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Everything posted by Nisimaldar

  1. Nisimaldar

    ^wow that song is good and no I haven't listened to it before. Thanks! I've seen some of "Show me the Money" and even though I don't think he was the best, his victory was well deserved.
  2. Nisimaldar

    This doesn't look like a selfie. I feel cheated.
  3. Nisimaldar

    Hello, how awesome is Masta Wu's new song (I kinda have a girl boner for him and the others of the "old" YG generation like 1TYM so I might be kinda biased...). And that Bobby kid is not half bad. I'm not one for Kpop but I'm generally kinda into Rap (how embarrassing :< ) and that song is really catchy.
  4. Hey, I'd still do Reita.
  5. I buy albums and DVDs and at lives I always buy a T-shirt or a hoodie.... I've got a lot of shirts.
  6. Nisimaldar

    I was hoping for something "heavy" but the album doesn't seem to go in that direction... However, I guess we won't know how the album really sounds until it's here... They all look very good though - they're rocking the Rock'n'Roll look... except for Shinya who still looks like a cutie.
  7. I don't get why I procrastinate everytime... My deadline's tomorrow and I've still got 4000 words to write. It's gonna be a long night....

    1. Gaz


      ugh, i know dat feel. i have to transalate like more than 100 pages till Monday... †rip weekend†

    2. Nisimaldar


      I'm so mad at myself right now. I didn't do anything yesterday or the day before that. Fuck you past-Nisimaldar...

    3. beni


      xD I swear at my past self every single day for this reason lol. Hope it's going well for you. Will we ever learn to not procrastinate to the extreme? ><

  8. Nisimaldar

    Myth! I've seen that on Mythbuster and we all know that what we see on TV is the truth and only the truth. No.... But that might be because I have no shame. Sometimes I cold wax my 'private parts' myself but it never works as well as getting it done. So smooth~
  9. Nisimaldar

    ^ thanks and yes I did. But the idea wasn't mine. It was inspired by Kyo's Ghoul-Tour look from 2013 :]
  10. Nisimaldar

    That's because they are peasants who don't appreciate Halloween like I do.
  11. Nisimaldar

    So I assume their London gig is sold out... and I've forgotten to order my ticket in time.... classic me.
  12. Nisimaldar

    Monster, because I'm able to embrace change
  13. Nisimaldar

    Everyone, post your Halloween pictures! :>
  14. I fucking love raves

  15. Nisimaldar

    A lot of people think that the Big Bag theory disproves the monotheistic belief. Which is not the case. Of course the Pope is cool with the Big Bag and evolution theory because Christians can use it to strengthen their argument of a divine creator. The theory just says that there was a small singularity - a point of infinite density and infinitesimal volume. But where did this point come from? In one of the cosmological arguments that monotheists use (causal chains and origins argument) the Big Bang can easily be included. They basically say, that every effect must have an earlier cause or network of causes that brought the event about. This means that the chain goes back forever (infinite regress) or there must be an original cause, a First Cause and this First Cause, or as Aristotle calls it in his argument: a First Mover, is thought to be God. The Big Bag theory does not answer why there is something, rather than nothing or where it existed, if it was the only thing in existence and if it just 'appeared' or if it was the end of something as well as the beginning of something else. The fist Pope to endorse the Big Bag theory was btw the one in the 1950. swag.
  16. Nisimaldar

    Due' le quartz - Requiem ;_;
  17. Nisimaldar

    I'm very picky about my food and I'm a vegan so I had to learn how to cook for myself. However, after being vegan for 5 years I don't actually know if the food that I find delicious is actually delicious measured on a 'normal' standard.... But I like to pretend that I'm a master chef.
  18. Nisimaldar

    I see your point but you cannot put something like that on just random strangers shoulders. No one can, and shouldn't have to, live their life that considerate. If you think like that you must question every single one of your actions (you're on a forum that shares music, what if one of those musicians, from a small, unknown band, gets fed up with piracy and not having actual CD sales, starts to doubt his dreams and becomes depressed?) but to live a life worth living you have to be confident in your decisions. I'm not a therapist, all I can say is that I don't go out to offend and bully people but I'm also living my life for myself and not for someone else. On another note; in reference to DogManX and blackdoll: I like Dir en Grey's Marrow of a Bone and all that came after it, don't know why people dislike it. I feel like their music massively improved from their vk days. Of course, there are classics like 'Obscure' and 'The Final'. But generally speaking I feel like they now actually know how to play their instruments.
  19. Nisimaldar

    I've abandoned my Zombie plan and I'm going with a Kyo Ghoul tour inspired look. I'm so excited. I can't. I'm barely able to keep myself from keysmashing. I've sketched it out already and I've got my rave ticket, which was like 12 quid.
  20. Nisimaldar

    This thread got me all hyped and excited! I'm not really sure what I'm excited about, all I know is that I'm excited!
  21. Nisimaldar

    I hate sharing my boxing gloves and shin guards :< Don't soak my stuff in your sweat. My sweat only.
  22. Nisimaldar

    Sounds really good :] hrr
  23. Nisimaldar

    ^ I might be a little bit in love with you right now
  24. Nisimaldar

    Can't believe I get home at 4am and the first thing I do is vote you guys' LastFM pictures up or down. ^I'VE DONE AS YOU'VE COMMANDED YOUR HIGHNESS...es .
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