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Everything posted by Nisimaldar

  1. Nisimaldar

    I'm kinda am, though, I would call it "disgusted" not "offended. Because you talk about a potential female partner like a sexdoll that sometimes needs a little bit maintenance which you gladly do, but otherwise just functions like you want it to. You sound like someone who wants a girlfriend to make you feel better but god forbid she has an opinion. When you're a kid your mum's life basically revolves around you. Your girlfriend show have her own life that revolves around her but includes you very closely. No, talking about punching a potential partner that's emotionally attached to you in the face is what makes it offensive.
  2. Hey didn't Born say that they wanted to release a (Europe)tour DVD? Did that already happen?

    1. yakihiko


      It's called "Bootleg: Live and Document - Europe Rampage Tour"

    2. Nisimaldar
    3. yakihiko


      You're welcome, btw they are still selling this on their current lives.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  3. Nisimaldar

    So, Silent Hills apparently isn't happening. .... I'm so enraged right now- All my hopes and dreams - gone! How unbelievably cruel this world is to a poor soul like me.
  4. Nisimaldar

    Because Tolkien is my hero
  5. Nisimaldar

    Eva. But because we're both very introverted it may happen that sometimes we don't talk for months. haha. Also, she lives in Germany and I in the UK, so we actually hardly see each other face to face. I had some good friends during my early teens, but we kinda drifted apart because I never gave a shit about the small town life and they did. And I was a weird teen with a weird hairstyle and weird music taste (vk). My best friend from primary school has a kid now and I'm just.. not like that. She is 23, totally legit age to have a kid, but still, we basically have nothing in common.
  6. I just don't like overly high and clear voices. Granted, most of the time male voices fit that description better than female ones, but technically it doesn't really have anything to do with male/female. Perfect example for female vocals that I love is Alannah Myles.
  7. Nisimaldar

    Here is me with bae and a friend looking kinda high during our UFC screening get together - even though I was the only one not smoking. And then I took a good selfie recently with my hair on point, so I thought I might share that with the www as well while I'm at it.
  8. Nisimaldar

    I'm not "looking for some great meaning" in his acts, I'm saying his acts are plain stupid and carry no artistic value at all. If someone says he does that because he is a psycho then fine, I can't say anything against that. If my intentions were not clear: I'm interested in the intentions behind evoking shock in people. Do you just wanna make people go "eww, what a disgusting person" and that's it? I highly doubt that, to be honest. That is what I'm talking about. Just that I don't see how shitting of on stage trolls established values.
  9. Nisimaldar

    ... I'm glad I was not aware of this and I could have gone without being aware of this all my life tbh. I know it's not the same for everyone, but shocking people, imo, should have, ideally, a message that makes others question their society imposed and accepted standards. But I feel like, with the examples above, that those are just manic people using a stage as setting to exercise their disturbed fantasies. I feel like that, as fans, we sometimes accept too much from artists that we would not accept if it were non-artists. However, as with contemporary art, people can basically see a message in everything, no matter how obscure and, of course, some people just like to be shocking for the heck of it (which I don't really understand, why not try to revolutionise society when you have the power to do it?). I also don't understand those bands that spray pigs blood on stage, I wonder what's the thought process behind that.... What frustrated me is snuff and gore stuff on the internet and people watching it because it's 'cool' and ugh, just why. The world is such a fucked up place.
  10. Nisimaldar

    Folks, I'm going to lose some weight. I'm not overweight.. -or, since I don't own a scale:- I don't look overweight and I'm pretty fit, I think... I'm 5'3'' and I guess around... ugh, 133 pounds? But not all of it is fat, like, I've got muscles people! I kickbox Wednesdays and Fridays for two hours and I go for runs on Mon, Thu and Sat (6 miles). I've been vegan for almost 6 years so I don't really know how to lose weight tbh, but, I'm gonna do it nonetheless! No, I mean I have an idea, I think my portion sizes are too big haha. My only plan is basically to size those down because I don't eat much fatty stuff such as nutbutter or deep fried veggies. However, I don't really want to win anything, but posting this hopefully will help me stay on track. Because I totally have a six pack under that layer of fat, guys,... totally....
  11. Nisimaldar

    No matter how hard I try, I can't keep up with the drama. It's like I'm Mrs Teflon and shit doesn't stick to me.
  12. Nisimaldar

    Uh thanks I'm here way too irregularly..
  13. May is going to be so wicked. Mucc and Dir en Grey :D Can't waaait

    1. PsychoΔelica


      Cool. Have fun :D

    2. Tetora
    3. doombox


      \o/ Feels like it's been a minute since the last Mucc album. I'm so ready.

  14. Nisimaldar

    I like listening to audio clips from live concerts because it feels like the crowd is cheering me on.
  15. Nisimaldar

    I'll go to their London gig on the 24th if my plane is on time - for some reason I though it would be a good idea to fly to Mucc's concert in Germany on the 23rd and my flight back is on the 24th... I should be able to make it... I'm a bit crazy.. ugh. They're not as happy and joyous as other bands and don't make massive amount of comments during their lives but I'm fine with that because I'd rather have them be the way they are instead of pretending to be something they're not just to please the masses. And at the end of the day I go to a concert to listen to the songs and not have the vocalist scream "london" every five seconds and ask us how we are.
  16. Nisimaldar

    @@ricchubunny: No.
  17. Why do we always get thrown out of the clubs? ugh

  18. Nisimaldar

    "a dream tour"? Might go to the London show because I'm all for supporting thy artists. ~(°-°)~
  19. Nisimaldar

    I'm half naked in all of my selfies, too. I might be wearing a shirt on top, but....
  20. Born from D'espairs Ray got me hooked in 04.. I think I discovered them through an online Rock/Metal chat...
  21. Nisimaldar

    nah combi ticket goes for 60 quid I'll be in London. And perhaps Essen.
  22. WHO IS GOING TO SEE MUCC IN LONDON? I NEED A CONCERT BUDDY! (sorry for screaming, I'm excited)

    1. rebelstrik


      Uhm I also looking for someone to join me.

    2. Nisimaldar
  23. If you're scared of telling her you probably shouldn't have done it. But I guess it depends on how long they've been together and how long they've been broken up. I've not done it because my friends have bad taste. And I have a very good, refined taste. Obviously. uh~ hehehe
  24. Still waiting for Tatsurou, guys. I feel like I'm repeating myself.. But I can imagine a lot of things with him.... *creepy face
  25. You can make out with your IRL friends, but you cannot make out with your internet friends.
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