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Posts posted by blacktooth

  1. I don't know for sure yet, but I'm going to say Die is the one doing the flanger pedal arpeggios. During the chorus I have no idea at all because they're just playing counterpoint to each other. And yeah, that bridge riff at 1:26 is a real non-sequitur.


    I can't agree with you more on how their lives sound much better than the album recordings these days. Whoever the band's sound engineer is has some serious talent. @Rosner, would you say live sound engineer technique carries over into the studio for recording? 

  2. There was an interview where they were talking about being in the tour van in San Francisco I think and Kyo was eating a McDonalds burger when the driver suddenly slammed on the brakes and his burger fell onto the floor. 

  3. I went to BK hoping to see him before a show some years back. 

    By the way, I would have loved to try the Japan-exclusive squid ink BK burger, but I suppose this would belong in the Burger King thread.

    I know for sure that Kyo is team McDonalds though. 

  4. You know how Shinya always counts in the rest of the band with a hi-hat live? Why doesn't he do that after the intro on Utafumi?



  5. YES! Looks like most traces of him are gone from the internet. Shame, for the guy was a legend.


    oooh, found the audio


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