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Status Replies posted by beni

  1. AWWW YEAH! MY CDS WERE SHIPPED!! I can't wait to listen to the new AvelCain! :D

  2. Got my awoi CD today and last live ticket yesterday, can't wait !

  3. I won a Kisaki Project signboard. I feel so special.

  4. Looking through own Last.fm library makes me realize what random artists I seem to spam too much without knowing. Oh the embarrassment.

  5. And I catch a cold as soon as I make plans for this weekend. Yay! =__=

  6. Never thought watching Fast & Furious makes me feel sad.. Paul Walker ;(

  7. That was almost a week without net...

  8. that's the worst cat i've ever seen. srsly wat a terrible cat! http://worstcats.tumblr.com/

  9. Yes Ruki I had the seam reaction when I saw Ryogas tweet hahaha (pretty sure the other person on this picutre is Tsuzu) https://twitter.com/RUKItheGazettE/status/517667098776977408

  10. SADIE's Gangsta is a contender for one of the best Albums of 2014. Idc.

  11. SADIE's Gangsta is a contender for one of the best Albums of 2014. Idc.

  12. Tomorrow are my exams. *nervous* And I am the second on the list *ultranervous*

  13. Tomorrow are my exams. *nervous* And I am the second on the list *ultranervous*

  14. BANG ME in 22 days <3

  15. wow why do some of u ppl have a signature as long as a novel

  16. What did one chicken say to the other when he couldn't beat him in a fight?

  17. Having to retake math GCSE and being the only one in the class still not understanding the basics. D: Such fail.

  18. Having to retake math GCSE and being the only one in the class still not understanding the basics. D: Such fail.

  19. Having to retake math GCSE and being the only one in the class still not understanding the basics. D: Such fail.

  20. The PS4 has the hardest power on button I've ever seen. >.<

  21. THIS IS THE MOMENT I'VE WAITED FOR SO LONG. http://i62.tinypic.com/oannsz.jpg

  22. I wish I could forget everything about Breaking Bad and watch it all again.

  23. The PS4 has the hardest power on button I've ever seen. >.<

  24. Just noticed Google in the board statistics. Huh? o.o

  25. gawd, why have I never listened to AvelCain before...?

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