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Posts posted by kyoselflove

  1. I've also struggled with depression and anxiety, when I was 16 I dropped out of school (eventually went back a year later), they put me on Prozac which only worsened my condition, it got to the point where I was really bad and my only way of saving myself was moving to another state to my father who I barely knew. Which gave me a clean slate but was scary as hell for the most part.


    I have such bad anxiety that usually going to the grocery store freaks me out and I really hate when the cashiers try to make small talk, it makes me panic.  I basically hate all human contact hah. Most of the time I stay at home, have no friends(except online) and occasionally my brother or sister will visit me or vice versa.  I haven't been to a doctor for awhile and refuse to take medication because it in my mind always makes it worse. But my sister has been suffering through the same conditions and is medicated and she says it works, but meh.  


    VK is the best kind of medicine. 

  2. Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain

    it's freaking beautiful, I'm already at mission 33 of the main story


    I was super excited for MGSV, I think I stopped at around mission 25 or something. I got tired of doing the same shit over and over again, the side ops are so annoying to me. And I'm a super MGS fan.  But yes, it's freaking beautiful. 


    Now, it's all about SOMA. Omg...it's so good (even though I keep referencing a ton of gameplay mechanics to Alien: Isolation) I really like how it's not as stressful as Amnesia: The Dark Descent lol.

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