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Status Replies posted by beni

  1. not trying to be a dick, but can all those post of Lolita23q, Ect. be move to a disco thred. its like so much old stuff.

  2. omfg it's so cold. T___T

  3. Just started a Vine :D any of you guys there?

  4. I was in a bar with classmates on Sunday, when suddenly my glass exploded (cold drink, warm glass) and everything flew into my lap. Now I have couple of scars from the glass in my arms. D:

  5. Just started a Vine :D any of you guys there?

  6. The best message I got last night lol: omg if u oplad mjebray they wil dzband nd brek ^ 4-evr nd that will mak me sad!!!!!!! thy ar my bfav japan band (sry bd inglish xDDD) nd u need 2 RESPECT them by pay 400000 yen 4 a shity musiv bibeo bc they ARE aWeSoMe. such rude blohg

  7. Wow, getting tons of anon hate on tumblr just because I want to share music.

  8. Wow, getting tons of anon hate on tumblr just because I want to share music.

  9. Sometimes I wished I had a brain. I left my keys at the cashier today when I went grocery shopping, found out about 30 minutes later. -.-

  10. Sometimes I wished I had a brain. I left my keys at the cashier today when I went grocery shopping, found out about 30 minutes later. -.-

  11. Sometimes I wished I had a brain. I left my keys at the cashier today when I went grocery shopping, found out about 30 minutes later. -.-

  12. Sometimes I wished I had a brain. I left my keys at the cashier today when I went grocery shopping, found out about 30 minutes later. -.-

  13. Sometimes I wished I had a brain. I left my keys at the cashier today when I went grocery shopping, found out about 30 minutes later. -.-

  14. Sometimes I wished I had a brain. I left my keys at the cashier today when I went grocery shopping, found out about 30 minutes later. -.-

  15. Sometimes I wished I had a brain. I left my keys at the cashier today when I went grocery shopping, found out about 30 minutes later. -.-

  16. If you see me on here when I've already said I'm gone, it's not you it's me; procrastinating to the extreme. >.>

  17. Sometimes I wished I had a brain. I left my keys at the cashier today when I went grocery shopping, found out about 30 minutes later. -.-

  18. Sometimes I wished I had a brain. I left my keys at the cashier today when I went grocery shopping, found out about 30 minutes later. -.-

  19. Schwarz Stein was amazing last night! The show was literally perfect and they were such cool people to meet.

  20. I feel hypnotized by Tsuzus eyes ☆_♠ http://instagram.com/p/tupX3okEMZ/

  21. Grandma entered the room and said what are the girls on your wall (it was a poster of PLUNKLOCK) .. I: no, grannt these are boys... Grandma: REally? But they are wearing women jackets... I: facepalm/.

  22. I wanna watch crows explode. fuck!

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