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    beni got a reaction from Licio123 in R指定 (R-SHITEI) - VISUAL IS DEAD Eng Translation   
    I've been very fond of this song ever since I first heard it. Hadn't given the lyrics a look before so thank you for putting it up.
  2. Like
    beni reacted to Ito in 25 Days of ChristMHas! The Staff Album Picks of 2014.   
    Day 8 - ねごと - "Z"OOM (NEGOTO - "Z"OOM)

    Release Date: 2014-03-12
    Label: Ki/oon Records
    Genre: Rock/Female Fronted
    Impressions from @fitear1590:

    Impressions from @Original Saku

    Sample song:

    Buy the album:
    YesAsia | CDJapan | Amazon
  3. Like
    beni reacted to Ito in 25 Days of ChristMHas! The Staff Album Picks of 2014.   
    Day 11 - Royz - Core

    Release Date: 07-02-2014
    Label: B.P.RECORDS
    Genre: Visual Kei
    Impressions by @Linh-san

    Impressions by @fitear1590:

    Sample song:

    Buy the album:
    CDJapan | YesAsia | HMV
  4. Like
    beni got a reaction from Spectralion in 25 Days of ChristMHas Discussion Thread - 2014   
    Zeus-san expressed how I felt with the album above, I really was 'positively surprised.' I gave one of their albums a listen ages ago and was blown away. It was just unfortunate I'll stick to the first musicians I got into more. >< I can agree with the 'taking in very small doses' part with this particular band. But that I can only actually say for that first album of theirs in this double release. It's a lot to take in on a 1 hour listen, but as I already said, it was totally worth it in the end. I'll be going back to both albums soon, I'm sure. But I can't recommend their second album enough. It's a lot more easier to get into, in my opinion, since it's not a full on metal hour like the previous one sounded. But I'm going to stand up for them on that last part. I didn't find any track boring at all. Exhausting is a more appropriate word to me, if I was any other listener. And damn son, guitars and sound was weak in the album!? You listen to some flawless metal! ^^ And yay to being honest and giving your opinion. It's the first time on here opinions on one of the releases has been so split!
  5. Like
    beni got a reaction from hiroki in Official Happy Birthday Topic   
    ^ Also wishing you a Merry Birthday sir, and everyone. lol at TinyDuck ava and name xD
  6. Like
    beni reacted to nomemorial in Greetings and salutations   
    I've been browsing your lovely community from the shadows for the past few years and have finally decided to dive in and post a bit.  I've been a visual-kei fan for a little over ten years, but I fell a out of love with the scene for a good while due to other interests and a lack of compelling output from the newer artists I was aware of.  My personal favorite bands are/were deadman (and literally everything aie is involved with), Dir en grey, Vidoll, Kagerou, Plastic Tree, Pierrot, etc.  I used to run a small VK forum that very badly wanted to be an English "Visunavi-esque" webpage featuring a small encyclopedia of bands, but it was a failure of sorts outside of helping me build stronger relationships with other friends in the community.
    Outside of this, I love video games and fashion.  I play guitar in a band called Barrow and a band called Weathered which has a confusing internet presence due to a cease-and-desist induced name change.
    Thank you for reading and I look forward to getting to know the community.
  7. Like
    beni reacted to PsychoΔelica in random thoughts thread   
    Don't know, haven't got to that part yet . But if you really want to   
    It actually wasn't like a scripted kind of thing, I was just running around with a megaphone lol
  8. Like
    beni got a reaction from hitsuji-hime in Band Alphabet   
    because this hasn't been used before xD
  9. Like
    beni got a reaction from Luca in Hello all, newbie here   
    Welcome to MH!
    Lovely to have you join us, finally! : p I approve of everything you've just said haha. The fangirling is strong within this one. : 3
    Awesome list too, spotted Lycaon and you're automatically fabulous for that! Enjoy your time here and remember to feel free going onto the chat and looking forward to events and the plugs on Sunday. ^^
  10. Like
    beni reacted to platanity in sukekiyo   
    maybe it's got to do potential remix collab tracks in 'vitium' with relating artists on that list ?
    altho tracklist is out but who knows heh .
    and i love the the mixing's there !
    love lm.c and the novembers
  11. Like
    beni reacted to Original Saku in 25 Days of ChristMHas Discussion Thread - 2014   
    Some people just don't like engrish so it's understandable, for me it's usually a hit or miss... some songs with engrish I can really dig if I think it's done correctly, other's i can not stand xD
    As for Asobius, I've actually never listened to them ever... But after reading all the great feedback this album is getting I'll probably end up checking them out very soon when i have more time on my hands
  12. Like
    beni reacted to Trombe in ONE OK ROCK new album "35xxxv" release   
    ONE OK ROCK new album "35xxxv" (pronounced as "thirty five") will be released at 2015/02/11, although details have not yet been announced
  13. Like
    beni got a reaction from ghost in Any asexuals around here?   
    xD Well done on your research by the way. Determining which sexuality you fall into can be really confusing but as my other asexual friend has always said 'people shouldn't have to label themselves.' It doesn't matter, I just wanted to show the original poster that they're not alone here hah.
    No worries on that by the way, I seem to just attract the lads who're desperate for any gal to love them. Too bad I can't love them in that way they're wanting haha. But thank you for that, but I get the last laugh again; he's now 'engaged' to this girl he's been on and off with since school.. at the tender age of 16 lol. I wish them good luck.
    I mainly wanted to reply in responding to your last sentence to be honest because no one has found it funny or at least said it is. xD I was going for humour with the sig for xmas so I'm glad someone thought so! :'3
  14. Like
    beni got a reaction from ghost in Band Alphabet   
    because this hasn't been used before xD
  15. Like
    beni reacted to AiobaMatto in One Hello a little late   
    Well... I create my account a few months ago and i never say Hi xD Sorry for that.
    I'm Matto ((or Matt or whatever)) Nice to meet you~ I'm from Argentina 
    I like so much the japanese music and culture -I guess like all of us- Some band than i like are:
    L'arc en Ciel - Girugamesh - GazettE - D'espairsray(disband) - VelBet(disband) - BORN - Nocturnal Bloodlust - One Ok Rock - Maximum the Hormone - DiV - FLOW - Lynch - Sadie - exist trace - UVERworld - Matenrou Opera - NICO Touches the Walls  - and others... 
    I like allot of band of rock from many others countries.. like Diablo Swing Orchesta and Maná((mexican band))
    Anyway... I hope i meet you all! Be my friend! I have cookies
    See you~
  16. Like
    beni reacted to Luca in Hello all, newbie here   
    Why hello~...
    I've been snooping around random threads here intermittently and putting off joining for a year or two, but I finally decided to do it! Pardon me if I don't tag something I should or anything. (。・﹏・。)"
    Anyway, I'm Luca, I'm from the southeastern US (joy), I've been a fan of VK for about 6 years now, first VK band was Dir en grey, I enjoy playing bass, drawing, anime/manga, video games, sewing, cats, kaomoji, hair dye and I want to start cosplaying eventually ^-^'
    Favorite bands (to name a few out of a god-awful many) are BAISER, LAREINE, The Cure, Deshabillz, Aliene Ma'riage, nuvc:gu, Lycaon, Vasalla, etc.
    Oh, and I am obsessed with Angel Sanctuary. Okay done fangirling lol.
    I can't wait to start exploring MH a bit more and maybe make some friends Feel free to add me if you feel so inclined. ^^
  17. Like
    beni reacted to mony~ in Hello <3   
    Hello~! It's a pleasure to meet everyone! 
    My name is Monica and I am from Mexico D:
    Well, my english is very bad ;; but, here we go
    I never done this before in forums D:
    I got into the Japanese music scene ago 8/9 years...
    My favorite bands humm~
    Ayabie/AYABIE ;;
    Belle (new band XD) 
    the GazettE
    Dir en Grey
    the kiddie
    and more XD
  18. Like
    beni reacted to ghost in Any asexuals around here?   
    Nevermind, after a quick google search,
    "Asexuality is distinct from abstention from sexual activity and from celibacy"
    I will boot myself from this thread accordingly ^^
    @Beni: Sorry to hear that Beni : ( Not gonna lie that's really low. That 'boy' was rude and insensitive.
    Your signature gif is hilarious btw X)
    @satetsu: lololol

  19. Like
    beni reacted to Zeus in [HELP] Converting audio to text   
    For now, no.
    Transforming speech to text is a very difficult challenge for computers to handle. Think of it at a more conceptual level to see the whole picture: a computer, which has no sense of hearing, has to interpret your sound, apply any relevant mathematical corrections, and then pick the correct word out of an arbitrary language. Then there's problems like background noise and regional/local accents which can corrupt the message. Finding an algorithmic or mathematical computation to describe what an accent is, how to identify one, and how to write a program to detect them are things people write doctoral theses for. Then there are challenges to overcome such as storing this information in a database (it would be absolutely huge, probably in terabytes or even petabytes if you want to have it work with most of the English language), machine learning, real-time processing, web services, and complex mathematical analysis (I can think of the Fast Fourier Transform off the top of my head as an absolute must in the signal-processing part of this imaginary algorithm).
    All is not lost however. Programs like this do exist, but it's not going to do what you want it to do. You have to talk to these programs in order for them to interpret your speech as text, and they're not very good. I have a type of program like this on my smartphone and I barely use it because it gets so many words wrong I have to go back and edit the message anyway. If you're introducing a layer in the forum of a recorded message that you have trouble distinguishing, don't expect the program to get most of it right. I would actually be surprised if the program on my phone translated anything for you because it has a habit of giving up when I speak clearly to it, but even if it did it would butcher the whole thing.
    I'm sure the government has already developed some prototype that can just analyze audio and return text for you and it's how I assumed they could retrieve conversations from garbled audio clips (think low-quality phone conversations between terrorists that they tap into). If such a program has made it out of military hands into the consumer market, it would be very expensive and not something you could acquire without struggle. I'll admit I didn't look at all for a program like this to exist, but I'm relying on my expertise and intuition which heavily suggests it doesn't. If someone manages to come into this topic with a link to a freeware (or even free trial) program that transcribes audio to text with a high success rate, I'll eat my hat. Two hats if it can do it in multiple languages.
    This is one of those lovely cases in computer science where describing the problem is easy and the solution is insanely hard.

  20. Like
    beni got a reaction from hitsuji-hime in Maria Cross   
    This thread makes me laugh too much and this...
    Just made my day. xD
  21. Like
    beni got a reaction from Original Saku in 25 Days of ChristMHas Discussion Thread - 2014   
    Can I just say that ever since I saw this particular artist/album banner, I think it's absolute fab. It really expresses asobius so much to me, really fitting.
    So, about the album! I forgot at what point and where I found asobius but I gave Starlight a listen and was instantly hooked. Good thing they put that tune at track 1, it's way too catchy to not get into the feel and mood to listen to the full album. They're the kind of band that, like I said in the small blurb, really makes magic with music I think. It's just so highly enjoyable to listen to them, I can't imagine anyone not liking them, I really can't. I might be sounding too positive in them and album itself, but they never fail in brightening up my day whenever I give them a listen. I only hope others will try them out and may feel the same way, it's just totally worth it. 
  22. Like
    beni got a reaction from Pretsy in Seiko Oomori - Sennou   
    Instant like for just noticing the thread is all about the fabulousness of Madam Oomori!~
    I have yet to give this latest album of hers a full listen but have heard her previous two and, oh my god, she is so damn flawless. Flawless, in a way, I'm sure, many would disagree. As you've described it, I'm also one of the proud bunch of '“bad” vocal aficionados' out there. I find her vocals super intriguing and unique, setting her apart very well from the typical J-Pop scene as a whole. What makes it even more interesting to me is that she's pretty much 'Anti-Idol.' The way she sings, the way each and every song is structed in contrast with the actual idols, it's much more tuneful and out there. As one has already said, her appearance surprisingly and nicely contrasts with what she actually delivers. I also love her influences as you've already pointed out. My love for Togawa continues to grow with every day, that woman's a gem. And Ringo, I think we can all agree she's a queen herself too. And just check out Oomori's 魔法が使えないなら死にたい album cover. Now where have I seen that before? xD
    Thanks for the review and for reminding me I still have to listen to it! Have been listening to it as I've typed this up and I just can't be disappointed in her. What a star, in her own way.
  23. Like
    beni reacted to Pretsy in Seiko Oomori - Sennou   
    大森靖子 - 洗脳 (Seiko Oomori – Sennou)

    [asthmatic ”AAAAAAAH”] |
    (perfect albums don't really exist k)
    What is already given but worth being repeated anyway: you don’t have to follow convenient pop sensibilities in order to be intriguing from mainstream perspective. Latest album by Seiko, ”Sennou” is demonstrating this trait in a way most might call “disastrous” - while minorities (incl. “bad” vocal aficionados  like me) on the other hand go out of their way to call it “pure genius”.
    “洗脳” is Seiko Oomori’s 3rd full-length, and also the major debut release by courtesy of (notorious) Avex Group. Compared to her earlier, “freak folky”(I am not good with genres, so gomen my ass) repertoire, this album is stacked with various genres and influences related to Seiko’s usual tendencies to make fun of dominating J-pop and Idol trends; you have dubstep, lounge, pop rock anthems, rave…not to mention some tunes that might even please dedicated fanboys/girls of Mr. Bungle-ian clusterfucks. (un)necessary trivia: the latter is mainly attributed to her main influences, that include earlier “dominatrices of j-rock/j-pop” - Jun Togawa and Ringo Shiina (pre-Ringo no Uta era) – folks stanning for mentioned ladies, get thrilled!
    What makes “洗脳” worth being a must-try for every J-pop/rock enthusiast is abstract beauty of backup instrumentation correlating with Seiko’s quirky vocal performance that screams out adolescent naivety in calmer numbers like twisted fairyland-y “ナナちゃんの再生講座” and touchy “呪いは水色”, teenage playfulness in e.g. dubstep/rave-influenced “イミテーションガール”and synthpoppy “ロックンロールパラダイス” + pure havoc and misery of young adults in ultra-catchy rock number “絶対絶望絶好調”. Track-by-track analyses would be plain lazy (messy results too) - that being taken into account, I will summarize the overall meaning behind my age class metaphors BRIEFLY (no in-depth BS!*):
    Each careful listen reveals more and more details in this intricate smorgasbord of musical richness – Seiko is able to channel various emotions without even being versatile and talented (according to "mainstream sense") in her musical role (which was simply just rioting with fierce guitar strumming and screaming her lungs out like a madwoman). Owing to the palette of emotions, simpleton listeners will never know what to feel after getting through Seiko’s “brainwash” (fun trivia: lit. translation of the album title). Unpredictability as a main pro in “album recipe” is of course, the idea taken for granted in our MH community – right?
    *In-depth review would result in massive chunks of complex writing and unnecessary fuss – after all, “洗脳” caters for a huge, uncountable number of genres you usually stumble in popular, Oricon-approved music. Therefore, take this as my slight attempt to make you SOMEWHAT interested in the world of "frivolous" vocals and mumble-jumble arrangements!
    Pretsy’s top picks (SC links!):
    Pretsy's meh's:
    デートはやめよう - unfitting position + too laid-back for her kind of artist :/
    Seiko O-“NO PRETSY THIS IS BAD STOP THIS PLS”-omori struck the gold! Totes genius.
  24. Like
    beni got a reaction from PsychoΔelica in Single People Thread   
    True but, that makes me realise how alone I always am haha.
    So, I'm rejected even on the web? D':
    What you just said is my whole school life summed up. Seriously, when I was in a larger group of a friends circle, they all got together with one another, and then... there was me. xD I feel your pain on that, damn young friends!
  25. Like
    beni got a reaction from platanity in sukekiyo   
    Ah, I see! Not a problem then ehe. I find that interesting though, different sounding bands being together, woop!
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