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    MaikoMizu reacted to Valicious in The Workout and Win Stuff thread   
    Personal Update:
    I have not done any exercises at all this week. My right knee started giving me a lot of problems on Monday, and I had to go into urgent care at the hospital on Wednesday. I found out what was wrong (a buildup of fluid has shifted the joint out of alignment), and I have an Orthopedic appointment later this month to hopefully fix it. I’m really hoping I can devise a lighter exercise routine in the meantime. My left knee has started to hurt more in the same way as the right knee now, when it rains it pours I guess.
    Like Hope said, nuts are a good source of good fats and protein. I went through a similar situation when I was in college, I was around 100lbs and needed a healthy way to gain some weight. (I’m 6’) You ideally want foods high in monosaturated fats. Avocado is a great source of healthy fats, and goes great on sandwiches and burgers and even by itself with a pinch of salt. A great recipe that I discovered is just avocado and some cocoa, thoroughly blend or mix it and you’ve got some great chocolate pudding. (Biopanda and I both tried this, it is indistinguishable from the more unhealthy stuff.)
    Breakfast smoothies are a great idea. I used to make these with blueberries or strawberries or whatever I had on hand at the time. Add some whole milk if you want to add some calories and fat to it. There are a few bad fats out there as was mentioned, but fats in foods are not a bad thing by any means. You start to get into trouble when fats are combined with lots of carbohydrates, this causes an insulin response and can lead to diabetes in extreme cases.
    As for exercises, I would focus more on strength training than aerobic if you are trying to gain weight. Things like crunches and high-resistance exercises will help. Look into creatine powder, this will help in the muscle gain department a lot.
  2. Like
    MaikoMizu reacted to fictioninhope in The Workout and Win Stuff thread   
    Be careful with red meats because they are harder for the body to digest even tho they taste soooo yummy. Cutting back on salt is also good, especially for your blood pressure and keeping plaque in your veins at bay! Do you happen to like nuts? Almonds, cashews and pistachios are really good for you. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day cause it helps jumpstart your metabolism so better breakfast is definitely a good idea. Smoothies are a good option, maybe supplement them with protein powders to add a little extra oomph to them? If you do go for walks/runs, you might incorporate a couple of 2lb weights with you, not sure if ankle or wrist would be better though depending on which set of muscles you want to work the most?

    I have not been good about this healthy thing lately. School and work have me super stressed out. I recently lost a coworker who was one of my morning cashiers so now I'm being demoted to cashier, which is killer on my joints. By the time I leave work I'm in so much pain I can hardly walk so that coupled with school has me not wanting to exercise at all. I have managed to stay in the 158lb area since my last update which is better than shooting back to 165lbs but I'd like to see more progress eventually. I did get out to the YMCA near my house last week and talked to them about memberships so hopefully in the next week or so I'll get back out there and actually sign up. I didn't finalize it when I was there because we were going to try to get a discounted rate for both my mom and I since she is a senior and we are both low income but mom decided it wasn't something she could do right now so it's just me again lol. I'd really like to start swimming at least twice a week once I do get joined at the YMCA.
    I managed to get one 3.21 mile walk in on the 19th when I didn't have school cause of MLK day and the weather was absolutely gorgeous. The only nice days we've had since I had work and school and couldn't enjoy a nice walk. :c

    My food habits haven't changed since last update either. My mom did check my blood pressure a week or two ago and it was pretty high so I've been trying to cut back on how much salt I add to food. Which is a lot. I really like salt. I'm the kind of person who will pour some salt into their hand and eat it. So this whole less salt thing is gonna be a challenge but I'm determined to make it work. I don't need any heart issues on top of all of my other issues. XD
  3. Like
    MaikoMizu reacted to Yukami in new band "SLINGER" will form   
    eager to hear!
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    MaikoMizu reacted to Trombe in new band "SLINGER" will form   
    session band "VIPER" will perform at Shinjuku RUIDO K4 at 2015/01/29 and will change to new formal band "SLINGER" after their live at 2015/03/27
    "SLINGER" members:
    Vo.KNIGHT (ex-BLADE)
    Gt.ュゥナ(yuna) (ex-CHiLLDReN-->J∀CK11-->【_Vani;lla】-->ベルベット(VelBet))
    Gt.LATE (ex-Amulet*-->BLADE-->Luzmelt(reyto))
    Dr.クロ(kuro) (ex-GerVelir-->Logic-->ビスコ(bisco)-->VelBet-->Vanish-->CELL-セル-(support), now DADA(support))
    support Ba.准(jun) (ex-Ladifere-->Cupid-->チロル(tirol)-->ボウドレイル(baude laire)-->UnsraW-->-ASSAULT--->Arpege(support)-->Ms.LIAR)
  5. Like
    MaikoMizu reacted to Replicant in What made you addicted to Japanese Music?   
    I honestly can't remember most of the details, but I remember this was during a period where I hated most music at the time.
    I know the whole love affair for visual kei and Japanese music started back when I first obtained a PC, MSN groups and chat rooms existed, and I was looking for character inspiration OR someone linked me to a group that had pictures of Dir en grey and Malice Mizer and a bunch of other bands. The place I remember the most that had pictures still exists, but is on Facebook now.
    As for my current favorite band/artist, his vocaloid production work and art style drew me in initally. Then I heard he had a solo career and was instantly hooked. As for how I got into the vocaloid stuff, that I can't remember.
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    MaikoMizu reacted to Lestat in What made you addicted to Japanese Music?   
    I cannot quite remember how I did discover Phantasmagoria. It likely happened in a most common setting of where I was browsing off bands on Youtube based on the GazettE (I do still blame Kuroshitsuji for this) — I do recall my first song ever heard by them being NEO ARK, though. There was an instant connection I still haven't found myself getting rid of, nor do I desire to let them go regardless of the certainty that I shall never hear a singular written track live with my own ears, or I would have to be very lucky to find myself in Osaka where miraculously Kisaki would have organized a throwback-party with ex-members of 12012 and ヴィドール with the lost crew playing a 15-minute set of 神歌. Despite their rather limited setlist, each song carries a turbulence with itself that draws me within another world. Their magic doesn't fade, even when time does.
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    MaikoMizu reacted to Wicked Teletubby in Show Your Desktop   
    this is TAMA's newest addition to the flagship STAR line - a walnut shell pack. so beautiful I had to put it on my desktop.

  8. Like
    MaikoMizu reacted to nattliga_toner in Your last music-related buy!   
    Got a box of records in the mail yesterday - yay! Couple of duds as usual, but here are the keepers:

    Plugging a few more holes in my collection of 90:s VK compilations with "Zeroism" and "Turn Over Peacock Version".
    Neither are super-essential or anything, but what the hell... gotta catch 'em all
    "今夜 Goodnight Tonight" is a mild ass bomb! Hard-hitting power pop with some definitive sleazy bar vibes.
    Nounashi approved, of course! This was released with two covers, I think the one I've got is the more common one.
    FIGHTING CORPORATION BAND is, like so many others, yet another Nounashi recommendation.
    Hard to describe really ...catchy as hell, but also pretty fucking stupid at the same time.
    SEIEI JACK (or SEXEI JACK EXHIBITION or THE JOKE PROJECT ...impossible to tell which is the proper band name) is utterly demented. Sounds like a japanese take on THE RESIDENTS circa "Third Reich 'n Roll" but sloppier and (possibly) even weirder.
    WHOOPEE! is post-ロンメル (not to be confused with  the metal band).
    Details here: http://blog.livedoor.jp/nounashi/archives/1964751.html
    Really, really good bubblegum pop with vocoders and synth toms! Way better than expected.
    Together with SEIEI JACK one of the best blind buys in quite a while!
    And finally, I mustered up the balls and cash to splurge out for a looooooong time want of mine....
    十万馬力 - "Medical Mystery Tour"!!!

    :rock: :rock: :rock:
    Very rare private press, looks like the band was a bunch of students or something.
    I like to think they were a bunch of medical students (hence the name) who got together and just recorded a record for the hell of it. But yeah, I don't really know anything about the group at all - except that they totally shred!!
    All kinds of songs ...scorching lo-fi punk, straight ahead power pop rockers, semi-ballads that morph into a guitar fuzz fest. It's all very shambolic and trebly and homemade and underproduced... and.. and.. completely wonderful ~♫
  9. Like
    MaikoMizu reacted to Crube in random thoughts thread   
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    MaikoMizu reacted to zombiesatemycereal in Hellos   
    Hello everyone, i'm Zombie.
    Some of you already know me from plug.dj, but for everyone else it's nice to meet you all. I haven't really been active on a forum ever, so this will be a new experience for me. I've dabbled in Japanese music for a while, but haven't really explored it until the past year or so. I don't really know much about VK, but some of what i've heard people play on Plug was enjoyable. My tastes tend to lean towards pop/electronic/indie, but I try to be open about most types.
    Some of my favorite Japanese artists: girugamesh, Itsue, Scandal, The Gazette, Suiyoubi no Campanella, Gackt, Backdrop Cinderella, Charisma.com, Perfume, Charan Po Rantan, Kana Boon, Tofubeats, Mondo Grosso, Gesu No Kiwami Otome
    I also like a lot of korean pop/hip hop, but have too many favorites to list.
    Here is my last.fm if you are interested.
  11. Like
    MaikoMizu reacted to Replicant in Show Your Desktop   
    *shrug* (Source is someone on Reddit iirc.)
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    MaikoMizu reacted to xriko in What made you addicted to Japanese Music?   
    on a old deleted blog which I don't ever remember the name.
    Awoi in 2007, followed them during 7 years until the break.
  13. Like
    MaikoMizu reacted to PsychoΔelica in random thoughts thread   
    Where the fuck is my package? I so had it waiting for it.
  14. Like
    MaikoMizu reacted to Lestat in The 10 Song Shuffle!   
    Stuck between T. Rex and The Sisters of Mercy there. Both are absolutely legendary and I loved them the moment I first opened my ear to them. 
    Kaya - Babylon DIR EN GREY - audrey sukekiyo - 斑人間 YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz - MIND FOREST Sadie - Confusion REALies - Sweet/Rouge Versailles - Ascendead Master garden - sabbat X JAPAN - Unfinished... Phantasmagoria - Neo Ark I feel as if I am only entitled to two favourites each time these top tens pop up, but there are some more in here. Anything Kisaki-and Kamijo related tops the rest immediately, it's not really a hard choice. Was surprised to see garden's "sabbat" in this list though, kind of forgot about Kisaki's extremely depressed early deathrock phase.
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    MaikoMizu reacted to Crube in random thoughts thread   
  16. Like
    MaikoMizu reacted to seikun in What made you addicted to Japanese Music?   
    One of my favourite bands is Noir fleurir. In July, 2005 I was invited to an event that was held at a university campus organised by students and the event was segmented: Anime series exhibition, trading card games tournments and a Visual Kei party. A friend of mine invited me to the Visual Kei party. We were dancing and the next song was Omocha no Miisha. It caught my attention and I asked the band's name and I fell in love with the band ever since.
    You had to pay a ticket for access to this event, but my friend knew the organiser and asked him to let me in without paying.
    I had a great time that whole night.
  17. Like
    MaikoMizu reacted to Takadanobabaalien in What made you addicted to Japanese Music?   
    Well, my 2 absolute favorite bands are LUNA SEA & Da'vid/shito:aL. I discovered LUNA SEA through Youtube, and Da'vid through last.fm. 
    My current favorite bands (Grieva, Gossip, Kuroyuri to kage, Avelcain and Arlequin) were all through going to their liveshows, and then downloading/buying their releases.
  18. Like
    MaikoMizu reacted to sai in What made you addicted to Japanese Music?   
    Ironically, all from plug.dj sessions, lmao.
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    MaikoMizu reacted to eiheartx in What made you addicted to Japanese Music?   
    By downloading some releases on Lj (back on 2007), based on nothing concrete (name, outfit, ...).
    Now it's the same on M-H, depending the users' level of excitment, I try randomly some releases (for example: shadow from Lycaon). I cannot test everything tho, because I don't have time to listen everything properly. I try to stick on a few bands only. There's so much to listen all over the worldz !
  21. Like
    MaikoMizu reacted to beni in What made you addicted to Japanese Music?   
    iTunes. Before I first found out about any such thing as downloading from the net, I'd be on the iTunes browsing 24/7. In the same way I'll get attached to the first listen of a song/album of a musician more so then any other later heard work, I'm like this with finding musicians. My favourites I had first found on iTunes have never changed from my top spot over the couple of years I've been listening to this area of music. Managed to keep this story short for once lol. xD
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    MaikoMizu reacted to Des in What made you addicted to Japanese Music?   
    Ever since I discovered last.fm it's been my main source. I am often browsing through lists of similar and recommended artists and libraries of users that seem interesting and then I just go from there. Other sources are music blogs and related Youtube videos but it all doesn't weight up against the masterstroke that is last.fm.
    Disclaimer: this user is in no way affiliated with last.fm and has not received payments for any suspicions of product endorsement. This user is in fact entirely fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
  23. Like
    MaikoMizu reacted to JukaForever in What made you addicted to Japanese Music?   
    Youtube's recommended videos after a simple search for japanese rock/metal. I think a downloading blog called japanese-music-dream or something like that back in 2010 for a variety of genres. Then edohsama and ongaku-something-something for all things visual kei related. Finally this forum ^^
    Even with this forum though, youtube still tends to be the most effective in supplying me bands that I will like.
  24. Like
    MaikoMizu reacted to Zeus in new band "I'm oblivious to the WORLD" has formed   
    This is the important question. How do they plan to reach their quota if they haven't even released a proper CD so we can stan them properly?
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    MaikoMizu got a reaction from Zeus in new band "I'm oblivious to the WORLD" has formed   
    So.... When will they release some music?
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