serox reacted to suji in Wing Works REVIVAL!!   
  17. wow
    Serox reacted to suji in Scarlet Valse new mini album Reincarnation release!   
    Their """important announcement""" btw: a new oneman tour in March.
    See, nothing major.
  18. Like
    Serox reacted to JukaForever in Zin from Jupiter will depart   
    Secretly hoping Hizaki gets Juka off of fishing and back to singing dope epics again
  19. Like
    Serox got a reaction from zaa_zaa in Megaromania one-day revival + memorial single release   
    Megaromania memorial live go SOLD OUT!!!
    PS: They have also added a new cover image on Twitter .. since there are still two months left to the concert, according to you may they announce other dates in the future? (since the ticket pre-order was opened yesterday and today it's go SOLD OUT... so after only 24 hours they filled 300 seats! OwO)
  20. Thanks
    Serox reacted to Lestat in [CLUB] Kisaki 23/09 announcement; Matina memorial event   
    The Matina label and Mirage will hold their 20 year anniversary event on Saturday 2018.03.31 somewhere in Tokyo, which will likely include a live from Mirage. Full information becomes available on October 1st.
  21. Thanks
    Serox reacted to Komorebi in [HELP] Youku!!   
    I used to download them with a program called iku download if I remember correctly. 
    The program itself was in chinese but it was super easy to use, worked kinda like atube catcher. 
    The thing is I have no idea if it will work with password protected videos. 
    Edit: last time I downloaded from youku or even entered that page must have been 2013, so my info could be super outdated. 
  22. Like
    Serox got a reaction from Komorebi in [HELP] Youku!!   
    Hi guys! 
    Any of you is familiar with Youku? (http://www.youku.com/?spm=a2hzp.8253869.qheader.5~5~5~A) I would like to download some videos on my PC but some are password protected.. do you know some program that allows me to download videos (even those with password) and then view them on my PC?
    For example this : http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjkwMTI1MTMy.html?spm=a2hzp.8253869.0.0
    Maybe it's impossible, but I try to ask, I hope so much that you can help me! ^w^
  23. Like
    Serox got a reaction from efuru in ex-MoNoLith Vo.柳 (ryu) has opened his twitter   
    YESSSSS!!! I'm so happy! he is a very nice vocalist! I hope he form a new band with Takafumi and Hayato (both Ex-MoNoLiTh)
  24. Like
    Serox got a reaction from よしあつい in Local Visual Kei Events?   
    Ciao! anche io sono Italiano e conosco un certo DJMishi che ogni tanto tiene il Tokyo Freaks in vari posti dell'italia! https://www.facebook.com/tokyofreaks/?pnref=lhc
    English :
    Hello! I'm Italian too, i know DJMishi, this guy organize a event called "Tokyo Freaks" in all Italy! https://www.facebook.com/tokyofreaks/?pnref=lhc
  25. Like
    Serox reacted to The Moon in GOEMON RECORDS new band, "POIDOL" will form   
    Enough with the teasing. SHOW YOUR FACES! 
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