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Everything posted by Nisimaldar

  1. Nisimaldar

    Here's me doing nothing.
  2. Nisimaldar

    ^it does, indeed. But on the other hand, if you're off sick for a reason it also kinda sucks to be you. On another note, I've just been wondering... do female gynaecologist's receptionists go to their (male) boss for check ups? Probably not, right? That'd be weird.
  3. Nisimaldar

    Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no moreeee But srsly tho, why is work so boring. Everyone's on holiday, there's nothing to do, but I'm still here. whyyyyy. Edit: fuck it, im going home
  4. Nisimaldar

    Considering that I've been out of the scene for 5 years (I've still listened to vk but only the old stuff that I've already possessed), here's my two cents: It's damn time consuming and while I had the time as a 14-17 y/o, I don't have it anymore. It's not like I can pop in a local store and check out all the cool new releases, I have to seriously search for it. And I'm not a person that randomly downloads stuff because I'm not constantly sorting out my files. So if I see someone upload something from a band that I don't know (I don't know most of them) I first have to google them, check out their older stuff and then decide. By this time I've found some bands that I really like, so I also want their earlier releases, but most of the time the older files are already deleted. Now I go look for their old stuff somewhere else but I probably won't find it, then I have a fucking single with two or three songs and at this point I'm like, fuck it. My PC hates Itunes (and other Apple software, I'm fine with "download-purchasing" stuff from steam and amazon) , ordering albums takes months (I've received the new Mucc album two weeks ago even though I've preordered it) and is expensive. So I think it kinda all ties together. If there are no videos of the bands on Youtube less people will get to know them; when files get constantly deleted, some people tend to 'give up' on the band. And last but not least, the fanbase a couple of years back was fairly young and imo, generally speaking, of course we're an exception to that, people tend to give up their 'obsession' with their hobbies as they grow up. So the people who comment on vk stuff on Youtube will also get less, especially now that Youtube often times blocks certain videos in certain countries (hi therr Germans) even if the videos were uploaded by the record company. (and didn't a lot of people hop on the kpop bandwagon and never look back? .-. at least that's what happened here a lot, my usual clique got divided in one 'goth', one 'death metal' and two 'Kpop's :] )
  5. Nisimaldar

    I've seen Dir en grey 3x Miyavi 2x Mucc 2x Girugamesh 2x Balzac 2x D'espairs Ray Merry 12012 Kagerou UnsraW Maximum the Hormone And unfortunarely I've been to An Cafe 2x (jk, they're kinda cute, not exactly the music I listen to but you can have a lot of fun at their gigs)
  6. Nisimaldar

    ^ so cute :0
  7. I don't really care, I like Opeth's earlier releases as well. As long as you'd class it overall under prog, I'd like to give it a go. :} It is, thanks!
  8. I've heard that Time II is the Half-Life 3 of metal ;] we're probably in for a long wait. On another note, does anyone have any cool progressive metal recs? I love Opeth and Dream Theater and the like :S
  9. Nisimaldar

    I'm so excited ~ (°-°)~ Love the new song. Don't care about Dubstep. Or in your face stuff, I kinda like in your face stuff. As long as it's no GO, I'm game.
  10. Nisimaldar

    Also ich wuerde es in soweit noch einmal machen, dass ich mir einfach vorher noch Clubs oder Bars raussuche und dann die Nacht praktisch durchfeiere und nicht am Bahnhof rumlungere... Ich bin mit den ganzen Bands etwas aus der... Schleife (? sagt man das so .-. "out of the loop"), bzw ich war wahrscheinlich nie so drin, also mit den ganzen Indie Bands kenne ich mich kaum aus, meine absoluten Lieblingsbands aus dem Japanischen Raum habe ich also schon gesehen bzw die Kuenstler sind schon verstorben oder die Bands disbanded. Nocturnal Bloodlust wuerde ich gerne sehen und The PIASS, falls die jemals den Durchbruch schaffen... Ikna, nach Muenchen ist es doch nicht so sehr weit, oder? Du kannst ja auch mal so einen Miniurlaub draus machen, wenn das Geld stimmt, und einmal in Muenchen uebernachten (Hostel oder Couchsurfern) und am naechsten Tag noch ein bisschen shoppen oder Sachen anschauen und dann erst wieder nach Hause fahren. So habe ich das auch schon gemacht.
  11. Nisimaldar

    Thanks ~(°-°)~
  12. Nisimaldar

    My mum loved that book. I haven’t gotten around to reading it –or watching the movie-, yet. I’m currently working my way through this new translation of Dante Alighieri’s La Commedia (I’m at part one: Inferno) which has a lot more explanations than other translations… The Divine Comedy is basically an epic poem written in the early 14th century. It's kind of about Dante's travel through hell, purgatory, and heaven to god, but it draws a lot on philosophy and medieval Christian theology. I also plan on finishing the collected works of Nietzsche soon :<
  13. Nisimaldar

    From time to time I do draw, too. I mostly use regular pencils but whenever I just doodle I might use ballpoints or wax crayons. Pencil Wax crayon Biro - the most recent drawing My favourite artist is Ben Templesmith, but I can't say that I'm overly inspired by him. :]
  14. Nisimaldar

    Haha, ja... der McDonald's... das war ganz schoen laecherlich... Und da gab es doch keinen beheizten Warteraum, oder? Zumindest haben wir keinen gefunden und es war total kalt, weshalb wir auf einem Parkdeck gelegen haben wo es wegen den Abgasen etwas warm war x'D... Aber hey, das Konzert war umsonst haha.
  15. Nisimaldar

    Es kommt, denke ich, sehr darauf an wie die Essen generell vertraegst. Aber es kann schon sein, dass es auf einem Konzert stickig, eng und draengelig wird, sodass manchen schon schlecht werden kann. Ich schaue immer dass ich nicht unbedingt auf die Toilette muss, es gibt zwar an allen Locations Toiletten, aber manchmal sind diese nicht so toll oder es gibt ewige Schlangen. Auf der anderen Seite habe ich in der Menge immer das Gefuehl zu verdursten, aber es gibt ja eine Bar... Die beheizten Warteraeume muesste es eigentlich an allen Bahnhoefen geben, manchmal werden die aber verpachtet an Geschaefte oder so, deshalb sind manchmal welche da und manchmal nicht. Als damals Girugamesh in Berlin für lau gespielt hat, haben meine Freunde und ich die Nacht auch am HBF in Berlin verbracht, ist nicht ideal aber in einer kleinen Gruppe sogar recht lustig. Allein würde ich aber nicht gerade nachts in Großstaedten an Bahnhoeften warten. - Mittlerweile buche ich mir immer ein Hotelzimmer, oder fahre mit einem Auto, die wilden Jahren habe ich anscheinend hinter mir
  16. Nisimaldar

    Same here :] I’m 22 and I've never been in a proper relationship. Sometimes I consider being sad about it but then I start questioning why we all should try to partner up to begin with. – For companionship (to not be alone, for selfish reasons?), to share love/ emotions/ life, to experience love? For sex? People say that your partner should be your best friend, but then again, the only pro-relatioship argument that remains is the 'easy sex'. Tbh, I think the most important thing is to love yourself. And other love will find you < /hippie> :] Plus, I’m a bit of a loner with a boner for literature and I regularly need breaks from other people… thus, I have the feeling that I wouldn’t do that well in a relationship.
  17. Nisimaldar

    I'm thinking about checking out their London gig as well. I'll have to find someone I can bully into coming with me though. :]
  18. Nisimaldar

    thank you all I could easily spend my whole life at university :] To me, gaining knowledge and especially questioning it (and everything else...), is important. And, @DistRhyme, thanks, I'll make sure to check it out!
  19. Nisimaldar

    my name’s Lyn and I currently live in England. I’ve listened to J-Rock ever since I was 12 years old and, yes, I was an embarrassing teen who tried way too hard, BUT we had an amazing time back then - 10/10, would recommend. At the moment I’m working on my BAs in English linguistics and philosophy to train for my amazing future as coffee shop barista (“Do you want fries with that?” Oh wait...). My overall favourite J-Rock bands are X-Japan, Hide and D’espairs Ray... Maximum the Hormone is pretty rad, too... Dir en Grey, of course, Kagerou, fucking loved Kagerou... and Balzac... Mucc, Girugamesh. For god knows what reason (it’s not like my RL is exciting or anything), I kind of stopped keeping up with a lot of bands I had enjoyed during my teenage years (for example Suicide Ali, -Oz-, vistlip, Baal...) but I still do enjoy them very much, so I’ve signed up here to keep up with all those different bands a little bit better. I also like Horrorpunk, Progressive Rock/Metal, Classic Rock, and lot of other stuff that I don't know how to categorise. I love books, video games, running, cars and going to rock/ metal concerts no matter if I know the band that’s playing or not. P.S. I feel like I’ve been here before, but I couldn’t find any traces of past-me... so I figured it’s safe to grace you with present-me.
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