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Status Replies posted by kyoselflove

  1. Happpy....drunken....new year. Yeah.

  2. dont think i'll make a post like that again, took forever.

  3. Happy New Year! If this status updates get 20 replies that aren't from the same people (lmao maria) I'll post the original best of the MH-chat in the Monochrome Heaven Hall of WTFLOLZ

  4. Happy New Year to you all~ Hope 2015 is a better year for everyone and, to those who are out atm/planning to go out, take care, you read me?

  5. Been listening to lots of Utada Hikaru. Still can't get over the fact that she is off the market.

  6. i broke my foobar and i have no idea what i did... guess i'll just have to reinstall everything... AGAIN ;;__;;

  7. why do people constantly feel a need to talk shit in threads of artists they don't care about

  8. Mobile bill usually around £12. Incoming bill amount text message this time shows £50 total. Prepare my burial guys, it was nice knowing you.

  9. My electric bill is 534$ fuuuuuuuuck.

  10. 2015 starting with a BANG for me; DC rolling out UNiTE, DIV, AKi, as well as Resistar prepping new DOG, and (rumoured) BugLug, Blu-Billion albums, then we got Kra stockpiling songs in case of apocalypse, and SuG coming in to start trouble.

  11. 2015 starting with a BANG for me; DC rolling out UNiTE, DIV, AKi, as well as Resistar prepping new DOG, and (rumoured) BugLug, Blu-Billion albums, then we got Kra stockpiling songs in case of apocalypse, and SuG coming in to start trouble.

  12. Those new Meto and Mia pictures....*dead*

  13. Umm... I purchased one song that costed ¥250, so why do I only have ¥243 left on my account instead of ¥250?! SRSLY WTF!!! Is there some digital purchase tax now?

  14. Umm... I purchased one song that costed ¥250, so why do I only have ¥243 left on my account instead of ¥250?! SRSLY WTF!!! Is there some digital purchase tax now?

  15. -_- about to quit using itunes and use windows media player instead :/
  16. Back in Canada. Winter music season has finally hit me.

  17. Why everybody ignore me....

  18. Why everybody ignore me....

  19. Why everybody ignore me....

  20. Why everybody ignore me....

  21. Had an amazing birthday and such awesome gifts! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B5PqSVtCAAAELbc.jpg

  22. Why everybody ignore me....

  23. Happy birthday to me huehue :'D

  24. what happens to pansexual genderfluid kidz once they hit 20? (lighting a candle for every radical lesbian I knew in 2004, all married to dudes by 2007 and most probably divorced by now)

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