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Status Replies posted by beni

  1. why does it always take me million years to find a good avatar x___x

  2. Alcohol is a terrible terrible thing.

  3. Alcohol is a terrible terrible thing.

  4. Alcohol is a terrible terrible thing.

  5. Let's see how I like it here :'3

  6. Is MH becoming tumblr now? help

  7. Actually tried to do some college work recently but even having stayed away from the computer, I've still managed to distract myself with other electronics. Damn it.

  8. Actually tried to do some college work recently but even having stayed away from the computer, I've still managed to distract myself with other electronics. Damn it.

  9. people who promise something and then ignores you completely and say the otherwise... that's really cool.

  10. Can I just delete my tumblr? ugh.

  11. who the fuck invented group projects

  12. lmao ppl on tumblr are mad @ weeaboos for using the term 'waifu' cuz its racist

  13. Okay so today i have a date with a 30 y.o guy and im actually 20. I DONT KNOW HOW TO REACT, WHAT TO DOOOO. Someone help me pleaaaase D:

  14. Yeah so, there was a shooting at my grocery store. Lots of blood in the parking lot. Not cool.

  15. Yeah so, there was a shooting at my grocery store. Lots of blood in the parking lot. Not cool.

  16. Yeah so, there was a shooting at my grocery store. Lots of blood in the parking lot. Not cool.

  17. Why did some random visual kei drummer follow me on twitter?

  18. I'm reading visualscandal3's chat and and feel like they're only hyenas there.

  19. Don't you guys think this pic would be a nice MH header? Not suggesting or anything, just sharing my thought haha http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-pP3jRE0T608/U0CNwWP8NkI/AAAAAAAANdU/viahiiRswn0/s1600/avelcain+new.jpg

  20. I'm sorry if I bother someone with my old uploads but you better be used to, there is more in coming. xx

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