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Vitne Eveille

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  1. Like
    Vitne Eveille got a reaction from Laurence02 in Looking to Start Old-School VK Online Band [official Licht:noir'e thread]   
    Cool project!  I really like the "Lay To Rest" song, and also "Dystopia."  Especially "Dystopia."  Apparently we were on the Decadent Society Volume 2 together!
    As for the singing, I like it!  I think you've got a cool gothic-y voice.  Don't let the haters get to you.  You are on key, good pitch.  I'm not much of a fan of most music with screaming, so I can't comment on the screaming, as that is just a personal preference.
    I've released a number of things now, and my earlier stuff, some of it I now cringe at my vocals, but some people really loved those albums.  And some reviewers tore them apart.  Some reviews were so bad they made me laugh!  Whenever an absolutely awful review comes out for my music, I think of Motley Crue describing how all their albums up until Dr. Feelgood were just ripped apart by "professional" reviewers.  They said they usually wouldn't even read reviews of their albums, but they also said that bad ones were great publicity.  They said that they really didn't care what reviewers thought because it wasn't about them, it was about the fans.
    Especially on my first two albums that I sang on, I got a good bit of criticism on my vocals.  I got a lot of "he's not using his range very well" and "he sounds bored".  Largely because of that feedback, I've worked more on my voice, as I have a generally low voice.  I've gotten much more confident over the years, so now there's not much criticism.  But every once in a while there is.  I try to take that criticism with a grain of salt, put it in my mind, and maybe work on that a little for the next song.  But like Motley, for me its not about reviewers, it's about the fans.  They are a much better judge of what you are doing.
    I'm by no means a guru on any of this, but I find that it helps to listen to the criticism, laugh and say "man, fu¤% that guy," think about what they meant, and how it could potentially improve your sound.
    Great work, keep doing what you are doing, keep pushing the envelope, and strive to get better at what you do every single time.  If you try something and it sounds like crud, analyze the situation and get back at it.
    I'm gonna buy the album
  2. Like
    Vitne Eveille got a reaction from Atreides in Looking to Start Old-School VK Online Band [official Licht:noir'e thread]   
    Cool project!  I really like the "Lay To Rest" song, and also "Dystopia."  Especially "Dystopia."  Apparently we were on the Decadent Society Volume 2 together!
    As for the singing, I like it!  I think you've got a cool gothic-y voice.  Don't let the haters get to you.  You are on key, good pitch.  I'm not much of a fan of most music with screaming, so I can't comment on the screaming, as that is just a personal preference.
    I've released a number of things now, and my earlier stuff, some of it I now cringe at my vocals, but some people really loved those albums.  And some reviewers tore them apart.  Some reviews were so bad they made me laugh!  Whenever an absolutely awful review comes out for my music, I think of Motley Crue describing how all their albums up until Dr. Feelgood were just ripped apart by "professional" reviewers.  They said they usually wouldn't even read reviews of their albums, but they also said that bad ones were great publicity.  They said that they really didn't care what reviewers thought because it wasn't about them, it was about the fans.
    Especially on my first two albums that I sang on, I got a good bit of criticism on my vocals.  I got a lot of "he's not using his range very well" and "he sounds bored".  Largely because of that feedback, I've worked more on my voice, as I have a generally low voice.  I've gotten much more confident over the years, so now there's not much criticism.  But every once in a while there is.  I try to take that criticism with a grain of salt, put it in my mind, and maybe work on that a little for the next song.  But like Motley, for me its not about reviewers, it's about the fans.  They are a much better judge of what you are doing.
    I'm by no means a guru on any of this, but I find that it helps to listen to the criticism, laugh and say "man, fu¤% that guy," think about what they meant, and how it could potentially improve your sound.
    Great work, keep doing what you are doing, keep pushing the envelope, and strive to get better at what you do every single time.  If you try something and it sounds like crud, analyze the situation and get back at it.
    I'm gonna buy the album
  3. Like
    Vitne Eveille got a reaction from Zeus in #86: Versailles - The Greatest Hits 2007 - 2016   
    I wasn't aware of this until now.  I'm going to go check it out!  
    In terms of my response to the poll, I usually prefer songs to be left alone, MAYBE remastered.  Then, adding on a couple of brand new songs.  That's the type of Best Of album I love.
    However, this really depends upon if I was familiar with the band before the re-recordings were done.  Maybe I find a band, listen to the "Best Of" first, come to enjoy that a lot, and then dive into their previous releases and versions....Maybe I end up liking the re-recordings better, simply because that's what I heard first.
    A lot of times when things are re-recorded though, I feel like they lose some of the original magic.  A very specific case for me was Twisted Sister's re-recording of "Stay Hungry" called "Still Hungry".  While it's interesting to hear them re-recorded, I really liked the originals better.  There's something about the way those sounded at the time when they were recorded.  Wild, uninhibited.  But the newer versions sound more polished and less "alive."
  4. Like
    Vitne Eveille got a reaction from Atreides in Does your username mean / reference anything?   
    Mine is my artist name Vitne which means "witness" in Norwegian.  The Eveille I just added on for things like forums and G+ which sometimes need a last name, and so i've just used it in most forums as a way of keeping things consistent.  "éveillé" is a french word meaning something along the lines of awaken, awake, etc.
  5. Like
    Vitne Eveille got a reaction from warau-yami in Hello   
    Welcome!  We all have our favorite artists.  When I was in high school, I was really into pop punk, and would check out any band.  Now, only my absolute favorites are ones I still follow, like Sum 41.  
    Same goes for me and VK, hair metal, whatever.  But I keep checking out new stuff to see if I like it.  For example, 2 years ago I hadn't ever heard of Kamijo, and now he's one of my favs.
    Just keep checking stuff out, and you may find one that matches your tastes eventually!
  6. Like
    Vitne Eveille got a reaction from Tokage in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Tokage, MMX4 is probably my all-time favorite Mega Man game. The difference between X3 and X4 was night and day back when X4 first came out, and the graphics were beautiful. Not to mention being able to play as Zero for longer.  I really wish they would revive the series (for CONSOLES, not hand-held - same goes with Castlevania side-scrollers).
    I just beat Chrono Trigger again for the first time since probably when I first got the SNES version in 1995.  Such an amazing and beautiful game.  Now I'm onto Chrono Cross again, as well as Castlevania Symphony of the Night.  Some of my favs!
  7. Like
    Vitne Eveille got a reaction from Crimson Kei in What's up, people?   
    Welcome!  And awesome about starting guitar, rock on!
  8. Like
    Vitne Eveille got a reaction from Licio123 in Last movie you saw.   
    On the flights to and from the US recently I watched a few movies!  I saw Terminator Genesys, a Chinese movie called Wolf Warrior, Furious 7, Argo (second time seeing it) and some Japanese movie called Solomon's Perjury.
    I liked them all.  Arnold is always fun to see on screen, the Chinese movie was actually pretty cool.  I'm not so familiar with Chinese film, but it was entertaining and funny.  Furious 7 was really good, always a good time with lots of action.  Argo is just awesome, and the Japanese movie was really creative.  A little slow but very creative, thought-provoking, and interesting.
  9. Like
    Vitne Eveille reacted to Deathtopi4 in MH FEATURED POLL #31: Do you believe in (romantic) love?   
    What is Love? Baby don't hurt me...don't hurt me..no more...
    (I couldn't resist picking that answer... I do believe in romantic love though, I think.)
  10. Like
    Vitne Eveille reacted to Ito in What video games are you currently playing?   
    Finally got the home theater set up in the new place, so video game time is finally a possibility again. Started up FFX-HD again, though I'm itching to start something new (although I have a hard time committing to playing stuff with my limited free time).
  11. Like
    Vitne Eveille reacted to Bear in New retro wave/retro electro/synthwave   
    This compilation by Giallo Disco is great by the way. Worth checking out:

    Top, top compilation!
  12. Like
    Vitne Eveille reacted to Flame-X in Anime about rock bands   
    Kaikan Phrase anime has too much romance? Bro! If you can't tolerate the anime version, then you'll loathe the manga to death because it shoves the music side of things like a side mission and focuses way too much on ridiculous shojo smut romance. The lackluster animation was my biggest gripe with Kaikan Phrase and it's really sad the show never even got a DVD release.
    Detroit Metal City is the only other anime I can think of that's about a metal band but of course it focuses more on the comedy aspect than the musical side of things. Only 12 eps total but each episode is less than 15 min long. You can easily finish it in 2-3 hours.
    Macross 7 is all about a rock band trying to save the world from aliens by piloting their mechs playing music. Definitely worth checking out if you love hearing Fire Bomber's music. There's both a TV series and OVA sequels that'll keep you entertained.
  13. Like
    Vitne Eveille got a reaction from beni in Hello again!   
    I'm not new, but I've been pretty inactive the last...6 months?  Has it been that long?  I'm not really sure what happened, but I'm back
    I guess I was just pre-occupied with vacation and releasing my new EP.  It really takes a lot out of you (releasing music, not vacation, lol).  
    (Download it if you like)
    I'm probably gonna be more active on here now, and some other forums.  I'm pretty bored with social media right now, there's too much complaining and too many gifs of 5 Seconds of Summer and One Direction. And while some may argue forums are social media, they are much more relaxing to me for some reason.
  14. Like
    Vitne Eveille got a reaction from paradoxal in Poll: Where do you buy music?   
    Thanks everyone for all the answers.  And I am very happy to see that not one person chose the "I don't ever pay for music, no matter what" option, cheers!
  15. Like
    Vitne Eveille got a reaction from nullmoon in Music and sex   
    I've never "done it" with any VK going in the background, but Billy Idol, yes  And it was pretty awesome
  16. Like
    Vitne Eveille reacted to Bear in Poll: Where do you buy music?   
    Other: Vinyl and tapes, but in special cases I'll with CDs. That means, bads where I am looking to get a complete discography, like Sigh, or favourites that simply haven't released anything on any other format, like Kagrra.
    The majority of the music I buy, I'd say 95% or so, I buy from small distros or labels in Norway, run buy people who earn nothing from doing this. They live for music and the only reason why they're having their own distros/labels is to get music they love out there to people like me. It's not a job where they earn money, but a hobby where they tend to lose money, just like most other hobbies. These are mainly Unborn Productions and Terratur Possessions. Nice, reliable guys who's doing this out of passion. I'd rather support these guys than amazon, CDON or shit like that.
    3% or so I'd say are from other smaller labels/distros like Dark Symphonies, Blood Music, Virus Productions and so on, but a lot of what these labels release is something I'll get just as easily from Unborn or Terratur for the same kind of money, which makes it a lot easier for me. But every now and then I'll have to order straight from these, which I am more than happy to do as they're run by nice, reliable and helpful people. Some bigger than others, but the biggest are run by very few people, 3-4 at most, and aren't doing this for money, just out of love and passions for the music.
    2% or so I buy from CDON, amazon or something like that.
    Buying MP3s are out of the question. I've never done that, and I never will. Physical copies or free MP3s.
    Every now and then I buy used iteams from random people as well. Or straight from the band when that's an option, but in most cases that only goes for demos.
    Yeah, that's basically it. I tend to support the underground. Simple as that.
  17. Like
    Vitne Eveille reacted to eiheartx in Poll: Single vs EP vs Album?   
    depends. If it's a 3 (or +) types singles each 3 months = the answer is NO. It's too much to buy. I tend to prefer EP and full albums.
    Of course If you don't buy singles then it's great to hear new music every 3 months. But the VK rhythm is not too long tho (I'd rather say it's fast).
    Outside VK, it really depends the band's frequency (your point about Goldfinger). One of my favourite band, Guano Apes, are releasing 1 album every 3 years. Nothing more, nothing less, It's settled like that for years. And between that (=when it's not the time for promotion, videos or promotional singles), nothing. No EP, no singles. In that case, ia it's too long. But I'd rather wait for something great and consistent every 3 years than mediocre songs more often.
  18. Like
    Vitne Eveille got a reaction from otterley_ in Unconventional Announcement: I Release My New Single, "Winter Love Song"   
    I'm kinda a regular around here.  Some of you at least know me on here    No I'm not Japanese and I'm not exactly VK, but my music is influenced by it.  
    Why the weird headline?  I'll be straight up with you, I'm a little burned out.  I need a vacation.  And I'm tired of sending out the same old "Vitne releases new single! blah blah blah" headline.
    Anyway, December 10th I released my new single (plus the instrumental), a wintery wonderland rock ballad with beautiful artwork hand-drawn by Korean artist IF LEE.  Its called "Winter Love Song" - I'm very proud of it.
    Download it free, or pay-what-you-want (honor system) here:  http://musicshop.vitne.net - its also on iTunes and all that.

    Arigatou, thanks everyone ( )

  19. Like
    Vitne Eveille got a reaction from Messenger84 in Unconventional Announcement: I Release My New Single, "Winter Love Song"   
    I'm kinda a regular around here.  Some of you at least know me on here    No I'm not Japanese and I'm not exactly VK, but my music is influenced by it.  
    Why the weird headline?  I'll be straight up with you, I'm a little burned out.  I need a vacation.  And I'm tired of sending out the same old "Vitne releases new single! blah blah blah" headline.
    Anyway, December 10th I released my new single (plus the instrumental), a wintery wonderland rock ballad with beautiful artwork hand-drawn by Korean artist IF LEE.  Its called "Winter Love Song" - I'm very proud of it.
    Download it free, or pay-what-you-want (honor system) here:  http://musicshop.vitne.net - its also on iTunes and all that.

    Arigatou, thanks everyone ( )

  20. Like
    Vitne Eveille reacted to togz in Draw with Togz   
    ah thank you... ;___; I should post more....
  21. Like
    Vitne Eveille got a reaction from togz in Draw with Togz   
    "poop" is really nicely done, there's some cool layering in there, maybe because of it being drawn on a tablet or something, but whatever the case great job!
  22. Like
    Vitne Eveille reacted to Bear in Horror Movies   
    Yeah, they're both very similar with Sunshine being the better film. Other similar films would be Sphere, Pandorum, Alien and THe Black Hole.
    Especially The Black Hole. It's not horror, but Event Horizon seems to have gotten a lot of its ideas from the mentioned film. And I mean a lot.
  23. Like
    Vitne Eveille reacted to Jigsaw9 in Horror Movies   
    ^ Yeah, Event Horizon is a pretty cool one! If you liked it I recommend watching Sunshine, it's also space-themed thriller/sci-fi (tho a bit different).
  24. Like
    Vitne Eveille reacted to kyoselflove in The Upcoming Video Game Discussion Topic   
    Yes! And if you pre-order it from amazon you get the demo for Final Fantasy XV
  25. Like
    Vitne Eveille reacted to ShanethVarosa in GACKT new single "暁月夜-DAY BREAKERS-" release   
    I completely agree with Vitne Eveille, the look is just like Hakuro and the song to me is just like Returner. It's nothing new at all.
    White Lovers is my favorite as well.
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