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Status Replies posted by beni


  2. Tetsuya posted my drawing on Twitter nooooo

  3. Listening to Christmas music with my gf...my ears want to commit suicide.

  4. Feeling guilty taking some time off working to play 'The Evil Within'. Especially due to it not being good so far...

  5. Feeling guilty taking some time off working to play 'The Evil Within'. Especially due to it not being good so far...

  6. Feeling guilty taking some time off working to play 'The Evil Within'. Especially due to it not being good so far...

  7. Previous ava/gif made it look like I was in the wrong community. xD Mainstream J-pop ftw.

  8. Previous ava/gif made it look like I was in the wrong community. xD Mainstream J-pop ftw.

  9. I hate when my head hurt after 5 hours-ish anime watching marathon.

  10. Preparing myself for new BORN, Mejibray and Dir en Grey... It's gonna be a dramatic month.

  11. I hate when my head hurt after 5 hours-ish anime watching marathon.

  12. I came here to realize that I don't like this city. Awful feeling. Mostly because of the letter a got from my friend a day ago.

  13. The time for Christmas avas is upon us and I am more than excited for this and anything Xmas related. Missed Halloween opportunity somakes the most of this one early. xD

  14. decided to stay at home. kanji test? nahah no thanks not today. /died of terrible cough/

  15. (last notice, I swear!) Just a reminder that today is the last day to use the 15% off coupon on RarezHut!

  16. (last notice, I swear!) Just a reminder that today is the last day to use the 15% off coupon on RarezHut!

  17. Bands that make you realize the VOLUME JUST DOESN'T GO LOUD ENOUGH: Girugamesh.

  18. Math mock next week. Trying to think all positive but.. actually.. please just throw me off the nearest cliff instead. ;_;

  19. Math mock next week. Trying to think all positive but.. actually.. please just throw me off the nearest cliff instead. ;_;

  20. Write something. Read it 10 times. Revise. Revise. Post it. Edit it 10 more times really fast before no one else sees it. (hopefully) OTL

  21. congratulations to me, for officially turning 5

  22. What is Gackt's best album? Based on the sale stats on wikipedia, it seems like either Moon or Crescent

  23. What is Gackt's best album? Based on the sale stats on wikipedia, it seems like either Moon or Crescent

  24. What is Gackt's best album? Based on the sale stats on wikipedia, it seems like either Moon or Crescent

  25. What is Gackt's best album? Based on the sale stats on wikipedia, it seems like either Moon or Crescent

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