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Status Updates posted by VisualKEIcrasher

  1. You've got to be kidding me. Naruto isn't fully ending.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. beni


      Ah so you've seen a couple of episodes? Maybe just give it some time, but read it whenever you're interested. Too many mangas to find and then catch up on urg.

    3. VisualKEIcrasher


      I'll give it a shot before I reach 18

    4. beni


      :) Hope you enjoy it.
  2. 3-4 Weeks to complete my order? Are you serious CDJapan?!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. eiheartx


      Ah, but you have only 1 item isn't it? Otherwise you should be able to cancel the item.

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      it happens with indie band, but personnally, when it's say "shipping in 3-5 days" it's ship in time and the two time they does took 3-4 weeks to can shipped my order was for BlackKlaxon & Shedia... but in 3years and more than 50order, it's happened just 2 time...

    4. VisualKEIcrasher


      Only one item yes. I might add that the item is 14 years old (debut single).

      I may just cancel my order.

  3. It's natural to get bored of people right?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. VisualKEIcrasher


      True, true. I feel bad because I want to stop talking and find new people. I especially want to do so in person, my current friends kind of bore me but keep me entertained to a certain extent.

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Do so while you can :P

    4. VisualKEIcrasher


      Hai hai. I shall try to enjoy the friends that I have.

  4. Supernova by Royz.... I wonder which type I should pre-order?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. VisualKEIcrasher


      That's a shocker to me, Royz on iTunes? I would have thought that they were like Nightmare and only had limited stuff available.

    3. Seimeisen
    4. VisualKEIcrasher


      ehhhh ~_~ US edition of iTunes. That's part of the reason I don't like iTunes in general. That version is so limited in availability with certain bands. UNiTE. is available on the JP version and a majority of the other bands too; that goes for the European version of iTunes too.

  5. I see UNiTE. as a Canzel 2.0

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. VisualKEIcrasher


      Now that's a statement that I can definitely agree with. Despite not knowing LiN's former band I say he makes a good guitarist. Mio too, sad Yukimi had to leave but I can't particularly hear a difference in the drumming Sana does.

    3. fitear1590


      They definitely started out that way (I mean, the "Eniver" guitar solo directly references "Allegro"), but UNiTE distinguishes themselves with each subsequent release, imo. UNiTE's discography is bigger of course, but it's also more varied than Canzel's. I think it also goes without saying that LiN >>>>>>> Ruri in terms of composition and general playing.

    4. VisualKEIcrasher


      Plus the funny faces that LiN makes.

  6. Horror movies. I love them <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. VisualKEIcrasher


      Haven't seen Evil Dead 2 but I have yet to see a movie that'll scare my pants off.

    3. kyoselflove


      Grave Encounters scared me, I almost turned it off because the beginning is so ridiculously cheesy lol.

    4. VisualKEIcrasher


      Hmmm.... I'll give it a shot!

  7. Any DELACROIX fans?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Piass
    3. gantzking20
    4. VisualKEIcrasher


      Thank goodness ^^ One month and 1 day to support until the disbandment :( we will all miss them

  8. Is closetchild safe to shop from?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VisualKEIcrasher


      Cool, thanks. Now all I have to do is figure out how to order in Japanese.

    3. Seimeisen
    4. VisualKEIcrasher


      :D Thank-you very very much!

      I'll now be able to buy some Canzel CDs.

  9. It was a huge mistake to download a majority of the stuff I want to buy. I may not like digital copies but why buy something when you already have it. Ya know?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VisualKEIcrasher


      I usually buy the physical CD to add to my collection and to support the artist. Something to look back on in my memories when I'm old in age. I especially like to have the CDs of my favorite bands, buying to me means that I'm willing to work and support the artist. I only download music if the band has disbanded; then I'm more likely to buy the CD if all members haven't moved to a new band. So unless all the members are in a new band and doing good will I download the CD.

    3. VisualKEIcrasher


      Plus you get the cool booklet with the CD.

  10. Hmm.. I just found some selfies that Luzmelt (Yuhma & nov) took with Kiwamu

  11. Looks like I won't be shopping from CDJapan for a while....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. VisualKEIcrasher


      I canceled. It wasn't worth a month for the single. Hopefully I get my refund back soon. Partially my fault too because I didn't use common sense a bit.

    3. eiheartx


      Oh I don't think it was your fault, unless the otherwise was stated in the item page.

      Last month I had to cancel one item too because it would take 3 weeks for CdJ to have it so they asked me if I wanted to maintain and I said no (but when I bought it, it wasn't stated in the page, just the usual 3-5 days).

      I hope you'll not regret it tho.

    4. VisualKEIcrasher


      I'll just be more cautious of what I spend my money on. Plus look into better shipping options.

  12. I just found some old fake band biographies I wrote. I used to make up my own people and put them in a band, everything from how they looked to their singles, albums, etc. Fun but weird ._.

    1. hitsuji-hime


      And I thought I was the only one *___*

    2. VisualKEIcrasher


      :D FINALLY! Someone understands and can relate
    3. hitsuji-hime
  13. I miss DOWNER :(

    1. hiroki


      same. i really like anzu :(

    2. Manic


      Those flawless ballads T.T

    3. VisualKEIcrasher


      I had first listened to "zekka" and it finally grew on me.

  14. So who's getting Smash 4?

    1. Zeus


      i have it for the 3DS

    2. Mihenno


      getting it for Wii U <3

    3. VisualKEIcrasher


      I played the 3DS version. It's fun but I'm going to buy a WiiU

  15. I wonder how long Nightmare will keep making music? Everyone is in their 30s. Not too old or too youg.

    1. nekkichi


      I don't see them going away, the l'arc en ciel of this generation

    2. togz


      Yeah I don't see them going away but they really need a break.

  16. XD OH GOD! Someone compared the GazettE to BVB & SWS. My sides!!! So many butthurt YT comments

    1. eiheartx


      how about n o. they've nothing in common, just how O_o

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      oh so they're like a Japanes BVB cool!!

  17. Hooray! my copy of (anima) by Nightmare arrived today ^^

    1. WhiteWolf


      awesome album :)

    2. PsychoΔelica


      Congrats :D Nice profile pic btw ^_^

  18. G.A.L.D

    1. Owl


      Screaming for hopeless my all the pain.

      Damn. Wanna listen to them now.

    2. VisualKEIcrasher


      :D DELUHI forever~

      Seeing their last live DVD made me sad.

  19. Hmmm.. Yukimi seems to be doing good minus having to retire from drumming ^^

    1. Tetora


      What do you mean, have not been keeping up.

    2. VisualKEIcrasher



      Apparently Yukimi did some kind of collab with a clothing company? or some designing.

  20. It's pretty rare but nice when bands release free singles.

    1. Bear


      Run the Jewels just dropped their second album, and as with the first one it's free. Class! More of this shit, please. Makes me want to support the artist actually.

    2. VisualKEIcrasher


      :o Me too! That's how I found out about DELACROIX. Free singles means that I buy more from them as they think more of their fans I believe.
  21. I have a feeling that I waisted my money on buying a SuG CD.

    1. Tetora


      I am sure Takeru will put the money to good use.

    2. PsychoΔelica
  22. People must have really liked MoNoLith.

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I loved them, especially for the fact that they had two vocalists :). I am looking forward for the new Keita's experience in Mix Speaker inc. and maybe I will start following them :)

    2. VisualKEIcrasher


      I recently found out about them and they were great. I especially liked "Byakuya"

  23. I need to stop skating so much. I need new shoes and it's only been 1 month.

    1. Tetora


      Take it easy on the switch nollie hardflips to 50/50 grinds down double kinkers.

    2. VisualKEIcrasher


      Them switch flips. I'm goofy

  24. *Awaits for CDJapan to ship my order*

    1. Elazmus


      My heart goes out to you..

    2. VisualKEIcrasher
  25. Not to self: Never order a 14 year old single.

    1. togz


      especially off of cdjapan... likely hood is even they forgot about it and don't have it anymore.

    2. VisualKEIcrasher


      Yep! I guess that's why my single would have taken 3-4 weeks to deliver since they're probably ordering one themselves to find the copy.

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